Analysis and Study on the Line Losses of Distribution Network
【作者】 宋宏彪;
【导师】 贺仁睦;
【作者基本信息】 华北电力(北京)大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2002, 硕士
【摘要】 目前的配电网线损分析与研究大多侧重理论线损计算方面,对统计线损分析方面研究不多。供电局虽然以理论线损为参考制定考核指标,实际中却使用统计线损。理论线损率与统计线损率的巨大差距和统计线损率的大幅度波动,说明有必要加强对统计线损的研究。 本文重点研究了供售电不同期问题对统计线损的影响,提出了供电比例系数法、售电曲线拟合法、售电曲线插值法三种解决办法,第一次得到了较真实意义上的同期统计线损率。因供售电不同期问题在全国供电局的普遍存在,本研究具有实用价值与推广价值。本文同时开展了理论线损分析、分线路的理论线损与统计线损分析研究工作,对造成理论线损与统计线损差异的原因进行了初步探讨。结合实际情况,对线损率的管理与分析工作,作者也提出了自己看法。 在预测方面,对预测误差和预测方法,本文也进行了初步研究,对负荷预测等工作也有借鉴意义。
【Abstract】 Currently, the research on statistical line losses is less than that on theoretical line losses in the analysis and study on distribution network line losses. The power bureau often uses the result of statistical line losses, though the assessing index is the result of theoretical line losses. However, it is necessary to take more emphasis on the research of statistical line losses because of the big difference between theoretical line losses and statistical line losses and the large-scale fluctuation of statistical line losses.This paper mainly studied the influence of asynchronous problem on statistical line losses between power supply and consumption, provided three solving methods, proportional coefficient method of power supply, curvilinear imitation method of power consumption and curvilinear interposition method of power consumption, and got the real synchronous loss rates of distribution network for the first time. This research has some degree of theoretical meaning and promotion values, because the asynchronous problem between power supply and consumption is pervasive all over the country.Meanwhile, this paper researched theoretical line losses, compared per-line results between theoretical and statistical line losses, and elementarily discussed the reason of difference. The author also supplied his own view points on the analysis and management of loss rates based on actual conditions. This paper also studied forecasting errors and forecasting methods, which will do good to load forecasting.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 华北电力(北京)大学 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
- 【分类号】TM714
- 【被引频次】7
- 【下载频次】649