

The Effect of Organic Manure on the Eggplant Yield and Quality

【作者】 叶景学

【导师】 张广臣;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 我国加入WTO后,蔬菜产业在国际市场上具有相对较大的竞争力,而蔬菜产品品质往往是价格及出口限制的主要因素,目前,我国正面临种植结构调整,生产符合国际要求的蔬菜具有重要意义。使用有机肥料符合我国绿色食品及国际上有机食品的要求。 有机肥料的施用在我国有悠久的历史。鸡粪和猪粪来源丰富,肥效好,含有氨基酸、微量元素、酶、细胞分裂素、多胺、抗生素等物质对调节土壤微生态环境,促进作物生长、抗病、延缓衰老、改善产品品质,提高产量均有显著作用,与其它肥料相比往往产生更佳应用效果。可在生产上广泛应用。过去关于此两种肥料的研究多集中在多年定点施肥或不同肥料间简单比较,因各种肥料的肥效和适宜的施肥量不同,则往往造成肥料评价结果的偏差。茄子(Solanum melongena L.)属茄科茄届植物,根系发达,比较喜肥耐肥,适于富含有机质及保水保肥力强的土壤,在我国已有1000多年的栽培历史,茄子果实为浆果,以嫩果作食用,嫩果中含有较多的维生素、蛋白质、糖、钙和铁等,尤以维生素P的含量独居果蔬之首,是大众化的保健蔬菜。目前在我国栽培面积逐渐扩大,在果菜类中仅次于番茄和黄瓜,已成为我国内销及出口创汇的重要蔬菜之一。过去关于茄子产量等方面研究较多,但关于茄子品质的试验相对较少,尤其是生产适合于国际市场的高品质、严要求的茄子产品的相关研究较少。本试验通过施用不同水平的鸡粪和猪粪,来探讨两种有机肥对茄子产品的产量和品质的影响。 试验结果表明: ①有机肥可提高茄子产量 在本试验设定的施肥量范围内,两种有机肥的施肥量与产量均呈良好的线性关系。施用鸡粪处理的产量=14.222+0.4864x,相关系数r=0.9408达成显著水平。施猪粪处理的产量=13.896+0.5008x,相关系数r=0.9852达极显著水平。 ②有机肥影响茄子产量形成 本试验中,茄子产量直接表现在结果数与单果重的相互作用,结果数与产量存在极显著正相关r=0.951,单果重与产量间相关关系不显著,结果数对产量的贡献率大于单果重。猪粪处理通过提高结果数而提高产量的作用要略大于鸡粪。 尿素常规施肥处理虽可有效提高茄子单果重,但山于结果数少,而导致产量不高。③施用有机肥可以减轻茄子黄萎病的危害 本试验中,黄萎病对产量影响较大,病情指数与产量呈极显著负相关(r—一0.842)。 有机肥可以减轻茄子黄萎病的危害,施用有机肥后病情指数和病株率都有不同程度降低,鸡粪在 0~st/667 m’范围内防治黄萎病作用依次递增,超过此值依次递减:猪粪的变化规律基本相似,只是最高值出现在7.5U667旷施肥水平。 而尿素常规施肥处理的病性指数与病株率均高于有机肥处理。④有机肥可改善茄于植株的生长发育 有机肥可增加成株叶面积,鸡粪处理随施用量的增加叶面积呈递增趋势;猪粪处理在 0-7.st历67 m’水平叶面积呈递增趋势,大于此水平则下降;常规尿素施肥减小叶面积。 鸡粪处理随施肥水平的提高株高也呈现递增趋势,最高增幅可达:猪粪处理在0~7.st/667 f范围内呈递增趋势,超出此范围有下降趋势,7.st/667m”猪粪处理的叶面积还是全部处理中的最高值,较空臼对照增加;常规尿素施肥株高最低。 施用有机肥可提高茎粗,两种有机肥间差异不显著,常规尿素施肥对照增加茎粗的作用小于有机肥。 叶面积与株高和产量之间达极显著正相关关系,二者均可作为茄子施用有机肥效果的评价指标。⑤适量有机肥叫-改善茄于的品质 施用有机肥料可改善茄于品质,鸡粪施用水平在 2.5-7.st历67 m‘范围内茄子可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖和维生素 C的含量较高,在 7.5和 10t/667m’施肥水平可溶性蛋臼的含量较高。适量的鸡粪处理可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖等品质指标略高于猪粪处理。 猪粪处理在 5~10t/667 m’施肥水平范围内可提高可溶性蛋白、维生素 C。可溶性固形物和可溶忆总糖的含量。 二豆 鸡粪处理在 0-7.st历67 m’施肥水平范围内硝酸盐含量逐渐增加,达7.st/667 m’后开始略有下降;猪粪从 0~st/667 m’范围内逐渐增加,然后再递减。尿素按常规施肥也提高茄于硝酸盐含量。但全部处理的硝酸盐含量均不超过沈明珠提出的小于432mg儿g的标准。施用尿素仍可生产安全的茄子,这为我国A级绿色食品生产和农业可持续发展提供了新的理论依据。 两种有机肥个同施用水平亚硝酸盐含量甚微,鸡粪处理亚硝酸盐含量呈倒抛物线型,两极端水平偏高,中问水平略低;而猪粪处理亚硝酸盐变化规律与其硝酸盐变化规律相类似则与之相反,呈正抛物线型。③施用有机肥可提高茄子硝酸还原酶的活性 硝酸还原酶活性变化趋势与亚硝酸盐的含量相反。鸡粪处理的硝酸还原酶活性呈正抛物线变化趋势,;猪粪处理则呈倒抛物线型。 总之,供试有机肥可提高茄于产量,影响产量形成,改善产品品质。两种有机肥 fR]差异不显著。

