

【作者】 钱小红

【导师】 陈甦;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 经济法学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 企业合并是两个或两个以上企业合并为一个企业的法律行为,其作为企业扩大规模、击败竞争对手的主要手段之一,长期以来为企业扩张所运用。美国著名经济学家、诺贝尔经济学奖获得者乔治·斯蒂格勒在《通向垄断和寡占之路-兼并》的论文开篇就说:“一个企业通过兼并其他竞争对手的途径成为巨型企业是现代经济史上一个突出现象”,“没有一个美国大公司不是通过某种程度、某种方式的兼并而成长起来的,几乎没有一家大公司主要是靠内部扩张成长起来的。”可见,在西方社会企业合并已成为现代企业扩张规模所采用的主要方式。美国历经四次企业兼并风潮,给美国经济带来了深刻影响,甚至给世界经济也产生了不可估量的深远影响。在我国,现代意义上的企业合并是我国经济体制改革的产物,八十年代初始于河北保定、湖北武汉,此后企业合并浪潮此起彼伏,给我国经济发展起到了一定作用。在当前,如何深化国有企业改革,使国有企业尽快解困,实现资产的合理配置与流动,是我国经济发展过程中一个必须解决的难题。通过企业之间的合并,以优化资产的合理流动,增强企业实力,促进经济的发展。但是,目前企业合并过程中还存在这样或那样的问题,企业合并还不是真正意义上的企业合并,企业合并中的政府不适当的干预,产权关系不明晰,社会保障制度不健全,法律规范不完备,诸如此类等等问题,都制约了企业合并的市场化过程,影响了企业合并所产生的效益。如何借鉴西方国家成熟而有效的经验,规范我国的企业合并活动,促进经济发展是目前亟待探讨和总结的课题。本文运用比较分析的方法,对国外有关企业合并的法律规定进行分析研究,并针对我国目前企业合并的现状和问题,提出自己的观点和对策。本文主要由以下五个部分构成。 第一部分 企业与企业合并 本部分由三个部分组成,一论述了企业合并的含义,通过对部分国家、学者对公司合并含义的界定,对企业合并的含义进行了界定,并对企业合并与收购、兼并,商法意义上企业合并反垄断法上企业合并的异同进行了论述,以明确论文的主题和范围。笔者认为,企业合并是两个或两个以上的企业,根据法律的规定或合并协议的约定,按照法定程序,合并为一个企业的行为。二论述了企业合并的法律形式,企业合并分为吸收合并与新设合并,界定了企业合并的范围,并比较了吸收合并与新设合并两种合并形式的利弊。三论述了企业合并的本质,比较了三种本质论的特点,提出了“人格合一说”更符合企业合并的本质。本部分通过对企业合并的含义、法律形式以及本质的分析阐述,揭示了企业合并的真正内涵。 第二部分 企业合并的程序及合并协议 首先介绍了西方国家企业合并的一般程序、上市公司收购的程序、我国企业合并的程序。通过比较研究,结合我国《公司法》、《关于企业兼并的暂行办法》中有关合并程序的规定,指出了我国实践中在企业合并程序上存在的问题,探讨了将来制定《企业合并法》时, 规定异议股东股份购回请求权的合理性和实践意义。其次,鉴于合并协议在企业合并程序中的重要性,重点论述合并协议的内容、效力以及意义,分析了实践中签订合并协议时需要注意的几个问题。 第三部分 企业合并的法律效果及对债权人的保护 首先论述了企业合并的法律效果,企业合并后对被合并企业、存续企业(或新设企业)、股东(或出资人)、债权人、雇员以及其他相关第三人的法律效果。其次, 鉴于实践中我国企业合并后对债权人保护不力问题,本文通过比较各国公司法对债权人保护的立法例,对债权人保护的措施,指出了我国将来制定《企业合并法》时,规定债权人保护的意义。 第四部分 企业合并的影响及控制 首亢从经济学。法律学两个角度论述了企业合并的积极影响和消极影响;其次,通过比较研究,本文从各个角度奎点论述了企业合并的控制。该部分分为六部分,通过比较艾国。德国。日本等国对企业合并控制的立法例,作者提出了我国制定反垄断法控制企业合1的必要卜和迫切性 以及企业合芹控制的认定标准。拧制程序、控制例外以及法律制裁。 第开部分 对完善我国企业合并法律的几点设想 该部分分为四个小部分;吕冗论述了我国企业合并的特点,作者在分析我国企业合并现状的丛础上总结了找国现阶段企业合并的特点;卜企业合并以企业兼并为卞,企业合并形式多元化;引企业什并的政府参与;3)企业合并操作不规范。其次,捉出了找国企业合并中存在的问题,如产权不明晰、政府不当干预、法律规范不完备、社会保障制度不健全等等。第。,分忻了我国目前有关企业合并法律规范的特点和现状,客观地评价了我国企业台并法律的状况。第四,通过上述儿个方面的分析研究,提出了完善我国企业合并法律的儿点设想,阐述厂制定《企业合才法》的必尘性和迫切性,描述了企业合并法的杉架及凋整的对象,着重分析了企业合并法的止法宗旨、指导思想、基本原则,企业合并的程序、企业合并的审批等等。

