

The Study on the Changes about Family’s Morality of the Contemporary Ethnic Koren Women in China

【作者】 安花善

【导师】 金承哲;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 外国哲学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 家庭道德建设是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分。本文主要论述了朝鲜族妇女家庭伦理道德的变化。 朝鲜族妇女自高丽末李朝初开始就深受“三从”思想的影响。她们没有参加社会活动的自由,也没有自主选择配偶和离婚的自由。嫁到夫家,她们就彻底隶属于男子,完完全全陷于夫唱妇随、禁止再嫁的三从之道的罗网里。移民后,在近代文明和反日文化启蒙运动的影响下,朝鲜族妇女逐步意识到了妇女解放的必要性。她们在参加民族解放、抗日战争、国内革命的斗争中,获得了自身的解放。特别是新中国成立之后,在国家法律的保护下,拥有了婚姻方面的各种权利,而且在党的号召下,积极参加各种社会活动。改革开放给朝鲜族妇女创造了更多的就业机会。她们按自己的意愿选择职业,主动争取了属于自己的机会。而且婚姻观上也比前有了更大的变化。以前,她们总是把自己与国家、家庭联系起来,把国家和家庭放在首位。而现在,在许多方面,不仅为了国家与家庭的稳定发展,而且为了追求自身理想,实现自我价值。 未来朝鲜族妇女家庭伦理道德应该是把真挚的爱情作为婚姻的基础,夫妻互敬,并在家庭中遵守平等、民主的原则。

【Abstract】 The construction of the family’s morality is a important part in the construction of the socialist moral civilization. In this paper,the author mainly studies the changes of the family’s morality of the ethnic Korean women in China.The Korean women were first influenced by the "THREE OBEISANCES" (which originated in China) in the late years of the Koryo Dynasty and the early years of the Li’s Korean Dynasty. The Korean women not only had no opportunities to take part in the social activities,but also had no the freedom of the marriage and divorce. The Korean females were completely subjected by the males.They have no rights to marry again. After immigrating into China and under the influence of the civilization in the 17-19 century,Anti-Japanese Movement and the Enlightenment,l:he ethnic Korean women in China gradually concerned the importance of the women’s emancipation. They obtained their own emancipation in the process of joining the struggles of the Chinese National Liberation Anti-Japanese war and Anti-KuoMinTang Reactionaries. Under the protection of law,they have all the rights of the marriage after the people’s Republic of China was founded. They have been taking active part in all kinds of social activities. They have much more opportunities to get jobs after China executed the Reform-Open Policy. They can choose the jobs at their own wills,and obtain their own opportunities in the society. Their ideas of the marriage have changed much,e.g. they concern the feelings between husband and wife much more than before,and they wish the couple to improve together. The Reform-Open Policy changed the values of the women much. They began to take part in the social activities not only for the contribution to the family and the country,but also for the achievement of their own ideals and values of life in many fields.In future,the family’s morality of the ethnic Korean women in China should based on the principles,such as:the real love to the marriage respecting to each other and equality democracy in the family.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】B823
  • 【下载频次】180