【Abstract】 Vegetable products have confronted sharp competition since china joined WTO. While the quality is the main factor of price and limit of export. At present, china are confronting with adjusting structure , it is an important meaning to product vegetable that accord to the demand of international market.Applying organic manure has a long history in china. At the same time, applying organic manure is according with not only the demand of green food product in china and international organic food demand. Chicken and pig barnyard manure are rich in resources and have good fertilizer effect, which may be used widely in product. There are many study about the two kinds of fertilizer, which are studying on a decide point to applying fertilizer for many years or to comparing with each other about the two kinds of fertilizer, but since they have different effect and suit applying quantity, there are different deviation in result of appraising fertilizer.Eggplants which beings to Solanum MelongenaL, have been cultivated in china for 1000 years, which have the capacity to growing in fertilizer soil and to fertilizer-resisting. Eggplants contains much vitamin, protein, sugar, Ca and Fe, while vitamin P is the first place in fruit and Vegetable. Eggplants have been cultivated widely at present, which are no more than tomato and cucumber in china. Eggplant has been an important vegetable in domestic market and export products. There are seldom report about to applying organic manure to product high quality eggplant. By applying different chicken barnyard and pig barnyard , this experiment have appraised the growing effect of the two kinds of barnyard on eggplants.Applying fertilizer on eggplant will improve yield, growth and quality . This experiment have reached conclusion such as follows:1 applying organic manure may enhance eggplant yieldIn the scope of supposing applying fertilizer in this experiment, there areIVgood linear relations between the applying fertilizer quantity and eggplant yield. The relation of applying chicken barnyard and yield showed that they had achieved remarkable level ,such as y= 14.222+0.486x, and the interrelated coefficient r=0.9408, while the relation of applying pig barnyard and yield showed that they had achieved extreme remarkable level, such as y=13.896+0.5008x,and the interrelated coefficient r=0.9852.2 Organic manure may affect the form of eggplant yieldEggplant yield will show the relation of the number of bearing fruit and single fruit weight directly, and the positive interrelated coefficient between bearing fruit number and yield "r" equals 0.951(r=0.951), while the interrelations between single fruit weight and yield is not remarkable, which illustrate that the contributing ratio of bearing fruit number will surpass the contributing ratio of single fruit weight. At the same time , the effect of applying pig barnyard manure to enhancing yield by bearing fruit number will have notable results than applying chicken fertilizer .Although urea may improve eggplant’ single fruit weight in effect , the yield will lead to decreasing for the numbers of bearing fruit reducing.3 Organic manure may retard the harm of verticillium wilt on eggplant Diseases index and infected plant rate both have different degreereducing after applying barnyard manure , while the state of illness is slight after medium level applying, fertilizer. Although low level applying fertilizer will also have the effect of verticillium wilt -resisting., it lowers the medium level .The negative interrelations between diseases index and yield "r" equals -0.842(r=0.842).For the routine applying urea area and the untreatment area have high diseases incidence , the early ageing or dying of plant will lead to reduction of output .4 Organic manure may improve agronomy property of eggplant Barnyard manure may enhance leaf area square . When applying pigbarnyard manure comes to 10 t/667m2, photosynthesis horizontal leaf areasquare may maximize. While routi

【关键词】 有机肥茄子产量品质
【Key words】 organic manureeggplantyieldquality
  • 【分类号】S641.106.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】600

