

A Research on Integrated Curriculum Types of Elementary Social Studies

【作者】 姚冬琳

【导师】 黄甫全;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 课程整合(或称课程综合化)是目前教育研究的热点问题之一,小学社会科的整合是其中一个典型的代表。本文针对当前小学社会科整合类型的单一化问题——即小学社会科现有整合类型集中体现在学科整合上,立足于学生、教师、课程选择、环境的系统性,从课程要素结构优化的角度出发来设计新的课程整合类型。在本文中的课程要素主要指学生、教师、课程选择、社区环境。根据课程要素的交互关系,以学生为中心,从而构建出四种新的课程类型,即同伴整合课程、师生整合课程、己课整合课程、己社整合课程。小学社会科直接体现并具体贯彻“个体社会化”这一教育目的,因此本文以实现学生“个体社会化”作为基本线索,以社会心理学、社会学和课程论的相关理论作为基础,进行新的课程整合类型的开发和设计。所提出的四种课程类型是平等共存的关系,没有主次之分;在实际学习情境中,要灵活运用,尤其注意它们之间的互补融合,以达到最佳效果。

【Abstract】 Curriculum integration is one of the hot spots in education research at the present. Elementary social studies is a typical integrated curriculum. This paper is directed against the single of elementary social studies integrated types, that is subject with subject integrated curriculum. Considering the systematization of student, teacher, curriculum selection and environment, the author design new curriculum types from the view of superior structure of curriculum essential factors, those curriculum essential factors are student, teacher, curriculum selecting and social environment. In accordance with the interactive relation of curriculum essential factors and learner-centered, the author pose four curriculum types. Those are peer-group integrated curriculum, teacher-student integrated curriculum, self-discipline integrated curriculum, self-society integrated curriculum. Elementary social studies embodies and implements the aim ’personal socialization’. So the paper is aimed at ’personal socialization’, and makes it main line, and uses social psychology, sociology and curriculum theory to design the four new curriculum types. The relation of the four types is equality, coexist. In curriculum implementation, we should apply them flexibly, especially make them work in coordination in order to achieve good effect.

  • 【分类号】G620
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】196

