

【作者】 宫颖

【导师】 陈华彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 民商法学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 引言一、各国立法上监护制度的比较分析(一)监护制度的历史渊源 监护制度最早渊源于古罗马法中对未婚人和妇女的保护制度。古罗马法初期,分别设立监护与保佐二种不同制度,监护的目的在于补充受监护人行为能力的不足,保佐的目的在于代理被保佐人管理财产。监护的对象是未适婚人和妇女,保佐的对象是精神病人和浪费人。罗马共和国末期,监护和保佐的目的由最初主要保护宗族财产转变为保护被监护人、被保佐人本人的利益,监护和保佐制度成了一种公务性职务,即一项义务。(二)对各国立法上监护制度的比较分析 《法国民法典》只设监护而未设保佐,监护的对象是未成年人,而对成年人则设立法律保护。 德国法监护制度,采罗马法体系,分为监护和保佐二类。 瑞士法的监护制度分为监护,辅佐和司法保护三类。 日本法分设监护和保佐 英美法的监护与亲权合一 各国立法上监护制度的比较分析二.中国法律对监护制度的规定(一)中国古代法对监护的规定 学者大多认为中国古代法不存在监护制度的规定。但笔者认为,中国古代法仍存在对监护关系的调整,集中表现为各种礼制。由于奉行家天下的政治格局,形成皇帝与臣子,家长与家子层层的监护关系,皇帝、家长是完全行为能力人,臣于与家子从属于皇帝与家长,其人身,财产均受其支配、控制。宗法伦理观念中有关男女、夫妇、父子、尊卑、上下、长幼的礼制都与监护制度的精神暗合。奉行礼法结合调整社会关系的中国古代法的礼实质上相当于今大的民法,因此笔者认为中国古代社会中仍存在监护关系的法律规定,只不过是以各种礼制为表现形式罢了。(二)近代法对监护制度的规定集中体现于1930年国民党政府时期制定的《中华民国民法》(三)我国现行《民法通则》对监护制度的规定及不足三.对现行立法上有关监护制度的分析研究(一)监护的性质 有关监护性质学者争议较大,主要是权利说与义务说的争峰。 权利说的观点及理由 义务说的观点及理由 笔者认为:监护的性质是权利与义务的统一体。罗马法规定监护人贡任的履h与监护人的利益廷紧密相联的,最有资格充当监护人的通常是最汀希望继承遗产的人。冈此监护的性质为一种宗族权,是为法定继承人而设的一种权利。罗马末期,监护性质演变为-种公务性职务,即为一种义务。此后义务说观点一直J\据主导地位。伴随着义务法模式向权利法模式的转变及法津制度的愈加完善,笔者认为监护性质中应增加权利的成分,从权利与义务相统一的角度来理解监护的性质,否则难以解决监护人难找,监护人之间9相推矮及监护人不尽监护职贡等一系列实践难题。监护性质的权利义务统-说不仅完善监护制度,而且也有利于监护制度立法宗旨能更充分实现。(二)监护的意义 有关监护意义学术界未能形成统一观点,当今主要观点有6种。 我国对监护的定义与传统大陆涪系相比较,主要区别庄于我国扩大了监护的范围,用监护涵盖了亲权的意义,这是不适当的。 监护与亲权的区别 监护的定义应为:监护是对于不在余权照护之厂的未成年人及精神病人等无民事行为能力和限制民事行为能力人,为其人身权利,财产权利照护而设置的一种制度。(三)监护法律关系 当今对监护的研究主要重于监护制度,而忽略了从监护法律关系角度去考察。l、监护法律关系的设立 监护法律关系的设立是通过设立监护人为之。 被监护人主要包括二类:丧失亲权保护的未成年人和成年精神病人。 监护人主体资格包括积极资格和消极资格,我国未有消极资格的规定,应补充。 设立监护的方式分为四种:法定监护、遗嘱监护、指定监护、委托监护。2、监护法律关系的变更 监护法律关系变更指的是监护人的变更,也称监护法律关系的相对消灭。 监护法律关系变更的事实有:()监护人死亡或丧大监护能力。()监护人辞职。()监护人撤销3、监护法律关系的终止门)终十的原冈(2)终十的后果(四)监护民事责任1、侵害监护的民事责任门)监护人损害被监护人合法权益的民事责任。门)第二人侵害监护权的民亨责任。l)非法剥夺监护权2)侵害监护权的具体行为3)民事责任形式2、监护人侵权的民事责任门)监护人侵权民事责任的特点门)几种特殊情况的处理;l)夭妻离婚后的监护责任。2)在学校。幼儿园、精神病 院生活、学习\治疗的学生,精神病人致人损害的监护责任。3)代管人的监护责任。 .2-3。盅护贾任中公平日任的适用四。对未来修订《民法典?

