

【作者】 蒋艳君

【导师】 夏杰长;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 金融学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 发展高科技产业是改革开放20多年以来我国政府一贯坚持的基本方针。邓小平同志提出“科学技术是第一生产力”的科学论断,丰富了马克思主义的生产力理论,也为发展我国的高科技产业提供了坚实的理论基础。但是我国高新技术产业的发展是不尽如人意的。在过去的很长一段时间里,我们不恰当地高估了技术本身演进对高新技术产业发展的推动力,致使长期以来我国科技成果转化率低,高科技产品对GDP的贡献率低。事实上,如果没有适宜的融资机制,高新技术就难以产业化,而传统的融资方式又难以满足这种风险大、周期长融资需求;在这种情况下,创业投资这种愿意承担高风险、并通过组合投资和参与股权管理以获取高额资本利得为目的的新的投资方式应运而生并得以迅速发展。 1998年“两会”召开之际,民建中央向全国政协递交了《关于尽快发展我国风险投资事业的提案》。该提案受到了全国政协的高度重视,被列为“一号提案”。此后,专家学者纷纷就创业投资发表看法,并就创业投资的资金来源和出口、创业投资管理模式、发展创业投资的意义等问题进行深入探讨,创业投资成为热点话题。 本文试图从我国实际出发,借鉴发达国家和新兴工业化国家发展创业投资,推动高科技产业化的经验,并根据创业投资本身的特点和内在规律,对我国创业投资体系及创业投资业推动高科技产业发展进行分析和研究,而且运用公共产品理论和市场失灵理论深入探讨了政府对具有准公共产品性质的高科技产品的供给问题。同时,提出现阶段我国政府政策扶植创业投资发展的几点对策以及政府只能担当引导者和监督者的角色的特性,并得出政府行为必须与创业投资的内在发展规律相结合的结论。 本文全文共计3万余字,分三章论述。 第一章高新技术产业发展与创业投资的介入。本章是本篇论文的开始部分,共分为二节。第一节着重介绍了高新技术产业和高新技术产业的基本特征。其中对高新技术产业的形成周期和阶段性资金需求特征作了较具体的论述,并由此得出结论:创新型高新技术中小企业所需资金不宜通过借贷关系形成,只能通过投资关系确立。而创业投资及与之相适应的创业资本市场则构成了适合高新技术中小企业的融资机制。第二节定义了创业投资的概念及追溯了创业投资的由来,论述了创业投资不同于一般性投资的特征。简单描述了创业投资在美国的发展历史和现况,并且分析了创业投资发展的最新特点。还介绍了创业投资在我国的大致发展状况和几个近期的较为著名的创业投资案例,本节在最后总结了我国发展创业投资的重大意义。 第二章创业投资的市场运行机制。本章分四节进行论述。第一节对创业投资的四个投资期、三个参与主体及创业投资的基本运作过程进行了简单介绍。第二节论述了创业投资家与创业企业之间的相互制衡机制。首先介绍了如何正确认识利处理创业投资家与创业企业之间的关系。同时强调建立起两者之间的激励机制和约束机制对于创业投资的健康持续发展有不可急视的作用。第三节着重分析了中国创业投资的目标模式。首先论述了在中国发展创业投资的可行性,而后确立了我国建立创业投资体系的基本原则;并在此基础上提出建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的创业投资体制的目标模式应是以专业化、规范化的创业投资机构投资为主、以市场调节投资行为和以创业投资主体自主决策、风险自负为基础的、政府实现间接调控的创业资本要素配置体系和管理制度。第四节重点阐述了中国创业投资的退出机制。创业投资机构缺乏必要的退出渠道是制约我国创业投资发展的最大障碍。本节一开始就肯定了在我国建立二板市场的重要性和必要性,但同时,在论文中也提出目前在中国建立二板市场存在时机问题。并简单介绍了美国NASDAQ市场和香港创业板市场的发展对本国高科技产业的推动力。本节的最后还介绍了创业投资的其它退出方式。本节的结论是,我国设立二板市场是大势所趋,但从创业投资的要求出发并非燃眉之急,我国的创业投资家应积极开拓眼界,利用多种渠道实现创业投资的良性循环。 第三章 政府在发展创业投资推动高科技产业发展中的作用。共分为两节。第一节运用公井产品理论和市场失灵理论,介绍了技术要素是一种特殊的商品,具有准公共产品的性质。正因为如此,政府应介入高科技产品的供给。政府主妥通过政策供给、研究与开发投入供给、传统产业升级调整供给、高新技术企业集聚增长的区域供给、技术市场的供给等几种形式用“政府提供”方式介入。第二节论述了政府利用税收、担保、政府采购、建立外部法制环境等政策推动创业投资的发展。 经过几个月的努力,一篇三万余字的论文终于完成了,从选择题目、查找资料、动笔写作、反复修改到最后定稿的整个过程,对于在职求学的我来说,白天要尽心工作,不能有半点马虎;晚上回到家还必须打起精神阅读、消化资料。在这里,我要特别感谢我的导师夏杰长先生,他在百忙中轴出宝贵的时间审定我的论文题目,帮我把握文章的整体结构?

【Abstract】 Based on the reality of our country,the treatise tries to analyze and study the venture capital system of our country and the effects of venture capital on promoting the high science and technology industry. Then,through the study of the experience of advanced countries and new-industrialized countries on developing venture capital with a view to accelerating the growth of high science and technology industry,the treatise deduces the characteristics and internal principles of venture capital. After taking a deep thought into the part that the government can play in supply high science and technology products,which is somewhat a kind of quasi-public-product,the treatise puts forward the measures that our government should take in order to promote the venture capital industry.The treatise is divided into three chapters,and the sum of words is about 30 thousand.The first chapter emphasizes in introducing the development of high technology industry and the effects of venture capital on promoting it,which is the theoretical background of the treatise. In the first place,the chapter illustrates the concept and the basic characteristics of high technology industry and puts forth several steps that should be taken to speed up the growth of high technology industry. In the second place,the chapter defines what is venture capital,introduces the originality of venture capital and induces the characteristics of contemporary venture capital industry.The second chapter studies the mechanism of venture capital. The first section copes with the reciprocally restrictive mechanism between venture capitalists and venture firms and concludes that it is indispensable to the healthy development of venture capital that the incentive mechanism and reciprocal restrictive mechanism between the two parties should be set up. The second section illustrates the objective mode of Chinese venture capital and points out that we should establish a model of venture capital that is in accordance with the socialistic market economy of China. The last chapter beholds the view that the growth enterprise market should be set up in China quickly,and it also points out that the venture capitalists should try to make use of as many as methods to realize the healthy circulation of venture capital.The last chapter studies the part that government should take in promoting high technology industry. The first chapter introduces the theory of public product and the theory of malpractice of market,on the basis of which the conclusion is drawn that the government should take an active part in supply more high technology products. And it also describes the usual means that government may use,including supplyingpolicy,supplying research and development funds,supplying substantial improvement on the traditional industry,supplying special zone for high technology enterprises and supplying the market for technology exchange. Therefore,the government can utilize the policy of tax,mortgage,government purchase,and establishing an outside legal environment to accelerate the development of venture capital,which is just the main idea of the second sections.In conclusion,venture capital can do well in promoting the high technology industry of a nation. As a developing country,China should take effective measures to accelerate the growth of venture funds capital so as to promoting the level of Chinese high technology industry significantly.

【关键词】 创业投资市场政府
【Key words】 venture capitalmarketgovernment
  • 【分类号】F832.48
  • 【下载频次】339

