

Studies on the Induction of Protocorm-likebody and Growth of Seedling in Anthurium Andraeanum

【作者】 张春湘

【导师】 王刚;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 植物学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着插花艺术的蓬勃发展,安祖花(Anthurium andraeanum)以其形态别致,花色艳丽,花期长而成为“瓶花世界里的耀眼新星”,是国际上流行的高档切花材料和盆栽品种,所以研究和开发这一花卉对满足国内花卉市场的需求及出口创汇具有重要的意义。但是安祖花为肉质根系,生长缓慢,分蘖较少,用常规繁殖的方法繁殖率极低,增殖速度慢,难以扩大生产,所以采用组织培养是实现安祖花快速繁殖的一条有效途径。 为建立并优化安祖花组织培养体系,本文从安祖花类原球茎体形成、愈伤组织的诱导、丛生芽的分化与增殖、不同时期苗的生长和生根培养环境以及后期苗的水培驯化等方面进行了较为系统的研究,结果如下: 1.用MS+(1~3)mg·L-16-BA+(0.05~0.2)mg·L-1NAA的培养基均可在不同程度上诱导茎段侧芽形成类原球茎体,其中MS+1mg·L-16-BA+0.15mg·L-1NAA诱导效果较好。 2.在类原球茎体不定芽分化增殖过程中,降低激素浓度有利于丛生芽的分化增殖。MS+0.05mg·L-16-BA+0.075mg·L-1NAA是丛生芽分化增殖的较适培养基。 3.在幼苗(苗高1cm以下)和小苗(苗高1.5cm左右)时期,提高NH4NO3含量可对苗的鲜重和株高有明显的促进作用。NH4NO3添加量为3300mg·L-1的MS0(不含激素的MS培养基,以下简称MS0)是丛生芽到丛生苗的成苗培养基。 4.在大苗(苗高2.5cm左右)时期,可继代到壮苗培养基MS0中,或分苗后移入生根培养基1/2MS+0.2mg·L-1NAA中诱导生根,等长出3~5条根后,再继代到根系生长培养基1/2MS中促进根系生长。河北师范大学生命科学学院2002年硕士学位论义45.当根平均长度达到1.scm时即可进行缓苗驯化处理,水培驯化苗的 成活率为98.4%,这种方法在国内还未见报道,它具有污染率低、 成活率高、成本低、占用空间小等优点。6.在分别诱导叶片和根形成愈伤组织的实验中,与添加激素相比, MS培养基中大量元素在含量上的变化是影响较大的因子。l/ZMS (大量元素 l/2量的MS培养基,以下简称 l/ZMS卜ling t-’6-BA .0刀5-0.2)mg·L-’NAA对叶片愈伤组织的诱导有明显的促进作 用,其中1o*趴1*g·厂’6-*A川二*g·* *AA诱导率可高 达 gi.7%;而用 1/ZMS+ling·L* 6-BA+0.05 mg·L叫 NAA可诱 导25%的根形成愈伤组织。

【Abstract】 With the odd flower shapes and vivid colors, Anthurium andraeanum is very famous in the flower world. The research and exploitation of Anthurium andraeanum are the need of both domestic flower market for improving people’s live quality and the international flower market for earning more foreign currencies. Because of its sarcoid root systems, slow growth, fewer tillers, it is very difficult to expand the reproduction by conventional breeding methods. While plant tissue culture can resolve these problems, so it is one of the effective ways for reproduction of Anthurium andraeanum.This research aimed at the formation of protocorms-likebodies, induction of calli, differentiation and proliferation of tufted buds, culture condition of growing and rooting of seedlings during different periods, and acclimation of plantlets. The main results were as follows:1. Protocorms-likebodies could obtain from lateral buds on MS + (1-3) mg/L 6-BA + (0.05-0.2) mg/L NAA at different degrees, and the suitable medium was MS +1.0 mg/L 6-BA + 0.15 mg/L NAA.2. The higher inductivity could be obtained with a decrease in the contents of hormone during the differentiation and proliferation of Protocorm-likebody tufted buds. MS +0.05 mg/L 6-BA + 0.075 mg/L NAA was suitable to proliferate the tufted buds.3. During the period of buds to seedlings, enhancing the quantity of NH4NO3 in the medium caused a remarkable increment in the fresh weight and height of seedlings. MSo supplemented with 3300mg/L NRtNOs was optimum for the cultivation of seedlings.4. When the seedlings grew to about 2.5cm, they could be cultivated onMSo medium, or induce roots on 1/2MS+ 0.2 mg/L NAA, and then sub-cultured the seedlings on 1/2MS to improve the root systems. 4. When the average length of roots was 1.5 cm, the acclimation could occur. Survival rate amounted to 98.4% by using the aquaculture. This method had not been reported in domestic research, which was suitable for large scale soilless cultivate because of its higher survival rate, lower contamination rate, lower cost, and less spaces.6. In the experiment of callus induction from the leaf or roots, the major elements were the effective influence factors in the MS medium compared with the hormones. 1/2 MS + l.Omg/L 6-BA +(0.05-0.2 )mg/L NAA could facilitate the induction of leave calli conspicuously. The highest inductive rate of leave calli was 91.7% after being treated with 1/2MS + 1 .Omg/L 6-BA + 0.2 mg/L NAA. While the highest inductive rate of root calli was 25% after a contact with 1/2MS + 1.0 mg/L 6-BA + 0.05 mg/L NAA.

  • 【分类号】S682.14
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】206

