

【作者】 蒲慷

【导师】 王忠仁;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济全球化和一体化的发展,电子数据交换已经成为企业参与贸易竞争的重要手段。而作为电子商务主体的企业对企业的电子商务,也特别需要安全高效的数据交换的支持。传统的EDI已经越来越不能适应现代商务发展的需要,基于XML和Internet的新一代数据交换是未来的发展方向。本论文以为企业应用提供一个安全、可靠、可扩展的通用数据交换框架(EGDEF)为研究目标,通过引入Web服务的概念,提出了一个基于Web服务信息架构的综合解决方案。 随着Web服务概念的提出,出现了一系列的相关协议和规范,从早期的WDDX、XML-RPC、WIDL到最近的SOAP、WSDL、UDDI,与Web服务有关的技术成为了XML领域中新的研究方向和热点技术。但目前国内对XML的研究只是刚刚起步,在Web服务的研究方面还是一片空白。 本论文首先对Web服务的概念及其信息架构做了一个探讨,并分Web服务消息协议、Web服务描述语言、Web服务发现机制三个层次对相关的协议和规范做了深入的分析和比较,然后对三个最具代表性、最有希望的技术——简单对象访问协议(SOAP)、Web服务描述语言(WSDL)以及全球描述、发现与整合计划(UDDI)做了具体的研究和分析。 我们在对各种消息协议进行了充分的分析和比较之后,选择了SOAP协议作为EGDEF的基础,因为SOAP协议简单、灵活,并且具有良好的可扩展性和通用性。但SOAP协议是一个非常简单的同步传输协议,不具备消息的异步传输、可靠传输、附件传输和安全传输的功能。为了满足企业实际应用的需要,我们利用SOAP的扩展机制对SOAP进行了必要扩充,从而提出了一个面向B2B应用的可扩展的通用数据交换框架;结合具体的传输绑定增加了对异步传输机制的定义;增加了支持可靠传输的机制,支持消息文档的自动重传、错误报告;提出利用MIME进行消息文档的封装,从而支持二进制数据和附件的传输;提出利用S/MIME的安全机制,实现消息文档的安全传输。在论文的最后我们给出了EGDEF的实现模型,并对核心模块做了具体实现。

【Abstract】 With the development of the global economy, electronic data exchange has become more and more important for the enterprise to take part in the trade competion. Traditional EDI isn’t fit for the requirements of the contemporary commerce, so it will be taken the place by the new XML based Internet EDI. In this paper, we want to provide a secure, reliable and extensible generalutility data exchange framework (EGDEF) for enterprise applications. By introducing the concept of the Web Service, We provide a synthetical solution based on the information framework of the Web Service.With the coming forth of the Web Service, a series of protocols and specifications emerge, such as the early WDDX, XML-RPC, WIDL and the current SOAP, WSDL, UDDI. The Web Service is a new and hotspot techonology in XML field, but there is little research about it inland now.In this paper we will first probe into the concept of the Web Service and its information framework, then we will make some analyses and comparisons about the relative protocols and specifications of the three layers of Web Service which are Web Service message protocol, Web Service description language and Web Service deiscovery mechanism. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) , Web Service Description Language (WSDL) , Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) are the three most representative and hopeful technologies, on which we will focus our minds.Upon the analyses and comparisons of the several different message protocols, we choose SOAP as the basis of the EGDET because of its simplicity, flexibility, extensibility and generalutility. But SOAP is a very simple protocol and doesn’t support message transport in asynchronous, reliable, secure way and with attachments. In order to satisfy the actual requirements of the enterprises, we utilize the SOAP extensibility mechanism to make some necessary extentions and present an extensible, generalutility data exchange framework to support B2B integration applications. The extensions are as follows: asynchoronous transport mechanism upon concrete transport bindings; reliability mechanism that supports automatic retry of the meaasge document and error reporting; utilizing MIME as meassge enveloping mechanism that supports binary data and attachments tranport; utilizing S/MIME security mechanismto support secure transport. At the latter part of the paper, we give out the implementation model of EGDEF and the actual implementation of the key modules.

  • 【分类号】TN919
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】115