【Abstract】 Corporation merger is a legal act to combine two companies into one. As one of the major methods to extend a company and to defeat the competitor, it has long been used to enlarge a company. Mr.Oorge Stickler, the famous American economist and Nobel Prize winner, said in the beginning of his thesis The Road to Monopoly and -Corporation Merger: "It is an outstanding phenomenon in the modem economic history for a company becomes a huge enterprise by merging the other competitor." "No American big company did not grow up by merger to certain degree and by certain method. Almost no company grew up by inter-company extension." Therefore, it is obvious that corporation merger has become the major method adopted by modern companies to extend in the western society. American saw four highs of corporation merger ,which deeply influenced the and American even the world economy. In our country, merger in its modern meaning is a product of economic reform. It began from Baoding of Hebei province and Wuhan of Hubei province in the beginning of 1980s, then extended to the other places, and promoted the economic growth of our country. At present, it is a problem must be resolved how to deepen the reform of state-own companies, get the state-own companies out of dilemma, and realize the reasonable disposal and flow of property. Through corporation merger, realize the reasonable flow of property, enhance the enterprises and promote the economic growth. However, at present there are still problems of one form or another in the process of corporation merger. Problems like corporation merger is not merger in real sense, improper involvement of government, unclear property relationship, incomplete social protection system and incomplete legal regulations, all delay the corporation merger comes to market, and affect the effectiveness of corporation merger. It is a topic need discussion and conclusion how to learn from legal regulations on corporation merger of foreign countries to regulate the corporation merger of our country and promote the economic growth. This paper, using comparative and analytic method, analyzed the legal regulations on corporation merger of foreign countries, and proposed the author’s viewpoint based on the present condition and problem of corporation merger in our country. The paper is divided into 5 parts.Part One, Corporation and Corporation Merger.This part is divided into 3 part. Part one is about the definition of corporation merger. Comparing the different definitions made by law and scholars from different countries, the author makes a definition of corporation merger, the difference between merger, purchase and combination, the difference merger in its commercial sense and merger in the sense of anti-trust law, And so defined the topic and scope of the thesis. In the viewpoint of the author, corporation merger is an act by which two or more than two companies, in accordance with the law or the agreement in the merger contract, combine into one company in due course. Part two is about the legal form of corporation merger. The paper divided the form of corporation merger into absorb merger and establish merger, defined the scope of corporation merger, and compared the advantages and disadvantages of absorb merger and establish merger. Part three is about the nature of corporation merger. The author compared three theories on the nature of corporation merger. Proposed that the "personality combination" theory is more comply with the true nature of corporation merger. In conclusion, this part disclosed the real meaning of corporation merger through the analysis of the concept, legal form and nature of corporation merger.Part Two. The Procedure of Corporation Merger and The Merger ContractIn this part, the author at first introduced the normal procedure of corporation merger and the purchase of company in western countries, and the corporation merger procedure in our country. Through comparative study, referring to the relevant regulations in the Company Law and The Interim Regulations

【关键词】 商法经济法企业合并
【Key words】 Commercial LawEconomic LawCorporation Merger
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】555

