

The Elementary Research on Control of the Host Leading Diseases Based on RegUlating Root System-Rhizosphere Soil Microecological Environment

【作者】 张颖

【导师】 张星耀;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林保护学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 林木寄主主导性病害是21世纪我国林业发展所面临的严峻挑战。本试验拟研究调控根系-根际土壤微生态环境的优化因子及其复合方式对杨树扦插苗与裸根苗抗病性的作用效果,为控制杨树溃疡病这类寄主主导性病害提供理论及实践依据。本文共分两部分: 第一部分研究调控根系-根际土壤微生态环境因子的优化: 1)外生菌根菌培养条件的优化。结果表明,M001和M002最适培养基分别为灭菌10分的MMN与PDA培养基;适生温度和pH值范围为25~30℃和4~9;最适碳氮源为葡萄糖、淀粉和牛肉浸膏。发酵M001的最优条件为:葡萄糖30g/L,牛肉浸膏15g/L,接种量5%,通气量1.5L/L/m。 二)杨树扦插苗抗病性对菌根化的响应。接种量设三水平(10、25与50g/株),以加等量灭菌基质为对照。结果每株接种25gM001可明显促进扦插苗生长、提高扦插成活率、树皮相对膨胀度并有效增强过氧化物酶等的活性。 3)杨树扦插苗根系生长发育对施用植物生长调节剂的响应。N1与I1分设50、100、200与500ppm,并将二者按重量比1:1、3:2与4:3混合后再配成上述四个浓度,前三个浓度浸根1h,500ppm浸根5秒,以清水、G1、A1100ppm液为对照。结果表明,N1100 ppm在提高扦插成活率、促进扦插苗苗高、地径与侧根的生长方面作用明显。 4)植物生长调节剂对外生菌根菌生长的影响。设在菌剂基质中加入65%N1100ppm为处理,以加入同比例的水分为对照。结果N1100ppm对菌丝生长无影响。 5)杨树扦插苗生物量对施用保水剂的响应。SA与SB采用蘸根与拌土法,设0.5%、1%和2%三水平;SC采用拌土法,设三个水平(分别占土体积7.5%、15%与30%),以不加保水剂为对照。结果使用占土体积15%的SC在提高杨树扦插成活率及生物量上效果最优。 第二部分研究复合调控根系-根际土壤微生态环境因子对杨树扦插苗和1年生北京杨苗抗病性的影响。 1)应用于扦插苗时,试验设五个处理:(1)将125gM001菌剂、10g保水剂SC制成的饱和凝胶及干土(饱和凝胶与干土体积比为15%)混匀,然后将蘸有植物生长调节剂G1的插穗进行扦插;(2)将含G1的SC凝胶、125gM001菌剂及干土混匀;(4)(5)分别与(1)和(2)方法同,但使用A1100ppm液;(3)以加 调控根系-根际土壤微生态环境控制寄主主导性病害的初步研究 入等量菌剂基质、不加保水剂及清水蘸根为对照。结果复合因子4处理在促 进扦插苗生长;提高生长势、叶绿素含量与树皮相对膨胀度;增强过氧化物 酶、多酚氧化酶及苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性方面效果最佳。 2)应用于田间北京杨苗时,采用正交试验设计,使用拌土(复合因子 处理与土 1:1000混合)和蘸根法(同比例与土混合,加水至粘稠,蘸根), 以无复合因子处理为对照。结果在拌土方式下,北京杨以复合因子8处理效 果最佳。

【Abstract】 Host leading diseases are severe challenges which will be faced by Chinese forestry development in the 21st century. This paper studied control factors and their compound treatment which could improve microecological environment in the root system and rhizosphere soil in order to prevent the occurance of poplar canker disease and supply theorial and practical basis for this kind of host leading diseases. This paper was composed by two parts:The first part studied the optimizing of the factors on controlling the microecological environment in the root system and rhizosphere soil:First, optimize the culture conditions of ECM fungi. The result suggested MOO land M002 was suitable to grow in the culture medium of MMN and PDA which were sterilized for ten minutes; the suitable temperature and pH scopes were 25~30癈 and 4-9; the suitable carbon and nitrogen sources were glucose, starch and beef extract. The ferment condition of M001 includes 30g/L glucose, 15 g/L beef extract, 5% the inoculation quantity and 1.5 L/L/m ventilation quantity.Second, the resistance to the poplar canker disease answered to inoculating ECM fungi. Each inoculum set up three levels (10,25,50g/plant), the control was 25g/plant medium. The result suggested the cutting stock per plant inoculated M001 25g could promote its growth, improve its survival rate, relative turgidity and strengthen the activity of peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase.Third, the poplar root system development answered to using the growth regulators. NI and I] set up four levels(50,100.200, SOOppm), according to weight proportion NI: I] set up 1:1, 3:2, 4:3.the mixture set up the same four levels. The cutting stock soaked in the first three levels solution for one hour, the fourth for 5 second, the control was water, GI and A) lOOppm. The result suggested NI lOOppm treatment could significantly promote the poplar cutting stock height .diameter at soil line and lateral root growth.Fourth, the effect of the growth regulator on the ECM fungi. In the first treatment added 65%(according to weight proportion) NI 100 ppm in the culture medium. The control added the same proportion water. The result suggested the growth regulator had no effect on theECM fungi.Fifth, the biomass of poplar cutting stock answered to using superabsorbent. SA and SB used the method of mixing with the soil and soaking the root, set up 0.5%, 1% and 2% levels; SC used the method of mixing with the soil, set up 7.5%, 15% and 30%, the control had no superabsorbent. The result suggested SC15% treatment could improve the survival rate and biomass of poplar cutting stock.The second part studied the effects of the compound control factors on the resistance to poplar canker disease.When the compound factors were used in poplar cutting stock, the experiment set up five treats:(1)mixed 125g M001 inoculum, saturant made by 10g SC and soil (according to volume proportion, saturant : soil =15%)together. put the cutting stock which was soaked by G into the mixture; (2)mixed the saturant which had absorbed the GI, 125g M001 inoculum and soil together; (3)mixed the same quantity inoculum medium and soil, no superabsorbent, put the cutting stock soaked in the water into the mixture;(4) and (5) treatments used the same method with (1) and (2), but the growth regulator were A 100ppm. The result suggested that (4) treat could promote the growth, improve growth potential, increase the content of chlorophyll a, b and relative turgidity, strengthen the activity of peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase.When the compound factors used for Poplar X beijingensis W.Y. Hsu in field afforestation, the experiment adopted the orthogonal test, P. Xbeijingensis used the method of mixing with the soil (the compound : soil = 1:1000) and the method of soaking the root, the control had no the compound preparation. The result suggested that the 8th treat in the method of mixing with the soil took the best effect on the P. Xbeijingensis

  • 【分类号】S763.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】217

