

【作者】 赵发海

【导师】 胡泽洪; 潘天群;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 逻辑学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 源于先秦的中国古代逻辑与源于古希腊的西方古代逻辑虽然都是人们向思维进行探索的产物,同为逻辑科学的渊源,但是,作为根植于不同民族和文化的两大逻辑传统二者存在着重大的个性差异:产生的源流不同,发展的独立性不同,发展的道路不同,发展的延续性不同。透过现象看本质,各具特色的中西传统思维方式造就了中西古代逻辑大相径庭的个性。

【Abstract】 The ancient Chinese logic arose in the pre-Qin days and the ancient western logic arose in ancient Greece are both the products of human’ s research to thinking. Both are the origins of logic. However, as they are rooted in different nations and cultures, there are some important differerences between these two logic: the difference of the origins, of the independence of the development, of the ways of development and of the continuity of development .We should seek for essence under appearance , the traditional Chinese and western ways of thinking with respective characteristics bring up the completely different characteristics between the ancient Chinese logic and the ancient western logic .

  • 【分类号】B81-03
  • 【下载频次】262

