

【作者】 韩素卿

【导师】 王卫;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础,是农业基本生产资料。随着人口数量的日益增加,人类面临着土地产出不能满足需求增长的威胁。因此正确评价土地资源,特别是农用地资源是土地可持续利用管理的基础。而土地质量评价指标的研究,越来越受到人们的重视。随着土地评价工作的深入,选择和建立合理的、符合区域实际的土地质量评价指标体系日益紧迫。目前用于大气和水质质量评价的指标体系已经广泛应用于有关研究之中,但对于与人类生活同样密切相关的土地资源,仍缺乏统一的指标体系。为此,国际组织和科学家正在为建立土地质量指标体系而不懈努力,这是当前土地科学研究中迫切需要解决的重要科学问题之一。本文在土地的自然属性和经济属性相结合的情况下,用生产函数法研究了农用土地的土地质量指标及其在土地质量评价中的应用,力求降低土地评价中人为因素的影响,使研究的结果更符合区域实际。 农业生产过程具有投入产出关系,农业总投入中除了常规的经济投入外,还包括土地质量的投入,并且土地质量直接影响着土地的总产出。本项研究选择了影响农用地总产出的经济投入指标和土地质量投入指标,借助C-D生产函数,建立土地投入产出的函数关系: Y=A·eft·Fa·Ib·Lc·Qd Y为以土地总产值表示的土地生产力 F为化肥和农药的投入 I为灌溉投入,即灌溉所需用的水电费 L为劳动力投入(考虑了农业机械投入的修正) Q为土地质量投入 A为平均管理水平 t为变化的管理水平 a、b、c、d、f分别为各相应生产要素的产出弹性系数 其中,土地质量因子包括表土质地(T人 有机质含量瞩入 盐 渍化程度pX 土体构型p)等。他们之间的关系为: Q=(a;X T+a。X P+。。x O+a。x S)1100 用实地调查的冀州市444块小麦生产地投人产出数据,其中经 济投人和产出数据从实地调查并结合近三年的统计年鉴中得到,土 地质量数据从第二次土壤普查的结果得到。依据专家经验、实验数 据和冀州市农业生产的实际情况,调整土地质量因子的分值和权 重,得到不同组合的各种方案。用 Microsoft Excel 的数据分析,拟 合出冀州市农用地总产出和各项投人之间的函数关系,测出各种投 人对总产出的贡献份额。比较各种方案的复测定系数、表示整体回 归水平的F检验值和表示个体回归水平的T检验值,选择拟合效果 最好的方程,从而得出土地质量因子的最佳组合。通过对444组数 据各种方案回归分析,得到最优组合的回归方程: 还原为C-D生产函数形式为: Y= 48081·e’侧‘·F‘栅’·I’卫刀L‘川’Q””’ 此研究结果得到了一套平原地区农用土地质量指标体系,得到 了土地质量对总产出的贡献(0刀553)。 本项研究一方面为土地质量评价提供了合理的土地质量指标体 系,另一方面为计算土地纯收益提供了一种简便方法,即直接用土 地质量的贡献份额去乘总产出,得到土地的级差收益,再结合土地 的绝对收益便可以得到土地的纯收益,为土地的可持续利用管理提 供了依据。

【Abstract】 Land is the substance foundation of the society. The cultivated land is the primary of the land and the essence agriculture means of production. With the population’s progressing, human beings are threatened by the fact that the output of the cultivated land cannot adapt to the progressively increasing demands. So evaluating the cultivated land resource correctly, especially the land for agriculture, is the base of the sustainable use and management. People pay more and more attention to the indicators of the land quality parameter. With the deep research of the land evaluation, it is necessary to choose and establish land quality indicators system (LQIS) according with the situation of the area. At present, the indicators on atmosphere and water quality are greatly used in many research fields, while LQIS has not been reached unanimity yet. Many international organizations and scientists are trying to establish the indicators, and it is one of the great science questions. Based on land’s natural attribute and economic attribute, this paper researches the cultivated land quality indicators and its appliance to land quality evaluation with the help of the productive function (CD-function). The writer tries to reduce the artificial effects on land evaluation so that the result will conform to the area actual situation.The procedure of the agriculture has relations of input and output. The input procedure includes economy input and land quality input. The land quality input directly affects on the output. This paper chooses the indicators of economy and land quality input which has influence on the output, depending on CD-productive function to establish the function between input and output:Y: productive forces of the cultivated landF: input of the fertilizer and agricultural chemicalI: input of the irrigationL: input of the laborQ: input of the land qualityA: the level of average managementT: the level of changing managementa, b, c, d, f: productive elasticity coefficientThe factor of the land quality includes texture, content of the organic matter, degree of the pickled, the structure of the soil. They are connected by the formula:Q=( a , x T+ a 2 x P+ a 3 x O+ a 4 x S)/100Based on the data of the investigation from the 444 forms wheat input and output, statistics regressions are carried on by many kinds of scheme. By comparing all result of the scheme: determined coefficients, F, T static, we get the best combination, and the function as following:The research affords reasonable land quality indicators system for plain area, on the other hand, affords a simple and convenient method of land differential rent.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【下载频次】222

