

【作者】 孙珂

【导师】 张广兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 民法学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 情势变更制度是合同法的一项重要制度。笔者在本文中通过对两大法系主要发达国家情势变更制度的研究和对我国情势变更制度的现状及其适用环境的分析,阐述了合同法建立情势变更制度的必要性。 文章共分五个部分: 第一部分引言主要阐述了情势变更制度的含义、起源以及在我国关于建立情势变更制度问题的提出。所谓情势变更制度是指,在合同有效成立后,作为合同基础的情势,在该合同效力完了前,因不可归责于双方当事人的事由,发生非当初所能预料的变更,导致合同的基础动摇或丧失,如继续维持合同原有效力显失公平,当事人可以请求变更或者解除合同。情势变更起源于中世纪的情势不变条款,发达于本世纪初第一、二次世界大战和资本主义世界的经济危机而产生的社会剧烈动荡之即。目前,世界上主要的发达国家均对情势变更有相关的法律规范。但是,在我国有关合同的法律历来对情势变更没有明确的规定。刚刚通过的合同法也因种种原因未能规定这一制度。在该原则的立法化已成为当代民法不可逆转的潮流之即,中国合同法应当规定情势变更的一般原则。 第二部分研究了大陆法系主要国家(法国、德国、日本以及我国台湾)关于情势变更制度的立法状况、理论基础以及情势变更的法律要件和法律效果。在主要的发达的大陆法系国家,除法国以外,均设有关于情势变更的法律条文或判例。大陆法情势变更的理论基础有二:一为法国的不可预见说;二为德国的法律行为基础说。前者未成为通说,后者是德国的通说。所谓法律行为基础,是指缔结合同时的某种情事,该情事构成了当事人之间交易意愿的基础,如果当事人考虑到此情事的不确定性,依诚实信用原则和合同之目的,必定以该情事的继续存在作为合同发生效力的前提,或者依公平观念应该以该情事的继续存在为合同生效的前提。 大陆系国家通常适用情势变更制度,须具备如下要件:1、须有情势的变更;2、情势变更发生在合同成立并生效以后,效力终止以前;3、情势变更须非当事人所预见且有不可预见的性质;4、情势变更须因不可归责于当事人的事由而发生;5、因情势变更使原合同的履行显失公平。情势变更发生后,因情势变更受重大不利益的一方可请求变更合同内容或解除合同。 第三部分研究了英美法合同落空原则的起源与发展、理论依据、构成要件和法律效果,并对大陆法的情势变更制度和英美法的合同落空原则进行了比较。情势变更是大陆法的术语,英美法与之相对的是合同落空。广义的合同落空包括履行不能与合同目的落空,前者指在合同缔结后,由于某些超出合同当事人控制能力以外的突发事件导致合同不可能被履行或履行不现实时,即应解除合同;后者指如果合同订立后出现的与当事人的过错无关的某种情势变迁,使得合同订立时所追求的目的无法达到,或订立合同所基于的理由已不复存在,那么义务人可以不履行其合同义务,尽管这种履行仍属可能。 英美法关于合同落空的理论基础提出了各种学说,其中目前居于主导地位的是“义务根本性改变”学说。依据该学说,当法律认为,在双方均无过错的情况下,由于情势的变迁,使合同义务无法履行,即构成合同落空。因为在这种情况下要求履行的,已是与合同双方当事人所承担的义务完全不同的另一种义务。该学说自1956年提出后一直被认为是权威的解释,为判例所采。在此之前,“默示条款”学说为主导学说。 按照合同落空原则,凡是发生使合同遭到挫折的事态,如果是未预见到的,不是当事人的过失引起的,而且使进一步的履行成为不可能或履行的目的落空,当事人就可以解除合同项下的义务。英美法对合同落空的后果仅限于合同的解除,而不允许对合同予以调整。 大陆法的情势变更制度与英美法的合同落空原则,其实质是一个授权条款。当某种突发事件发生时,依据该原则,法律授权法官干预当事人的合同关系,重新确定合同的效力,调整当事人的权利义务。总的说米,英芙法的合同落空是一个更加宽泛的概念,它可以包括大陆法中的情势变更、不可抗力、不可归责丁债务人的给付不能等概念。而大陆法将情势变更和不可抗力作为两种不同的制度在法的体系中于不同的地方子以规定。 第四部分分析了我国情势变更制度的立法、司法现状及理论界的研究现状。在新合同祛的制定过程中,对是否规定情势变更制度争论激烈。合同法草案在合同履行一章中对情势变更的问题作出了规定,但是在合同法草案表决前夕,全国人大法律委员会建议删去该条款,情势变更制度最终未能在合同法中得以建上。虽然我国新制订的合同法没有规定情势变更制度,但是,1992年在武汉市煤气公司诉重庆检测仪表厂一案中,最高人民法院通过1992年第27号函的批复;形成了有关适用情势变更的司法解释。学术界的多数学者也是赞同在合同法中规定情势变更制度的,但是也有少数学者反对规定情势变更,认为不可抗力可以涵盖情势变更,也有学者主张暂不在合同怯中规定情势变更,而通过司法解释或特别规?

