

【作者】 张晓振

【导师】 王贞松;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(电子学研究所) , 通信与信息系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要研究数字移动通信系统中的码间串扰问题和软件无线电方案。对于现代无线通信系统,OFDM系统是一个广泛研究的系统。但是对应于OFDM系统在Rayleigh信道中的研究不多,本文给出了OFDM系统在Rayleigh信道中的系统模型,并经过理论推导给出OFDM系统在Rayleigh信道中的量化公式。根据理论的推导本文分析了OFDM系统在Rayleigh信道中的抗干扰(主要是码间串扰)能力。本文提出了一种扩频调制方式,即线性调频调制的方法(LFM)来解决码间串扰的问题。为了与其它调制方法进行对比,本文分别从公式推导和误码率两方面进行讨论,并给出仿真结果。理论推导和实际仿真结果都表明,利用线性调频信号进行调制,可以很好的抑制码间串扰。在恶劣的环境中(平均多径时延时间较大)仍然可以保持较高的传输速率。线性调频调制的优点是:不须在接收端添加均衡滤波器,也不须进行扩频编码。本文从研究角度提出了一种软件无线电的解决方案,从射频到中频到通信控制的解决。该方案的好处是使用尽可能少的硬件,通信采用无损耗的软件实现,可以从两种不同的角度进行不同的编解码、调制解调和其他技术的软件实现。由于软件的无损耗性,可以进行各种不同的研究。此方案是一个通用的研究方案,不仅可以应用此方案进行各种通信方式的研究,而且很容易从中得到实际应用的具体经济解决方案,包括实现、成本和应用。

【Abstract】 Zhang Xiaozhen (Communication and Information System)Directed by Wang zhensongThe inter-symbol interference in wireless communication systems and the software radio were studied in this thesis.The OFDM system was studied widely in the modern wireless systems. A general system module of the OFDM system in Non-frequency Rayleigh Channels, which is a practical system suited for wireless communications, was proposed in this paper. We analyze the effect of fading channels and noises on the system performance with QAM, propose the formula and draw conclusions.The technique of the Linear Frequency Modulation was proposed to solve the problems of the inter-symbol interference in this paper. For comparing with other modulation techniques, we analyze the BER , and present the simulation results. The theoretical prediction and the simulation results indicate that the Linear FM is very useful to depress the inter-symbol interference. The high transmitting speed is holding in some areas where the average of the multi-path time dispersion is larger. Merits of the Linear FM are that it is not necessary to have an equalizer or the spread spectrum code modulation.The architecture of the software radio for studying the communication technique was proposed in this thesis. This architecture uses DSP and CPLD to achieve the modulation scheme, protocols, equalization etc.

  • 【分类号】TN925.93
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】458

