

The Discuss of Developmental Strategy in Theory and Practice in WISCO--The Development Research and Analysis in No.3 Sintering Workshop WISCO

【作者】 莫亚平

【导师】 彭启山; 孙文东;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 企业战略是企业面对激烈变化的环境,为求得长期生存和不断发展而进行的总体性的谋划。所谓“企业战略管理”是指企业通过正确地制定、实施及评价企业战略,来协调企业内外的资源,以保证企业能够有效地实现战略目标的过程。企业战略的本质也是企业在竞争格局中的一种定位,是企业资源配置的一种模式,是企业价值观、进取精神的一种表现,是企业管理的一种创新活动。许多企业都是经过认真的调查研究以后,通过制订并实施正确的企业战略,从而取得了经营的成功。因此,企业战略管理是当代企业生存和发展的基础。随着企业外部环境的变化,企业要随时调整自己的战略,只有这样才能保证企业能够有效地达到战略目的。因此,战略管理已广泛地成为了企业管理的最一般模式。据统计,美国、日本在20世纪50年代末至70年代初几乎所有的企业都制定有详细的企业战略。现代的企业家们认为,制定企业战略规划对现代企业家来说是最重要,最为困难的事。国外许多大企业的董事长平均每年花在研究战略上的时间,达到整个工作时间的40%~48%,而我国企业在这方面似乎才刚刚起步。 现代企业制度的建立,解决了企业的经营体制与机制问题,但并不能直接解决企业的经济效益问题,它们还只是企业取得理想经济效益的必要条件,或只是其基础条件。因此,在建立现代企业制度的同时充分有效地实施企业战略管理,一定程度上可以说是实现企业效益的充分条件。而现代企业制度的建立与实现,本质上也是具有相应的战略含义的。特别是我国加入WTO对大多数企业来讲将面临严峻的挑战。中国企业只有制定切合实际的企业战略,努力提高自己的素质和竞争力,在国际市场竞争中才可能立于不败之地。 本文从企业战略的概念出发,介绍了当代企业战略理论发展的历程及其在实践中应用的状况,并针对我国市场经济体制与机制建设过程的基本要求与从现实状态出发,又特别地介绍了竞争战略和战略分析的几种方法, 并推介了 CI战略和生态战略。从生产力发展角度和钢铁企业面对 WTO的冲 击,以武钢为例分析了钢铁企业实施企业战略的必要性,并介绍了武钢在 “十五” 期间战略性发展的主要内容。本文作者依据本人在武钢工作的实 际经验,介绍了武钢烧结厂三烧车间实施战略管理的内容与实施计划等。

【Abstract】 The strategy of an enterprise means a consideration in all for long live and continuous progress, facing to the fiercely changeful environment. The strategical management of an enterprise is a process to keep the enterprise succeeding in the strategical aim , through rightly formulating ,implementing and evaluating the strategy of an enterprise in coordinating with the inner and outer resource. In essence, the strategy of an enterprise means a location at the structure of a competition, a model of distributing the resource, an embodiment of the value concept and spirit, and also means a creative activity.Many enterprises’ success results in implementing the correct strategy after the retailed investigation. Therefore the strategical management of an enterprise is a base of survival and development for a modern enterprise.An enterprise must adjust the strategy with the change of the environment. Only in this way can it assure that the enterprise effectively attains the strategical aim .So the strategical management has extensively become a general model of an enterprise’s management. In statistics, all the enterprises in Americal and in Japan from 1950’s to 1970’s have formulated the detailed strategy. The modern entrepreneurs think that drawing up a strategy is very important and difficult. They spend 40%-48% of their work-time on studying the strategy, but for our country, studying the strategy is still in the cradle.The establishment of a model enterprise’s system can solve only the system of management, not the economic benefit. It’s the necessary or basic condition for an enterprise to get the ideal economic benefit. So the establishment of a modern enterprise and implementing the strategical management for an enterprise is a plenty condition for an enterprise to make some benefit at some extent. China’ s entry for WTO means a challenge for most of our enterprises. Only if the enterprises in China implement the appropriate strategy and raise their basic quality and competitive force, can succeed in competing with others in the international market.This paper discusses the concept and the course of the strategy of the enterprise, and applying to practice.It tells the competitive strategy and several analytical methods based on the market economy. It tells the CI strategy and zoology strategy. On the angle of the productive force and the iron and steel corporation’s attack from WTO, the author analyzes the importance of implementing the strategy for example of WISCO and discusses the strategical development of WISCO in "the tenth five plan" term. The author tells the strategy in No.3 workshop sinter plant WISCO on the base of his practice.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】155