【Abstract】 Principle of changed circumstance ( clausula rebus sic stantibus) is an important principle in contract law. In this article, through studies of principle in two major legal systems and analysis of the current status and application environment for the principle in China, the author expresses the necessity of establishing the principle in China’s contract law.The article is divided into 5 parts:First part states the meaning, originality of the principle of changed circumstance and the raising of the question of establishing the principle in China. The so-called principle of changed circumstance refers to that after the contract takes effect and before the effect terminates, changes, unpredictable and unpredicted at the time of contract formation, take place which lead to the loss of contract basis. It will be grossly unfair if to maintain the effect of the original contract, hi that case, the party may claim for contract modification or recession. The principle is originated in clausula rebus sic stantibus in the middle century and matured at the time of early this century when the World War I and II and economic crisis in capital world led to social turbulence. Now, most countries have legal provisions concerning the principle. However, laws related to contract in China have no explicit provisions concerning the principle and the newly adopted Contract Law fails to establish such a system due to various reasons. At the time that the legislation of such a principle has become a trend in civil law, China’s Contract Law shall stipulate the principle. Part II makes research in major civil law countries (France, Germany, Japan and Taiwan province of China) on the legal status, theoretical basis, legal requirement and effect of the principle. All major advanced civil law countries, except France, recognize the principle in legislation or cases. There are 2 theoretical basis for the principle of changed circumstance in civil law, one is the theory of unpredictability in France and the other is basis of legal act in Germany. The former does not prevail while the latter prevails in Germany. The so-called "basis of the legal act" refers to a certain circumstance at the time of contract formation which constitutes the basis for the transaction between the parties. In consideration of the uncertainty of the circumstance, the parties must, in accordance with principle of good faith and contract purpose, take the continuous existence of the circumstance as the precondition for the contract to be effective.The application of the principle of changed circumstance generally must meet the following requirements: 1) Circumstance must be changed. 2) The change happens after the contract takes effect and before the effect terminates. 3) The change is not predicted by the parlies and has an unpredictable nature. 4) The change happens without the party’s fault. 5) Due to the change, it will be grossly unfair if the original contract to be performed. When the circumstance changes, the disadvantageous party may claim for the modification or recession of the contract.Part III states the originality and development, theoretical basis, legal requirement and effect of the principle of contract frustration in common law countries and compares the principle of changed circumstance in civil law countries with the principle of contract frustration in common law countries.The principle of changed circumstance (clausula rebus sic stantibus) is a term used by civil law, while contract frustration is the relevance in common law. Contract frustration in its wide sense includes impossibility (or impracticality) of performance and frustration of purpose. The former refers to that after the contract conclusion, when supervening events happens which lead to the impossibility or impracticality of performance, the contract shall be discharged. Thelatter refers to that after the contract conclusion, certain circumstance is changed without the parties’ fault which makes the purpose pursued at contract formation impossible to realize, o

  • 【分类号】D923.6
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