

The Experimental Study of Japanese-Chinese Bilingual’s Mental Lexicon Representation Structure

【作者】 孟凌

【导师】 高立群;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言文化大学 , 课程与教学论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 以往的各种研究显示,双语者通常具有两种语言的心理词典,但是在这两个心理词典的联结模式的问题上,还存在许多争论。本文利用Stroop范式和颜色命名方法对日—汉双语者心理词典的表征结构进行了实验研究,主要考察了第二语言熟练度和母语和目的语的语言相似性这两个因素对双语者心理词典表征结构的影响,并对三种双语者心理词典表征结构模型:词汇联结模型、语义中介模型、多通路模型进行了分析比较。 在实验的基础上,本文着重分析了日—汉两种语言的特殊关系——既相似(日文汉字和汉字),又不相似(日文假名和汉字)——在日—汉双语者心理词典表征中的作用。结果表明:1)由于日语和汉语的复杂关系,日汉双语中既包含相似性因素,又包含不相似性因素。因此,日-汉双语者的两种语言的表征结构具有复杂的模式。2)目的语熟练程度影响日文汉字和汉字的联结关系,低熟练程度的双语者采取的是词汇联结模式,高熟练程度的双语者采取的是多通路模式。3)目的语熟练程度对日文假名和汉字的连接模式也具有影响,同时由于日文汉字和日文假名在日语内部的非均衡关系,使得低熟练度日汉双语者的日文假名和汉字形成以日文汉字为中介的词汇联接模式,高熟练度的双语者采取语义中介模式。4)日—汉双语者的色块命名中,母语的反应时低于汉语,但 毕业论义 没有汉语水平的水平差异。5)日-汉双语者在日文汉字的色词干 扰量上大于日文假名,表明在日语内部,日文汉字较日文假名具 有更强的语义通达优势。

【Abstract】 A bilingual Stroop task was used to examine how bilinguals access and store words in two languages. The goal of the research was to examine if language similarity and language proficiency have influences on the representation of bilingual information. Researchers tested bilinguals of similar languages and bilinguals of dissimilar languages. And they found that language similarity and language proficiency jointly affect the patterns of within-and between-language interference. And they discussed three models of the Mental lexicon of bilinguals. There are the word association model, the concept mediation model and the multiple access models.As a special types of bilinguals, both similar (Japanese kanji and Chinese hanzi) and dissimilar factor (Japanese kana and Chinese hanzi) were be found in Chinese and Japanese. So, in this paper, we designed a Stroop task about Japanese-Chinese bilinguals, and analyzed the data of the study.At last, we found that the association models between the Japanese kanji and Chinese hanzi is different to Japanese kana and Chinese hanzi. And the Japanese-Chinese bilinguals shift their method of accessing and storing bilingual information as they move from being a beginner to being a highly proficient bilingual.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】358

