

【作者】 吕林海

【导师】 杨泰良;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 发现法教学重新受到人们的关注。但发现法与接受法孰优孰劣,二者究竟有何区别,发现法应用的条件是什么,在使用发现法教学的过程中应该关注些什么,对这些问题始终存有争议。 本文从发现法产生与发展的历史过程展开论述,重点剖析其哲学和心理学基础的渊源与流变历程,揭示其不断扩充的理论内核。结合当代社会发展背景,采用对比的方法,阐述现代发现法的理论内涵。通过分析与比较讲授式教学与发现式教学具体课例,归纳出发现式教学与接受式教学的区别,并据此进一步提出了对发现学习意义性与机械性的理解。提出在课堂活动中的发现法具体实施理念,结合具体课例的分析,指出实际教学中普遍存在的问题,从而就此提炼出具体实施策略。通过课例的比较,整理出发现法教学的基本模式与环节,同时结合课例中存在的问题,对课例实施进程重新进行了改造与更新。

【Abstract】 The discovery method of teaching regains people’s attention. Which is the better one between the discovery method and receiving method? Under what conditions should we apply the discovery method? As we use the discovery method, what should we pay more attention to? To the answer of these questions, there have always been a lot of disagreements.To begin with the history of development of the discovery method, this paper emphatically analyzes the origin and changing process of its philosophical and psychological bases, shows its theoretic cores which have been expanded constantly. Combined with the background of the contemporary social development, and using the comparative method, this paper expounds the theoretical connotation of the discovery method. Through analyzing and comparing the two instructional method, the writer conclude the differences between them, then further expresses how to understand the meaningfulness and mechanicalness of the discovery method. At last, this paper gives the applying ideas, and makes an analysis of concrete teaching examples, then point out the general problem existing in practical teaching activities, then put forward the concrete applying strategies. By contrasting the genuine teaching examples, the writer raises the basic mode and key link of discovery method, at the same time, reconstruct and renew the applying process.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】526

