

Structure of High-yield and High-sugar Sugar-beet Comprehensive Culture Technique

【作者】 高华援

【导师】 徐克章;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 吉林省种植甜菜有五十多年的历史,而对甜菜栽培技术的研究仅限于单项栽培技术的研究。单项栽培技术研究仅能在固定条件下选用一项技术,不能较好地解决因综合因素而造成的实际问题。各单项技术的联因互补的增产增糖作用得不到发挥。几年来,应用省内外科研单位成果和农民种植甜菜的先进经验在试验、示范的基础上,从生态角度考虑多因素作用,把单项的新成果、新技术、新品种、新方法等采用定量与定性相结合的方法,科学组装,构建到整个栽培技术体系之中,通过农艺的控制与调节,使甜菜的生长发育与其生存的环境条件相协调,达到高产、稳产、高质量、低消耗的总体目标。 本技术体系的研究方法是:1、田间试验与大面积示范相结合,进行反馈校正,把科技成果尽快转化为生产力;2,单项栽培技术组装成综合栽培技术,充分发挥品种及栽培技术的生产潜力,提高土地利用率和肥料利用率,达到合理密植,充分利用尤能、形成联因互补,制约累进的高产高糖综合栽培技术体系;3.以提高田间保苗率、合理密植为中心,建立大群体中个体的协调结构,达到高产与高糖的统一;4.采用“促前控后”的管理办法,提高甜菜光合性能及其产物和分配;5.经济合理施肥,平衡氮、磷、钾的施用比例,以肥保密,以密增产增糖,充分发挥肥效在块根形成及物质分配中的作用,提高经济效益;6.田间试验采用正交设计方法,栽培技术采用直播栽培法和纸筒育苗移栽法;7.建立病虫害综合防治制度。 根据吉林省甜菜糖业研究所1984—1987年对吉林省甜菜低产低糖原因调查和综合治理研究中,得出了甜菜品种、密度、施肥水平和方法对甜菜增产增糖起主导作用,结果表明,影响甜菜产量和含糖率的主次顺序为品种、施氮量、密度,施磷量。据此,在筛选本技术体系的技术关键中,进行了品种布局,甜菜群体结构试验,甜菜营养平衡施肥试验等单项技术平行研究,从中简化、优选、组装而成甜菜高产高糖综合栽培技术体系。 在品种布局中,吉林省中部地区,选择抗病性强的丰产型、标准型和高糖型品种搭配使用。应用比例为:丰产型品种占60%,代表品种为吉甜301;标准型 品种占20r,代表品种为吉甜1号,高糖品种占20%,代表品种为吉甜207。这 样,即提高了甜菜产量,稳定了含糖率,又保证了总产量。其原因是中部地区土 壤以淋溶黑钙土为主,土壤粘重,高温多雨,属于甜菜种植的中低糖产区。西部 地区,处于高纬度地带,土壤以栗钙土为主,生育期间高温干旱,日照时间长, 甜菜病害发生轻,含糖率较高,产量偏低,因J匕,丰产型品种占75%,代表品种 为吉甜 301,其余 25%种植高糖品种或单粒种,代表品种为吉甜 207或吉甜单一 号。 在甜菜群体结构中,适时早播种,即在土壤 5 C CI土温稳定通过 5℃时播种。 西部地区坐水种利于一次保全苗,采用小垄密植种植,田间配置方式为株距X行 距为 2 5 C CIX 6 0 C CI,理论保苗株数 6三 0 0 O株/h 11’,保苗率达 9 0%,实际收获株数达 6 0 0 0 0株/11 11‘。这样,通过增力。单位面积株敕,控制个体根重,提高甜菜含糖率。 在甜菜平衡施肥中,根据甜菜产区土壤肥力状况,参照国内外施肥标准,确 定甜菜产量 2.3—3 t/亩,含糖率 16.5%的施月巴标准为:氮(纯量,下同)6.7 k g/ 亩、磷10kg/亩、钾3.3kg/亩、农家肥Zt/亩,施肥提倡秋施肥,全部肥料结合 秋整地,一次做底肥施入,在甜莱进入繁茂期前(大约6月末7月初)、根据甜菜 田间长相,如肮肥,追施氮3.3kg/亩,早追月巴优于晚追月巴.追肥晚造成甜菜含糖 率下降。 在管理上,实施“促前控后”的管理方法,同步建立相应时期病虫害防治枝 术体系,苗期主攻方向抓苗全苗壮。以促为主,促进苗期早友,防治苗期立枯病 和蒙古灰蛛甲,中期主攻方向健全基本叶发育,其标志是叶片生长迅速,叶面积 达到高峰早、防治褐斑病和第一代甘兰夜盗虫;后期主攻方向促进块根中干物质 积累,延长基本功能叶片功能期,防治根腐病和第二代甘兰夜盗虫。 综上所述,将各单项技术优化组装,形成了以提高保苗率;合理密植为中,。,”平衡氨、磷、钾的营养比例,实施“抓、促、控,管理的综合栽培技术体系。它 是能克分发挥良种、地力、物力、人力的生产潜力,符合实际的科学化,规范化, 针对性强,措施可行,易于实现的实现甜菜高产高糖行之有效的综合栽培技术体 系,本技术体系在国内同行业处于拓先地位。 本技术体系包括甜菜直播栽培技术体系和纸筒育苗栽培技术体系两部分。

