

【作者】 唐光燕

【导师】 袁锐锷;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 迈向二十一世纪,台湾社会各界对於教育改革的重视,加上世界各地从事改革的趋势,1998年,台湾教育当局经过多年的研究和规划後,颁布了「国民教育九年一贯课程总纲」作为课程改革的纲领。是次改革除了强调中小学课程设置的衔接外,另一重点就是放弃过往学科本位的课程设置模式,把各学科的知识内容,依其相关性统合成「语文」、「社会」、「艺术与人文」,「数学」、「自然与科技」及「综合活动」等七个学习领域。其中「社会学习领域」则由以往的「地理」、「历史」及「公民与道德」三科合并、统整而成,打破了分科传统,颇能反映世界各国课程统整的发展趋势,然而亦对传统分科教学观念造成甚大冲击,引起极大争论。 本文采用了文献分析法及比较研究法,分析及了解二十一世纪初台湾社会科课程改革的情况,从而探讨本世纪初,台湾在国民中学阶段实施社会科课程统整的可行性及适切性,以期作为澳门初中社会科课程设置的参考。本论文内容共分为六部份,首先,笔者先概述台湾二十一世纪初国民中学社会科课程改革的源起及改革情况,从而导出是次台湾社会科课程改革的特色在於采用统整的课程设置模式取代过往的分科教学、强调校本课程的设置及采用基本能力指标作为教学评量的标准等。继而笔者试从不同的角度探讨台湾实施社会科课程统整的适切性,首先从当代心理学及教育理论的观点中分析,发现采用统整模式设置课程,其取向符合了以学生为本的教育精神及知识建构的学习理念,此外,多元智慧理论和人脑本位理论提出的学习原则,也为课程统整提供了充分的理论支持。接著从英、日、美三国的社会科课程设置模式及统整的经验作为借鉴,探讨统整是否为社会科课程设置的最佳方案,当中笔者发现各国在社会科的课程设置上,皆依其国家的情况及教育目标在分科与统整之间取其平衡点,因此并不见得社会科采用课程统整是其最理想的课程设置模式,当中也缺乏社会科必须统整的理由。最後,笔者从现时台湾的教育情况及课程试办的经验,了解到是次台湾的课程改革推行时间过於急速,在多年来实施传统分科教学的情况下,其根深柢固的教学观念难以一时改变,加上配套设施未能适时的配合,以致各界对於是次改革产生了很大的忧虑,故此,笔者认为现阶段全面在国民中学社会科实施课程统整著鲁不易、其所遇之困级是可预旯的。最役,肇者 钠其缕现提出相阴的建氟,作焉澳邓社酋科裸程毅置的参考。

【Abstract】 Approaching 21st century, under a global atmosphere of reformation trend, the Taiwan society has been placing strong attention on educational reform. After years of research and planning, the Taiwan Educational Department promulgated the "1 -9 Social Study Curriculum Program" as an outline of the education reform in 1988. In addition to emphasizing on the dovetail of primary and secondary curriculum, another focus of the program is the replacement of the subject-based mode of curriculum planning with the integrative mode. According to the relations of different subjects, the integration results in 7 learning domains : language, social studies, arts & humanity, mathematics, science & technology, and synthetic activity. Among these domains, Social Studies is an integration of Geography, History and Civic Education. This integration smashes the traditional subject-based mode, and also reflects the worldwide trend of curriculum integration. However, it also brought about a violent blow to the traditional educational conception; hence brought about profound controversy.With the methods of literature review and comparison, this study analyzes Taiwan’s Educational Reform, and explores the possibility and suitability of integrating social subjects in Taiwan public secondary schools. With the findings, this study is purposed to serve as a reference to the Social Studies curriculum development of junior secondary level in Macau. This study contains 6 parts. Firstly, it is a review of the background and origin of Taiwan’s education reform, and the state of reformation concerning Social Studies. Meanwhile, the characteristic of Taiwan education reform is introduced. These characteristics are about a reformation from the traditional subject-based mode to and integrative mode, an emphasis ofschool-based curriculum and an evaluation system based on fundamental-ability. Following these is an exploration from varies psychological and theoretical point of views on the suitability of integrating Social Studies curriculum. Findings show that the curriculum integrative mode corresponds with the student-centered and knowledge developmental concepts. Besides, this integrative mode is also well supported by the theories of multi-intelligence and brain-based. The researcher then explore if curriculum integration is the best mode for the Social Studies curriculum planning through comparing the curriculum development and curriculum integration history in the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States. The comparison shows that the curriculum in these countries is an equilibrium between the subject-based and integrative mode in accordance with each country’s state of affairs and her educational objectives. Due to this fact, the integration of social subjects is proved not being the best mode of curriculum planning. Along with this, an analysis on the present Taiwan education and curriculum development statue shows that the hasty education reform failed to replace the traditional subject-based curriculum which has been established firmly in the past. Adding to improper equipment, profound public anxiety is aroused. Therefore, the researcher believes that Taiwan’s national implement of educational reform is never an easy task, and this reformation should encounter heavy obstacles. Last of all, the researcher concludes all findings and proposes recommendations for the Macau Social Studies curriculum development.

  • 【分类号】G639.28
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】354

