

The Research on Domestic Wastewater Treatment By the Membrane Bioreactor

【作者】 张再利

【导师】 朱宛华;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 膜生物反应器工艺是一新兴的水处理技术,可以说是传统水处理法的一次飞跃,但目前无论从技术上还是经济上讲,还存在未克服的难题。技术上存在专门的膜及膜组件的开发、膜寿命短等困难,经济上膜生物反应器一次性投资高且运行费亦高等缺点。正是在这样的情况下,出于能通过实验研究突破存在的关键性技术障碍的初衷,进行了本次实验。 本实验的重点是通过膜生物反应器处理合肥王小郢污水厂的生活污水,从理论上,比较各种不同的膜材料及其特性;论述了膜的污染与清洗;膜生物反应器无剩余污泥的理论;同步硝化反硝化机理;污泥中粘度及中空纤维表面错流流速计算模型等。中试实验中研究了操作压力、曝气量对膜通量的影响,分析了出水水质CODcr、NH3-N等值,并预测了其它影响因素对膜通量的影响和其它水质指标的去除情况。此外,对本工艺进行了经济评价,并与现有工艺进行了对比。得出了如下的结论:在操作压力为0.073MP、曝气量为150L/min、污泥浓度MLSS平均为5500mg/L的运行条件下,得到如此的出水水质,CODcr一直保持在20mg/L以下,去除率均在90%以上,NH3-N则一直稳定在2mg/L以下,去除率也均在90%以上,达到很好的去除效果。从技术和经济上本工艺均有很好利用价值,具有很好的可行性。 随着经济的发展,水资源的紧缺,膜生物反应器工艺将势必成为一种不可替代的有效的被广泛应用的水处理方法,亦将大大改观我国目前水资源极其危急和水污染严重的局势。

【Abstract】 Recent advancement in membrane technology, especially in micro- and ultra-filtration, has given an impetus to the development of membrane bioreactors for various wastewater treatments. A membrane bioreactor, a combination process of biological reactor coupled with membrane separation, is regarded as innovative technology for wastewater treatment and reclamation. The process has many advantages, such as excellent and stable effluent quality, compact equipment, high volumetric load and less surplus sludge production. For these reasons, studies on the application of membrane bioreactor in treating domestic wastewater are very important.In this paper, domestic wastewater were treated in a pilot-scale submerged membrane bioreactor . It had an initial CODcr averaged 200mg/L and NH3-N average 20mg/L. The hydraulic residence time (HRT) was 4. During the pilot experiment, surplus sludge was not removed, so the sludge residence time (SRT) was very long. The biomass concentration ranged from 5000mg/L to 6000mg/L. Dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) was 3. 7mg/L. Under the conditions of transmembrane pressure 0. 073MP, membrane flux 80L/h and air flow rate 150L/min, the results showed that average removal rate of CODcr and NH3-N is more than 90% respectively. In most of time, rate of both are 95%. By this process, the effluent was stable and could be reused for washing and so on.The submerged membrane bioreactor has the potential to be applied to small wastewater treatment plants and it will bring us new and beautiful life and environment.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】687

