

Related Studies on GAP Standard Evaluation of Andrographis Paniculata Nees

【作者】 苏丹

【导师】 赖小平; 祝晨蔯;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中药学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 穿心莲为常用中药,《中华人民共和国药典》2000版(一部)载穿心莲为爵床科植物穿心莲Androyraphi spaniculata (Burm.f)Nees的干燥地上部分,具有清热解毒,凉血、消肿等作用。用于感冒发热,咽喉肿痛,口舌生疮,顿咳劳嗽,泄泻痢疾,热淋涩痛,痈肿疮疡,毒蛇咬伤等。穿心莲原产于印度,我国长江以南温暖地区多栽培。 中药材生产质量管理规范(Good Agriculture Practice of Medicinal Plants and Animals,简称GAP),是从保证中药材质量出发,控制影响药材质量的各种因子,规范药材各生产环节乃至全过程,以达到药材“真实、优质、稳定、可控”的目的。穿心莲是国家科技部支持的中药材GAP研究项目中广东省的五个研究品种之一。穿心莲在广东地区引种和栽培的历史悠久,产量较大,质量公认较好,为重要的“南药”之一,选择在广东省进行穿心莲GAP的研究,可以体现GAP研究与中医药理论的互相结合,即中药材的“道地性”。在GAP的研究过程中,需要进行量化的控制,并对阶段性的结论和所得的最终研究结果进行量化的评价,因此,我们对穿心莲GAP标准评价体系中质量控制和其它相关评价的内容诸如种子活力的测定等进行了研究,以期为穿心莲药材GAP标准评价体系和生产质量标准操作规程(SOP)的建立提供科学的基础研究资料。 一、文献研究 对GAP产生的背景,国内外研究的概况,广东省穿心莲GAP研究的现状和进展作了说明和介绍。对穿心莲原植物基源及药材鉴别、化学成分、药理作用研究及临床作用的进展进行了归纳总结。 二、实验研究 (一)种植基地考察 通过对广东省内传统的穿心莲栽培地区饶平、湛江和广州三个市县基地的调查,并参照GAP标准中的环境标准进行了水分和土壤的检测。结果表明上述三地的地理环境适合穿心莲的种植和栽培。 (二)药材质量控制研究 为科学评价穿心莲药材的质量,采用反相高效液相色谱法测定穿心莲中穿心莲内酯、脱水穿心莲内酯的含量。采用HPLC色谱指纹图谱对不同产地的穿心莲进行了评价。为促进药材标准的科学、合理,我们在对穿心莲按照GAP规范进行药材试种的同时,也进行了穿心莲内酯和脱水穿心莲内酯不同生长期动态变化的考察,并考察了农药儿肥料对穿心莲质量的影响。 (三)种子实验 从种子净度、种子千粒重、种子含水量、发芽率、发芽势、红四氮唑法测定种子活力等六个方面考察种子的优良度。 通过研究表明,饶干、湛江和广州三地地理环境有利于穿心莲药材栽培和种植。通过含量测定,结果表明:广东湛江和饶平所产的穿心莲药材叶中的上述两成分含量较高,质衫较女口通过刁同色谱纠小指纹止 峰数和强度的V彻卜什c冒。。卜初小主 晰个IIJ*坚卜二* 的丫心玫药材,为科·学计价芽心住药材的质量删~回益的做宗。付、;N忆·企化过刊/]川人)〔人明,处厂儿俏仙和厂化何川1采集的个U彬州中分心灶内,’仰川丫.U上刘山订’7;,#。心。k仆仆山。旧十K个最茂盛的阶段。川个八伦盛惭时,叶厂人少汕(N儿’大。卜此,大心。妊b忖的不收应选在化蕾州和川’儿何J叫。小研究为分b莲(;川‘衬准计价仆系的制人优仪/何3抓叫壮索和基础的研究资料。

【Abstract】 Herba Andrographis , also known commonly as "Chuanxinlian" , is the aerial parts of’ Andrograpriis pfinictiJutfi Neos. (AP), a member o1’ the plant family Aawthcict’ric. It is recorded in the Chinese Phtirmucopocin, 2000 edition; in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), AP is an important "cold properly" herb: it is used to rid the body of heat, as in fevers, and to dispel toxins from the body. Now, it is used for upper respiratory infections, fever, herpes, sore throat, and a variety of other chronic and infectious diseases. In Scandinavian countries and India, it is commonly used to prevent and treat common cold.GAP, Good Agriculture Practice of Medicinal Plants and Animals, is to guarantee and standardize the cultivation and production of the medicina material during the whole process; and to product the Chinese medicines (raw materials) with "verity" , "high quality" , "standard!/.at ion" , and "controllable" . The GAP research of AP is supported by the State Depart mem of Science and Technology, and the cultivation research base is selected in Guangdong province, embodying and conforming to the principie "originality of the Chinese medicine. Mostly, evaluating and warranting the qua I ities of AP is crucial in the progress of the research and cultivation. The establishment of GAP Standard Evaluation of AP carries great weight on the process of the research, and supplies the formulation of SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) data needed.During the research, the author investigated the three main cult ivation bases of AP, which are in Raoping, Zhanjiang, and Guangzhou, and the conclusion of the investiga! ion and evaluation of the environment and the qual it ies of water and soil shows that all of them are suitable for the AP’ s cultivation.The contents of andrographolid and 14-deoxy-l1, 12-didohydroandro-grapho| ide contained in leaves of Androgrphis paniculata, were analy/ed by reverse; phase1IPLC. The result of the analyses indicated that the highest, contents of andrographolide and 14-deoxy-ll,12-diclehydroandrographolide were found in thetsamples cultivated in Zhanjiang and Raoping. The novel method of lll’I.C chromatographic fingerprints, showing much more complete and abundant information in the chromatographs, is applied in the analysis and evaluation of the AP from different sites, and results well. The accumulating process of the very two main active phytochemical diterpenoids, andrographolid and M-dcoxy-11,12-didehydroandro-grapholide, had been studied and analyxed, and the results conclude that the best harvest time is the florescence ,or earlier florescence of AP.The evaluation of the quality of the seeds of AP, including the germination trials, and so on, had been done.The analysis and evaluations of the effects of using different fertiIi/ers and pest i c i des are careful 1 y managed . The residual contents of heavy metal i rons and fertili/crs and pesticides are warranted under the safe limits.

【关键词】 穿心莲GAP标准评价体系
【Key words】 GAPAndrographisPanicutata NeesStandard Evaluation
  • 【分类号】R282.71
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】557

