

【作者】 王佳

【导师】 路紫;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 生态旅游一经提出,在全世界引起极大的反响。其概念、内涵的规定,不同学者有不同的说法。但总结起来,贯穿其中的精髓是生态旅游和生态环境的紧密结合,力求生态、社会、经济三大效益的统一。本文分析了河北省开发生态旅游的优势及意义,并以森林旅游、观光农业旅游的案例为主题,充分论证河北省生态旅游的发展现状及趋势,并认为河北省最有发展潜力的生态旅游项目是森林旅游和观光农业旅游。 森林旅游是生态旅游的主要形式。森林旅游资源优于其他类型的旅游资源,其绿色环境具有观光、度假、疗养保健等多种功能。河北省的承德地区森林旅游资源丰富。森林公园是河北省森林旅游的主体;自然保护区是河北省森林旅游的重要组成部分。雾灵山自然保护区是河北省唯一的国家级自然保护区,其旅游业开发等级较高,在坚持生态旅游可持续发展的原则下,建设的雾灵山森林公园,充分体现了三大效益的有机统一。河北省现仅有一座人工植物园,满足不了广大游客“回归自然”的心理需求。太行山中段东麓是河北省植被植物区系最为丰富的地区之一,不仅自然建群种植物丰富,而且人工植被、药用植物、花卉植物种类也较为多样,且具有多种孑遗植物、河北省特有的名贵植物。在此拟建天然名贵植物园(苍岩山附近),不仅地理位置优越,客源充足,还会具有广阔的发展前景。 观光农业旅游是一种农业和旅游业相结合的新型生态旅游业,是旅游业中发展最具潜力的部分。本文以廊坊地区的三河农业高新技术园区为案例,充分分析了河北省观光农业发展的阶段模式、园区功能的分区方案,并提出了河北省开发观光农业旅游的建议。 生态旅游的可持续发展是当今发展生态旅游的主题。生态旅游的发展应以不破坏生态环境为前提。认识生态旅游环境问题的成因和旅游环境承载力,确定生态旅游资源合理开发的最佳点,进一步提出生态旅游的可持续发展的实施方略。 河北省发挥京毙优势,营造生态旅游大开放格局,推出一批生态旅游新产品, 带动全省旅游经济的全面腾飞。

【Abstract】 Ecotourism has aroused enormous backwash all over the world since it was put forward formally. Different scholars have different meanings in its concept, connotation. But to sum up, its main point is the totally relation between ecotourism and ecological environment, it pursues the harmony of the ecological effects, social and economical benefits. This paper analyses the superiority and effects of the developing ecotourism. And being the cases of the forest trourism and agricultural tourism as the theme, the author tests totally the status quo and trends of ecotourism development in Hebei province, thinks the forest tourism and agricultural tourism being the most potential ecotourism in Hebei province.Forest tourism is the major style of ecotourism. Forest tourist resources are superior to others, their green environment had the effects of making a tour, taking a holiday, exercising and so on. Forest tourist resources are very rich in Chengde Regions. Forest parks are the main parts of Hebei Province’s forest tourism. Nature reserves are the major components of forest tourism. Willing Mountain nature reserve is the only nature reserve in Hebei province by state’s level, its exploitable degree is very high which embodies the harmony of three kinds of benefits. At the same time, it sticks to the policy of ecotourism sustainable development and builds the forest park of Wuling Mountain. There had only artificial botanical garden in Hebei province, which can’t satisfy the tourist’s demand of "backward to nature". Middle-east of Taihang Mountain, is one of the richest regions of plants system in Hebei province, not only has the abundant natural seed plants but also has the rich artificial vegetations, medicinal plants, flower plants, has many particular precious local plants and sole inheritance plants. Natural precious local botanical garden will be built here (close to Cangyan Mountain), has not onlysuperior geographical area and abundant tourist but also wide development prospects.Agirtourism is a new type of ecotourism which is the coherence of agriculture and tourism, is the most potential part of tourism development. Being the Sanhe hi-tech agricultural park as the case, this paper totally analyses the development step’s model of agritourism, the plan of four districts for the functions and puts forward the developing suggestions for Hebei province’s agritourism.Nowadays the sustainable development of ecotourism is the main subject of developing it. The premise of ecotourism development is defending the ecological environment. We should understand the causes of ecotourism environment problem and the tourist environmental bearing capacity, decide the best point of appropriately developing ecotourism resources and the appropriate point of the numbers of tourist which ecotourism destinations can contain, further put forward the implementation strategy for the sustainable development of ecotourism.Hebei province seizes the superiority of surrounding Beijing, creates the huge opening-up framework for ecotourism, brings out a series of the new products of ecotourism, promotes the tourist economy development around the whole province.

  • 【分类号】F590.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】782