【Abstract】 First :Lawmaking stipulation and comparison on guardianship institution in Civil Law Country.(I) The developed history of guardianship institution. The guardianship institution is origined from "Ancient Roman Law ".In the early days of "Ancient Roman Law ", there are two different institution, guardianship and protection .The goal of guardianship is to replenish the insufficiency of the ward’s capacity. The objects of guardianship are single person and women, while the objects of protection are mental patients and squanderers. The late days of the Republic of Rome, the goal of the institution changed into protecting the ward from protecting property of the clansman. So guardianship became a kind of public obligation.(II) Lawmaking stipulation and comparison on guardianship institution in Civil Law Country.There is the guardianship but no protection in" France Civil law Code". The object of guardianship is younger, and there is alike kind of law to protect adults.The guardianship institution in "Switzerland Civil Law Code " is classified by guardianship .assist and lawful protection. The guardianship institution in "Japanese Civil Law Code" is classified by guardianship and protection. The guardianship institution combined guardianship and kinship right in American Law. Second. The lawmaking stipulation on guardianship institution in china.Many learners think that there is not guardianship institution in "Chinese Ancient Law ", but writer thinks there is an adjustment for guardianship. Emperor and patriarch have complete ability, subjects and children subordinate them, there bodies , properties are protected by their master.The relation between man and woman, husband and wife, father and son, senior and minor, old and young is close to the guardianship institution. The rules of all kind of rites is equal to today’s civil law. So the writer thinks there is lawmaking stipulation on guardianship relation in "Chinese Ancient Law".Third. Analysis and research on Chinese guardianship institution.(I)The nature of guardianship. Many learners dispute violently about the nature of guardianship. It mainly display eloquence on the theory of right and obligation.The writer thinks the nature of guardianship is a unity of right nd obligation, and lawmaker should replenish rights to guardianship, otherwise we can not solve many lawful and social problems.(II) The definition of guardianship.It has no unified definition of guardianship in academic circle. The definition of guardianship in "Chinese Civil Law" expand the scope of guardianship and contain the scope of kinship right. It is not suitable. There many differences between guardianship and kinship right. The guardianship is a kind of institution that for youth who can not achive protection under kinship right, and for psychoses who is limited civil capacity. So lawmaker should pay more attention to their difference as decide the definition of guardianship.(III). The civil legal relation on guardianship.The learners put more emphasis on guardianship institution, while overpass the aspect of legal relation. Lawmaking stipulation should replenish the founding .alteration and end of the legal relation on guardianship.(IV). The civil legal duty on guardianship .It should include several aspects. Such as the civil legal duty when guardian injury ward’s right; The civil legal duty of damage compensation of guardian and the application of equitable liability doctrine .Fourth. Lawmaking perfection on Chinese guardianship institution.(I) The beginning of guardianshipA. The objective and the meaning of guardianship institutionB. The facts on the beginningC. Lawful protection should he added .D. The guardianship protection shoud be put in public law system rather than civil law system.(II) System of guardianshipA. GuardianB. Supervisor of guardianship(III) The content of guardianshipAccording to the nature of guardianship , lawmakers should add right rules and replenish obligation rules to guardianship.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】10
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