

【作者】 张玲

【导师】 肖文娥;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生社会实践活动作为我国高校教育途径之一,现已蓬勃发展,并发挥综合效应。它不仅能够为社会带来一定的效益,而且能够有效的促进大学生的主体发展,对大学生的知识、能力、思想品德诸方面都具有明显的促进作用。道德情感作为个体品德心理要素之一,对于个体良好品德的形成具有非常重要的作用。由于社会实践活动紧密联系社会,联系实际,具有大量鲜活的素材,更容易激发并丰富大学生的道德情感。因此,研究社会实践活动中道德情感的培养具有重要的现实意义和社会意义。 本文通过论述大学生社会实践活动的必要性和重要性,指出社会实践活动应作为高校的必修课来抓。社会实践活动作为目前高校最受欢迎的德育途径,对大学生的思想品德尤其是道德情感的培养具有不可替代的作用。论文通过现状调查,证实了社会实践活动是大学生道德情感培养的最有效途径,分析了社会实践活动中道德情感发展的现状及存在的问题。最后本文对于如何更好的发挥高校社会实践活动的德育功效,促进大学生道德情感的培养,从学校整体工作以及社会实践活动具体开展两个方面提出了对策建议。

【Abstract】 The social practical activity of college students is one of the educational ways in the college. Its function is very important and ithas comprehensive effect. It not only can bring some benefit result for the society, but also can promote the conscious development of the college students effectively, make the college students know the knowledge, ability and moral character better. As the social practical activity is closely connected with society and reality, which has lots of lively materials, it can stimulate and enrich one’s moral feeling easily. As we known, the moral feeling, which is one factor of psychological moral character, can play an important role in forming one’s moral character. So the research, which is about the development of one’s moral feeling in the social practical activity, has important practicaland social significance. By means of expounding the necessity and importance of thesocial practical activity of college students, the paper points out the social practical activity should be a required course in the college.The social practical activity, the most received moral educational way, plays a special role in developing moral character, particularly the moral feeling of college students. By way of the present situation investigation, the paper bears out the social practical activity is one effective way of developing one’s moral feeling, and analyses the present state and existing problems of developing one’s moral feeling in the social practical activity. At last, concerning how to give full play to the moral effect on the social practical activity and develop one’s moral feeling, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions through two aspects, i.e. the whole work of the college and the concrete carrying out on the social practical activity.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】893