【Abstract】 Cultivation history of sugar beet in Jilin province is only 50 years. Study of sugar cultivation technique is limited to study of single cultivation technique. Single cultivation technique study can only confirm one technique in a given condition, which cannot solve actual problem due to comprehensive factors; therefore function of single technique shall not be fulfilled in terms of high yield and high sugar. In recent years, through research result and advanced experience of farmers’planting, on basis of test and demonstration, in view of ecology, new result, new technique, new variety and new method of single technique shall be assembled and constructed into overall culture technique system by use of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Through control and modulation of agronomy, to harmonize growth of sugar beet with the associated environment conditions, the target of high yield, stable yield, high quality and low consumption of sugar beet shall be realized.Study method of the technique system is as follows: I. Field test is combined with extensive demonstration to conduct feedback calibration and to transfer study result into actual productivity as soon as possible; 2. Single culture technique is assembled into comprehensive culture technique, make full use of production potential of variety and culture technique, to improve use efficiency of land and fertilizer, to realize rational close planting, make full use of light energy to construct4complementary, restrained and progressive high-yield and high-sugar comprehensive culture technique system; 3. To improve field seedlings survival rate and rational close planting, to establish harmonious structure of individual in large group to realize the target of high yield and high sugar;4 Management method of "to promote antecedent growth, to control post growth result" shall be adopted to improve photosynthetic capacity of sugar beet and distribution of its products;5 Economical-III-adequate fertilization, to balance the proportion of nitrogen. Phosphorus, potassium, to ensure density with fertilizer to ensure yield increase with proper density, to make full use of role of fertilizer in formation of root tuber and in material distribution, economic benefit shall be increased; 6.Orthogonal design shall be adopted in fielcj test, direct-seeding culture technique and paper-pot seedling growth transplant technique are adopted in culture technique; 7 Comprehensive pest control system, shall be established.On basis of investigation and comprehensive treatment study of low-yield and . low-sugar of sugar-beet in Jilin province made by Jilin Sugarbeet * Sugar Institute in year 1984-1987,it is indicated that variety of sugar-beet, density, fertilization levej and method shall play an important role in increase of yield and sugar content of sugar-beet. Study shows that sequence of affecting yield and sugar content of sugar beet is: variety of sugar beet, amount of nitrogen fertilized, density, and amount of phosphorus fertilized. Therefore, in selection of key factors of the technique systerp, study on variety allocation, group structure test of sugar-beet, nutrition balanced fertilization test of sugar-beet are conducted to simply, to optimize and assemble the high-yield and high-sugar comprehensive culture technique systemIn terms of variety allocation, in middle part of Jilin province, high-yield type with strong disease-resistance, standard type and high-sugar type shall be used jn proper proportions. Use proportions are: high-yield type accounts for 60%, i|s representative type is Jitian 301, standard type accounts for 20%, its representative type is Jitian No. 1; high-sugar type accounts for 20%, its representative type is Jitian 207.In this way, yield of sugar-beet shall be increase, sugar content shall b癳 stabilized and total yield of sugar-beet is ensured. The reason is: most of soil jn middle part of Jilin province is black earth, soil is viscous, high temperature, rainy, which belongs to low-sugar planting area of sugar-beet In western par

【关键词】 甜菜糖产量栽培技术体系
【Key words】 sugar beetsugar contentculture technique system
  • 【分类号】S566.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】221

