

Analysis of the Current National Marital Situation & Moral Construction

【作者】 李桂兰

【导师】 金承哲;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 外国哲学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 家庭是社会的细胞,家庭的繁荣是社会稳定的坚实基础,而婚姻是家庭的核心,稳定的婚姻是建立美满家庭的基础。婚姻道德建设对于提高婚姻质量和家庭文明具有决定性意义。改革开放以来,我国婚姻状况发展势头良好,婚姻观念有了新变化、婚姻领域有了新进步。其主流意识是健康向上的,是有利于社会进步和发展要求的。 一方面,随着个性解放和自我独立等意识的增强,自主婚姻已成为婚姻关系的主流,夫妻平等的婚姻意识已经深入到现代婚姻生活中。以民主、平等为核心的新型婚姻关系正在不断形成;另一方面,随着市场经济的发展和社会开放程度的提高,以及思想文化领域的多元化趋势的影响,目前仍然存在一些新情况、新问题。离婚率上升,“包二奶”、纳妾等违反一夫一妻制的行为屡见不鲜;家庭暴力等,给家庭稳定和社会秩序带来极大危害。 婚姻既是一种伦理关系,本身又是一种法律制度。现今,在规范和调整婚姻关系中,只有既借助于法律的威力又注重发挥道德评价、道德教育的传统力量,充分发挥伦理道德作用,约之以法,束之以德,才能有效地促进婚姻关系的和谐发展,有利于社会进步。

【Abstract】 Family’s prosperity is the foundamental basis of social stability, and the marriage relationship is the core relationship of a family, stable marriage relationship is the base of a happy family. It is of decisive significance for the construction of marriage morality to improve the quality of marriage & family civilization. Since the practice of the reforming &opening policy, the tendency of our country’s marriage situation has been better, the opinion of marriage has changed, new improvement in the field of marriage has occurred, the main-stream thoughts is healthy, civilized and beneficial to the liberation of thinking & the development of society.On the one hand, with the liberation of personality and the strengthening of self-independent consciousness, free marriage has been the main-stream marriage pattern, the awareness of equality between husband and wife has penetrated into mordern marriage life, and the new marriage relationship based on democracy and equality is forming. On the other hand, along with the development of socialist market-economy, the expansion of opening, the pluralization tendency in the field of thoughts and culture, there are still a lot of new problems and situations, such as the rising divorce rate ,the unrare cases of keeping concubine which is against the system of one-husband-with-one-wife, and the family violence, the:y all bring great harm to family stability& social order.Marriage is not only a ethnical relation but also a legal regulation. At present, in regulating and adjusting the marriage relationship, only we resort to legal power as well as the function of traditional power in moral assessment, moral education and use the morality sufficiently, restrict people with legal, regulate people with morality can we prompt the harmonious development of marriage relationship and social improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】D669.2;D648
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】832

