

【作者】 鬲波飞

【导师】 周旭;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 设计艺术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 新世纪是网络发展的时代,人类社会正经历着一场前所未有的信息革命。随着以计算机、通信和信息技术为支柱的互联网络的迅速普及,人类生活的方方面面发生了极大的变化。继印刷、声音、图像诸媒体之后,网络被称为第四媒体,网络综合了声音、图像、图形、文字等多种信息载体,代表着一种崭新的信息交流方式。目前国内外网络媒体的发展十分迅速,而网络媒体仍然是一种以视觉传达为主的媒体形式。网络媒体的迅速兴起,为设计者提供了一种全新的艺术表现形式与空间,更为视觉传达设计的发展带来了诸多可能,它不仅带来设计过程的变化,同时也正在极大的影响着设计风格、设计表现、设计思维方式日益深刻且根本性的变革。 本文基于新媒体这一大的框架之下,以网络媒体的发展、特征为出发点,探讨在网络环境下视觉传达设计的表现特征与变迁,分析基于网络多媒体这一平台视觉元素的呈现关系,结合国家新世纪网络课程---电脑广告的设计与制作的这一实践过程,为未来新媒体的视觉传达设计做一些基础的前瞻与理论积累。以互联网为代表的网络及数字新社会,迫切需要创新的设计观念,人们企盼视觉传达设计在新精神、新艺术、新工具、新空间、新媒体空前发展的情形下,展现出神奇的个性风貌。新技术呼唤的是借以传达新思想和新观念的新形式和新方法,这个时代也许比以往任何时期都更需要清晰而独创的视觉传达设计。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is the times for network development. Our human society is experiencing an unprecedented information revolution. With the rapid dissemination of international network supported by computer, communication and information technology, great changes have appeared in all the aspects of human life. Following up some other media such as printing, sound and image, etc., network is called "the fourth media". It stands for a brand-new way to communicate information, including many information carriers-sound, image, graphics, characters and so on. At present, the network media home and broad develop very quickly. However, speak of the expression form, the network media is still a kind of media focused on visual transmission. The rapid rise of network media provides designers with a brand-new form and space of artistic expression. In addition, it brings with itself more possibilities in the development of visual transmission design. In this way, it not only brings the changes in design process, also great affect on the more and more profound and fundamental revolution in design style, design expression and the way of thinking in design.Based on the large frame of new media and treating the development and features of network media as the starting point, this dissertation combines the writer’s practice in the national new century network course-"design and realization of computer advertisements" to discuss the expression features and changes of visual transmission design in the network environment and to analyze ways of expressing the visual factors through the platform of network multi-media, with the intention of providing some advanced ideas and accumulating some basic theories for the future new media. Represented by international network, the new network or (we can say) digital society is in great need of creative design ideas. People hope the visual transmission design can exhibit its magical individual styles with the rapid development of new spirit, new art, new tools, new space, and new media. The new technology greatly needs new forms and new ways to express the new thoughts and new ideas. In any other times during human history, there has never been such a great need of the clear and original visual transmission design like in this age.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G206.2
  • 【被引频次】37
  • 【下载频次】2605

