

Studies on the Nutritional Physiology and Qualitative Character of Film Mulched Rice

【作者】 路兴花

【导师】 吴良欢;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 植物营养学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究了覆膜旱作稻某些生物学特征、营养生理生化特性和品质特性,研究表明: 覆膜旱作稻生长发育良好,分蘖快,最高分蘖数可比常规水作稻显著提高,雨水较少年份生育期有所延迟。一般情况下,尤其是生育后期,覆膜旱作稻株高、生物量、旗叶光合面积、叶绿素含量、根冠比等性状有一定的提高,产量也有所增加。有效穗数显著提高是覆膜旱作稻增产的主要原因,但成穗率有所下降。穗粒数受环境影响很大,结实率和千粒重一般比较稳定。 测定结果还表明,高温干旱恶劣天气及不良田间生态环境对覆膜旱作稻生长发育有较大的影响,其体内NO3--N含量明显降低,MDA和Pro含量明显增加,但NH4+-N含量则有很大的提高。且对硝酸还原酶活性、根系氧化力和还原力以及谷氨酰胺活性也有很大的抑制作用。 一般情况下,水稻覆膜旱作有利于体内NO3--N和NH4+-N含量的增加,尤其是NO3--N。孕穗期覆膜旱作稻根部、茎基部和叶片NO3--N浓度可达常规水作稻的3.8倍、7.9倍和5.4倍;叶片中MDA、Pro和可溶性糖含量则变化不大。覆膜旱作稻体内硝酸还原酶活性及根系氧化力和还原力一般高于水作稻,尤其在拔节前后更为明显。谷氨酰胺合成酶活性也有升高趋势。 覆膜旱作可以促进水稻对N、P、K等养分的吸收和积累,提高了稻株体内N、P、K养分浓度和养分含量,并促进了籽粒中的N、P、K养分的积累,尤其在生育中后期效果更明显。N、K含量增加较大,P含量则不明显。覆膜旱作稻氮肥利用率为38.28%,常规水作为26.01%,氮肥利用率提高12.27%。结果还表明,N、P、K养分吸收量与其产量呈极显著正相关,这是覆膜旱作促进高产的机理之一。 覆膜旱作稻米品质也有所提高,其加工品质(糙米率、精米率和整精米率)略有改善;外观品质有所改观,覆膜旱作稻米垩白粒率比常规水作显著降低,透明度变化不大;蒸煮品质表现为,碱消值增加,糊化温度降低,直链淀粉含量稍有增加,胶稠度变小,但差异不显著;稻米营养分析结果表明,覆膜旱作稻米蛋白质含量和氨基酸含量均有不同程度的增加。稻米中蛋白质含量、氨基酸总量、所测16种氨基酸总量、所测8种人体必需氨基酸总量以及每一种氨基酸含量均表现出:覆膜旱作>裸地旱作>常规水作。其中,Phe、Afg、ASp、Leu提高幅度较大,分别增加了7.gWHS。9o、8.0%~24.lo、l.l%~22.00和6.5%~30.4o,差异可达极显著水平。覆膜旱作稻米LyS含量有所增加,但差异不显著。总体上看,与常规水作稻相比,覆膜旱作稻米品质有一定程度的变优。

【Abstract】 The biological, nutritional physiology and qualitative character of film mulched rice were studied in this paper. The results were as follows:The film mulched rice grown better, tilled faster than the conventional flooded rice. But its growing period was a little bit delayed in less rainfall year. In normal, all of the plant height, biomass, flag leaf area, chlorophyll content and root-shoot ratio of film mulched rice increased, which is significant at later growth stage Increasing of yield for film mulched rice was mainly due to increasing of its available panicle number, and the percentage of ear bearing tiller was some decreased. Compared to ripened grain and 1000-grain weight, the spikelet number per panicle of film mulched rice was easily affected by environmental condition.The poor environmental conditions such as high air temperature and soil drought negatively affected on the growth of film mulched rice. In this cases, NOs’-N content in the rice plant was obviously declined and NH/-N content largely increased, MDA and proline ( Pro ) content in leaves also increased. Moreover, nitrate reductase( NR) activity, glutamine synthase( GS ) activity, root oxidation and reduction activities of film mulched rice were strongly prohibited.In general, film mulching cultivation was helpful to increasing NOa’-N and NH4+-N content of rice, especially NOs’-N. At heading, NOa’-N concentration in the roots, basal stems and leaves of film mulched rice was as much 3.8 times, 7.9 times, 5.4 times as flooded rice. However, the cultivation had little effect on MDA, Pro and soluble sugar content. The NR activity, root oxidation and reduction activities of film mulched rice were usually higher than flooded rice, especially around jointing stage. GS activity had a little increase in film mulched rice.Film mulched cultivation could enhance uptakes and accumulation of nitrogen(N),^phosphorous(P) and potassium(K) in rice plant and grain, especially at middle and late growth stage. N and K content in film mulched rice plant increased much more than paddy rice, and P content was a little more in each growth stage. Film mulched rice had a nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of 38.28%, increasing by 12.27%, compared to 26.01% for conventional paddy rice. Furthermore, N, P and K uptakes of rice were remarkably positive correlation with its yields, which was one of the mechanisms of promoting yield of film mulched rice.Some improvement happened to film mulched rice quality, whose milling quality (brown rice, milled rice and head rice ) had a little promotion, whose appearance quality had some increase with its chalkiness evidently decreasing compared to paddy rice but translucency less changing, whose cooking and eating quality showed that alkali spreading value was increased, gelatinization temperature was decreased, amylose content had some a little promotion, gel consistency became short, whose nutritional quality showed that protein content and amino content all had some extent elevation. It was showed that film mulching cultivation >uncovering cultivation> flooding cultivation for protein content, total amino acid content, total content of 16 amino acid measured, total content of 8 necessary amino acid measured in film mulched rice grain. As it is, phenylalanine ( Phe ) , arginie( Arg ), aspartic acid (Asp) and leucine ( Leu ) in film mulched rice grain increased by 7.4%~25.9%, 8.0%~ 24.1%, 1.1%~22.0% and 6.5%~30.4%, compared to paddy rice. Lysine ( Lys ) content in film mulched rice grain was some increase, too. On the whole, film mulched rice quality had some promotion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】S511.6
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】144

