

【作者】 封永平

【导师】 刘广太;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 国际政治学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 加拿大宪法危机是当今加拿大社会政治生活中的一件大事。自从加拿大1982年颁布第一部象征完全主权意义宪法以来,加拿大各方就一直为使魁北克省加入联邦宪法而不懈努力。虽然举行了多次宪法会议甚至全民公决,但都无功而返,至今仍未能就宪法问题达成一致,从而使加拿大联邦制面临着分崩离析的危险。加拿大宪法危机的发生具有深远的历史背景和复杂的社会政治、经济矛盾等诸种因素的影响。本文试图以加拿大从英国议会收回宪法修改权前后各种矛盾斗争为线索,深入分析加拿大宪法危机产生的根源和特点以及今后的演变前景,以有助于全面了解加拿大宪政的发展,也有益于我国处理民族问题、维护国家统一的实践。 本文共有五部分构成。 第一部分,当代加拿大宪法危机的根源。这一部分着重从历史、政治、经济、文化的角度分析了当代加拿大宪法危机产生的根源。当代加拿大宪法危机发生的渊源可以一直追溯到早期英国对新法兰西的征服。1867年成立的加拿大联邦的第一部宪法《英属北美法案》固有的缺陷以及其后的修宪纷争都预示着未来宪法危机的发生。加拿大建国后联邦的权力不断削弱,各省权力总体上呈现扩大趋势。联邦与省政府权力关系的变动同各省经济地位的变化密不可分。文化根源主要表现在英裔和法裔两大主体文化之间的差异与矛盾。 第二部分,当代加拿大宪法危机的演进。这一部分采取历史分析的方法阐述了当代加拿大宪法危机发生发展的全过程。为收回宪法,联邦与各省先后达成《富尔顿方案》、《富尔顿—法弗隆方案》以及《维多利亚宪章》修宪协议,但由于魁北克省的反对而最后功亏一篑。首次在魁北克上台执政的魁北克人党于1980年在魁北克省举行“主权—联系”方案全民公决。联邦总理特鲁多认识到修宪谈判的重要性,以其特有的果敢、智慧和魅力,积极推动修宪活动并于1982年最终从英国收回了宪法,完成了加拿大完全独立的过程。但魁北克宣称拒绝签署新宪法,从而使宪法问题演变成危机。1984年上台的联邦总理马尔罗尼为解决宪法危机,先后同各省达成《米契湖协议》和《夏洛特城协议》,但两协议由于马尼托巴和纽芬兰省的反对和1992年全民公决的不利结果而相继失败。民族分离情绪高涨的魁北克人党 1995年在魁北克再次举行魁北克主权问题的全民表决,结果主张统一的联 邦派仅以不到两个百分点的微弱优势获胜。 第三部分,当代加拿大宪法危机的特点。本部分通过大量的事实材料 对当代加拿大宪法危机所体现的特点进行了概括和分析。魁北克分离主义 的独立要求是导致当代加拿大宪法危机的主要原因。魁北克分离主义势力 的大本营魁北克人党反对进行任何修宪谈判,坚持分离主张,先后发动了:两次公民表决,使加拿大陷入动荡和分裂之中。当代加拿大宪法危机的产 生和发展反映了各省与联邦政府在权力分配上的摩擦、冲突和对抗,它构 成了历次修宪谈判的主要特征。当代加拿大宪法危机在一定程度上也反映 了土著民族与英法主体民族之间的矛盾。长期遭受英法殖民统治和压迫的 土著民族从70年代初开始作为一支独立的政治力量登上加拿大政治舞台, 并在修宪谈判、修宪协议的批准和全民公决过程中发挥着自己独特的作用。 当代加拿大宪法危机从一个侧面暴露了加拿大联邦制结构的缺陷。加拿大 联邦的特色是地方主义盛行,它削弱了中央的权威而使来自联邦制内部的 强大凝聚力不足。温而不火、激而不乱,遵循民主与和平方式是当代加拿 大宪法危机表现出的一个显著特征。 第四部分,当代加拿大宪法危机的未来走势。这一部分对当代加拿大 宪法危机的今后发展进行了分析和预测。魁北克分离主义在魁北克依然大 有市场,只要魁北克分离主义势力存在,统独斗争就不会结束。但目前存 在着诸多制约魁北克独立的因素,魁北克难以从加拿大联邦分离出去,在 联邦制框架下修改现行宪法,争取和维护法裔的权利和地位仍是解诀宪法 危机的出路。魁北克与其它各省之间的深深的鸿沟己然形成,为今后修宪 谈判的成功造成了巨大的障碍。旷日持久的宪法危机对加拿大经济产生了 不利影响,人们也愈发对屡屡失败的修改宪法夫去了兴趣并产生了厌倦心 理。可以预料,加拿大宪法危机的局面在短期内将无法得到根本消除并会 在今后一段时间里被搁置和冷化。 第五部分,结束语。当代加拿大宪法危机成为困扰加拿大政坛的一大 难题。危机虽然一时难以消除,但是,各方应继续本着互相尊重、妥协和 宽容的精神,积极地解诀他什]之间的分歧和矛盾,以维护加拿大的整体利益。

