

Study on Process Techniques for Chloronitrobenzenes Manufacture Wastewater and Theirs Engineering Application

【作者】 叶敏

【导师】 徐向阳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 环境工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以常山化工厂氯代硝基苯类废水为供试废水,通过分析废水中的典型污染物,表征其生物毒性、生物降解性,研究开发高效新型达标处理工艺技术及其工程化的应用,结果表明: (1)氯代硝基苯类生产废水含有多种有毒难降解的芳香类化合物,主要有:1,3-二甲基苯(1,3-DMB)、邻氯苯酚(o-CP)、邻氯苯胺(o-CA)、邻硝基酚(o-NP)、间氯苯酚(m-CP)、间氯硝基苯(m-CNB)、3,4-二氯苯胺(3,4-DCA)、对硝基酚(p-NP)、硝基苯(NB)、对氯硝基苯(p-CNB)、邻氯硝基苯(o-CNB)、氯苯(CB)等12种污染物,确定典型有机污染物为NB、p-CNB、o-CNB、p-NP;选取典型的三种目标污染物p-NP、p(o)-CNB、NB进行毒性试验,结果表明其对好氧活性污泥的毒性大小顺序依次为p-NP>p(o)-CNB>NB,对厌氧活性污泥的毒性顺序为对p(o)-CNB>NB>p-NP;并发现厌氧、好氧污泥均有转化硝基苯类、矿化苯胺类的活性; (2)试验所获结果初步表明A/O工艺处理氯代硝基苯生产废水基本可行,在控制进水COD<600mg╱L,A/O系统HRT 44h(A段22h,O段22h)的条件下,出水中COD<130mg/L、NAC<0.2mg╱L、AAC<2.0mg╱L,可达到GB 8978-1996二级排放标准;比较厌氧-SBR系统(A/O)与单一的SBR系统的处理效果表明,A/O系统处理效果明显优于单一的SBR系统;经GC-MS分析,A/O系统尚未完全转化o-CNB和二氯苯胺(DCA),但CP、NB、NP、p-CNB、m-CNB等化合物在系统中得到有效转化或降解;由于废水水质变化较大,为稳定处理系统的运行性能,有必要寻找经济有较的废水预处理方法; (3)采用Fe/C-A/O-氧化/混凝处理工艺处理氯代硝基苯类生产废水的小试研究表明:在混合废水CODcr 1241~1608mg╱L,NAC 52~69.2mg╱L,AAC 161.1mg/L~260.2mg/L条件下,铁碳还原处理1h,A/O HRT36~48h,投加0.5~2‰Fe3+盐或同步投加1%~2%NaClO处理,系统出水CODcr<150mg╱L、AN<1mg╱L、硝基苯类浓度小于检测限,达到GB8978-96的二级排放标准,其中废水中73%以上的硝基苯类物质经Fe/C作用得以转化; (4)基于实验室的研究结果,实施了以Fe/C-A/O为主体工艺的处理工程,主要设计参数为:废水水量1200m3/d,调节池HRT 24h,铁碳还原塔HRT 30min,兼氧池HRT 24h,好氧池HRT 48h,生物炭塔HRT 2h。调试过程有关工程性能为COD平均去除率71%、硝基苯类92%、苯胺类81%,系统整体上表现出较好的处理性能,出水水质达到GB8978-96中的二级排放标准,但铁碳与兼氧单元处理效果有待进一步改善。

【Abstract】 The chloronitrobenzenes(CLNs) waste-water in Changshan Chemical Limited Corporation was studied in this thesis. Through determining the representative pollutants in the wastewater, we studied on the biological toxicity and biodegradation of these compounds, and seeked a novel effective treatment process and its application to full-scale, the results showed that:(1) There were several poisonous and non-degradation aromatic compounds in the CLN wastewater of Changshan Chemical Limited Company, which were 1,3-dimethylbenzene (1,3-DMB), o-chlorophenol(o-CP), o-chloroaniline(o-CA), o-nitrophenol(o-NP), w-chloro-phenol(m-CP), 772-chloronitrobenzene(/72-CNB), 3,4-dichloroaniline(3,4-DCA), /7-nitrophenol (p-NP), nitrobenzene (NB), /?-chloronitrobenzene(p-CNB), o-chloronitrobenzene(o-CNB) and chlorobenzene(CB). NB, p-CNB, o-CNB and p-NP were representative pollutants in the wastewater and was chosen as target polluants in toxic experiment, the result showed the toxic sequence of aerobic and anaerbic sludge was p-NP>p(oj-CNB>NB, /Yo,)-CNB>NB>/;-NP respectively. Aerobic and anaerbic sludge both had the ability to transform nitroaromtic compounds(NAC) into aminoaromatic compounds(AAC) and mineralize AAC then, which was demonstrated in the experiment.(2) The experiment demonstrated that it was feasibile to treat chloronitrobenzene wastewater with A/O process. With COD<600mg/L, hydraulic retention time(HRT) 44h(A 22h, 0 22h), the concentration of polluants and COD in the effluent could meet the second discharge standard of GB8978-1996. Comparing the treatment efficiency of A/O process with that of single SBR(sequencing batch reactor), it showed the efficiency of A/O process was obvious higher than that of single SBR process. DCA and o-CNB were not transformed completely in A/O system, but other pollutants, such as CP, NB, NP, p-CNB, m-CNB, were transformed or degradated effectively. It was necessary for us to seek economical and effective pretreatment method for the wastewater in order to stabilize the treatment system.(3) The results of experiment-scale study, in which the manufacture wastewater was treated with Fe/C-A/O-oxidation/flocculation process, showed that: with COD 1241-1608mg/L, NAC 52-69.2 mg/L and AAC 161.1~260.2mg/L in the mixing wastewater, Fe/C reduction for 1 hour, A/0 HRT 36-48 hours, adding 0.5~2~%oFe3+ or !%~2%NaClO for oxidation/flocculation, the concentration of pollutants in the effluent were COD<150mg/L, AN<lmg/L, NAC<0.2mg/L, which could meet the the second standard of GB8978-1996. And above 73% NAC in the wastewater was transformed by Fe/C reduction.(4) Basing on the experimental study results, Fe/C-A/O-oxidation/flocculation process was applied to practice, the major parameters were: flow 1200m3/d, mixing tank HRT 24h, anoxic tank HRT 24h, aerobic tank HRT 48h, bio-carbon tower HRT 2h. During its running, it exhibited good removal efficiency of COD and other pollutants, COD 71%, NAC 92% ?AAC 81%, and the effluent could mostly meet the second discharge standard of GB8978-96, but the removal efficiency of anoxic/aerobic units should be improved in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】357

