

【作者】 石炜

【导师】 陈甦;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 经济法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 监管是由监督和管理构成的复合词。世界各国实践表明:无论发达国家还是发展中国 家,银行业都受到最严厉的监管,而银行监管的实施必须依赖于银行监管法及其规制的监 管制度。目前,我国银行监管立法还不完善,对银行监管尤其是从法律角度对银行监管制 度的研究还比较薄弱。随着中国银行业逐渐融入世界市场,深入研究银行监管理论,建立 和完善我国与社全主义市场经济发展相适应的银行监管法律制度,不仅具有理论意义,更 具有紧迫的现实意义。本文正是基于这一目的并希望它能对我国的银行监管实践尽微薄之 力。 全文除引言和结语外,共分为四大部分内容。 第一部分研究银行监管法律制度的概要情况。 银行监管法律制度的概念是本文研究的前提和基石,而其核心和基础又是银行监管。 文章列举了三种有代表性的关于银行监管的种种表述,作者认为:银行监管应当与银行管 制相区别,同时也不包括金融宏观调控的内容。作者将银行监管法律制度的概念定义为: 依据法律、法规的规定,为了实现特定的监管目标而对银行活动施加影响的一整套机制和 组织结构的总和,是金融法律制度的重要组成部分,简称为银行监管制度。其包含的构成 要素有:银行监管的目标、银行监管的主体、银行监管的对象和银行监管的内容。纵观世 界近现代银行发展历史,西方国家银行变革经历了从自由走到管制、又从管制回归自由, 最后实现监管下的自由与自律基础上的监管。以1913年美国《联邦储备法》为标志,被认 为是具有现代意义银行监管的开端,1975年巴塞尔委员会通过的《巴塞尔协议》则成为国 际银行公认的监管准则。随着经济、金融全球化及信息技术的广泛运用,国际银行监管在 21世纪初又呈现了新趋势。我国计划经济时期,几乎不可能也不必要实行银行监管。1983 年人民银行专门行使中央银行职能后,其监管历史大致又分为三个阶段。创新与监管是金 融业发展的永恒主题:银行监管导致了银行创新;银行创新完善了银行监管。监管——创 新——再监管——再创新,由此推动银行业的不断发展,从而有力地推动了整个社会经济 的发展。银行监管法律制度的作用主要表现在六个方面。 第二部分研究银行监管法律制度的基础。 银行监管的理论依据,经济学界众说纷纭。肯定者有之,如“公共利益说”和“社会 选择说”;否定者亦有之,如“特殊利益说”。文章认为银行监管的直接原因还是源于金融 风险,并对金融风险进行了分类介绍。银行监管之所以须依法进行,是由于法律规范本身 固有的优点和功能,这一点不仅已被各国的银行监管经验所证明,也成为现代市场经济法 治原则的必然要求。我国目前已基本具备较为完善的银行监管法律基础。 第三部分研究银行监管法律制度的构建。 由于政治、法律、民族传统和经济发展水平的差别,以及金融体制、银行监管理论和 方法的不同,世界各国在银行监管构成要素上存在着较大差异。尽管如此,世界各主要国 家银行监管法律制度的构建仍具有一些共同特征。文章从银行监管法律制度的监管目标、 监管主体、监管对象到监管的一般原则、内容及方法,依次剖析各个构成要素。通过比较 各国银行监管的构成要素,作者指出了我国银行监管制度中构成要素的法律选择取向并介 绍其构建情况。一是银行监管的目标,它是监管者在实施监管中所要最终达到的目的,是 监管行为宗旨之所在,也是银行监管法立法目的之所在。大体上,稳定、安全、保护、效 率是银行监管目标的核心要素。我国银行监管的目标体现为三性:即政策统一性、经营安 全性和竞争公平性。二是银行监管的主体,即由谁对银行业进行监管,它涉及银行监管主 体的法律地位、织织机构、职贡权限等。世界各国银行监管主体有的是中央银行,有的是 财政部,有的是专门的监管机构,体制模式有集中单一式、一元多头式和双元多头式等类 型。研究银行监管主体,我们需要注意区别中央银行、金融主管机关和银n监管执行机关 的不同。从各国情况看来,中央银行一般都参与或单独执行银行监管职能,是最重要的银 行监管机构,确保中央银行的向主性和独立性则是保证其监管行之有效的重要条件。中国 人民银行依法被确立为我国最重要和最主要的银行监管机关。三是银行监管的对象,即银 行及经营存、贷、汇业务及名称同银行相类似的金融机构。仓我国银行监管的对象主要是 政策性银行、商业银行、合作金融机构和邮政储蓄网点等。四是银行监管的一般原则、内 容和方法。银行监管的一般原则是监管者对整个银行监誉的基本政策和作法,它是为监管 目标服务的;银行监?