【Abstract】 Constitution crisis is a major issue in current Canadian politics. All sides in Canada have made great efforts to bring Quebec’s agreement to the Constitution Act of 1982. But so far they cannot make a unanimous agreement on constitution issue so that Canadian federation faces a danger of disintegration. There are many factors that led to the happening of constitution crisis such as history, politics and economy, etc. In this thesis, I tried to analyze the roots, characteristics and the trend of contemporary Canadian constitution crisis by exploring various contradictory struggles in amending constitution, which will surely help us to get the whole picture of Canadian constitutional politics and benefit our state to conduct national issues and keep the national integration.There are five sections in this thesis.Section 1, the roots of contemporary Canadian constitution crisis. In this Section, I emphatically analyzed the origins of constitution crisis from the perspectives of history, politics, economy and culture. The origins of contemporary Canadian constitution crisis can be traced back to early years when Britain conquered the New France colony by force of arms. The inherent limit of the British North America Act and the consequent disputes indicate the future constitution crisis. On the whole, after the establishment of Dominion of Canada, the authority of the federal government was gradually weakened while the provincial power tended to expand. The power change between federal government and provincial governments is related to the change of economic position of provinces. The root of culture is mainly displayed in the culture divergences and contradictions of two main parts between people who have British and French origin.Section 2, the development of the contemporary Canadian constitution crisis. In this Section, I elaborated on the whole process of development of constitution crisis according to the approach of historical analysis. In order to patriate constitution from the British parliament, several proposals had been made. But all of them failed at last because of the opposition from Quebec. Queb6cois Parti that first came to power in Quebec held a referendum over ’sovereignty-association’ plan in 1980. With his peculiar resolution and wisdom, Trudeau, an outstanding prime minister of Canada, vigorously guided the process of amending constitution and finally succeeded to bring constitution home to Canada. But Quebec refused to sign the new constitution and causedconstitution crisis. Afterward, two important agreements, Meech Lake Accord and Charlottetown Accord, were made, however, they either failed to get ratified or were rejected. Quebecois Parti held another referendum over sovereignty in Quebec. As a result, the federal side won by slight advantages.Section 3,the characteristics of contemporary Canadian constitution crisis. In this Section, I summarized and analyzed the characteristics through a plenty of materials. Political independence or sovereignty the separatists of Quebec always fought for is the main cause for constitution crisis. Canadian constitution crisis reflected clash, conflict and confrontation over power distribution between federal government and provincial governments, which constituted the main characteristic of all previous negotiations over constitution. It also reflected national contradiction among aboriginals and Anglo-Francophone Canadians. Canadian constitution crisis released some defects in Canadian federation that lack strong cohesion. Following the way of peace and democracy is an obvious characteristic showed in crisis.Section 4,the trend of contemporary Canadian constitutional crisis. I analyzed and predicted the future development of constitution crisis. Now the separatism still has its strong influence in Quebec. However, there are many elements that will prevent Quebec out of Canada. It is very hard for Quebec to separate from Canada. Amending current constitution and striving for francophone rights and status within the frame of federation

  • 【分类号】D971.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】320