【Abstract】 The word "supervise" includes two meanings. One is monitor and the other is managing.It has been proved by world practices that banking business is subject to strict super -vision of authorities,either in developed countries or in developing counties. The enforcement of banking supervision depends banking regulations and supervision systems. Nowadays,China’s financial supervision laws are still halting,And banking supervision especially banking supervision system is still weak from the point of law. With the opening of China’s banking business to the world market,it has not only theoretic values but also practical values to do more researches on China’s banking supervision and on how to establish a better banking supervision legal systems,which fit in with the needs of China’s socialist market economy. The thesis consists of four parts as follows:I. Introduction of the present banking supervision legal systems.The concept of banking supervision legal systems is the precise and basis of the articles,whose core is banking supervision. After enumerating three typical definition of banking supervision,the author puts forward his own thoughts on banking supervision,that is,banking supervision is different from banking domination and does not contain the concept of macro-finance adjustment and control. The author gives a definition of supervision legal systems as that:As an important part of financial legal systems,it’s the whole mechanisms and organizations impacting the operation of banking business on the basis of laws to fulfill designed goals,which can be named as banking supervision system. The factors the system consists of are the goals of banking supervision,the supervisory body,the supervised bodies and contents of banking supervision. Looking back to the development history of modem banking business in the world,we find that the western countries’ banking supervision has experienced free-operation to strict supervision,strict supervision back to freely-operation,finally to freely-operation under supervision and supervision on the basis of self-regulation. The Federal Reserve Laws of America in 1913 was regarded as the beginning of modern banking supervision. In 1975,The Basil Agreement which was worded out by the Basil Committee has been accepted by the whole world as supervision systems. With the rapid development of economy and financial globalization and the wide use of information technology,international banking supervision has arise a new tendency. China did not have banking supervision system in its planned-economy period,which was not necessary at that time. After 1983,the People’s Bank of China has performed the function of the central bank. And the history of supervision can be divided into three phases from 1983. Innovations and supervision are the perpetual topics of the Banking business development:Banking supervision leads to innovations of banking business,innovations of banking supervision call for better banking supervision. Supervision-innovations-Resupervision-Reinnovations. Due to this circle,Banking business has experienced more and more developments and contributed great to (he development of economy. The functions of banking supervision systems concentrated on six aspects.II.The basis for banking supervision legal system.There are many kinds of opinions regarding the theoretical basis of banking supervision ineconomics fields. Some of them are definite,for examples,’the theory of the common interests’ and ’the theory of social option’;Some are opposite,for examples,’the theory of special interests’.The thesis attaches importance to financial risks as to the direct theoretical basis of banking supervision,further more,it clarifies and introduces all kinds of financial risks. The reason why banking supervision is implemented,law own inherent characters and merits,which has been proved by the banking supervision practices of all countries and fit in with the needs of the principal of laws owned by modern market economy. Nowadays,China has owned a comparatively

【关键词】 银行监管法律制度问题研究
【Key words】 Banking supervisionLegal systemProblem Research
  • 【分类号】D922.281
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】423

