

【作者】 郭云忠

【导师】 黄和新;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化进程的加快和我国加入WT0,国外商品迅速占领中国市场。由商品质量瑕疵等原因引发的“小额多数”的现代型纠纷不断涌现。与美国集团诉讼相比,我国代表人诉讼在制度设计上存在着契约成本、控制成本、信息成本等交易成本过高的诸多不合理之处,并且在制度运行上缺乏利益激励机制。“东芝”、“三菱”事件就充分暴露了其严重的功能缺陷。 我们通过考察,进而发现各国群体诉讼的目的可分为两类:保护个人利益和保护社会利益;群体诉讼也据此分为两种模式:私益型群体诉讼和公益型群体诉讼。美国等发达国家相继建立了公益型群体诉讼,而我国代表人诉讼仍停留在私益型群体诉讼。因此,为保护我国广大消费者利益,必须借鉴国外的先进经验,尽快完善我国的代表人诉讼制度。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization and the approaching of China’s entrance to WTO, more products from abroad are imported to China. Therefore, disputes arise frequently due to defective products. Compared with Class Action in U.S., Representative Action in China has some defects such as high transaction cost, which include contract cost, control cost and information cost. Moreover, the Representative Action can’t function well due to lack of a system of interest stimulation. We can find its function faults in TOSHIBA Issue.Through observation, we find that the purposes of Group Actions in the world can be classified into two types: to protect personal interest and to protect social interest. Hence, Group Actions can be divided into two models: individual-benefitting Group Actions and public-benefitting Group Actions. The developed countries, such as the U.S., have established public- benefitting Group Actions, whereas our country still remains at the stage of individual-benefitting Group Actions. Therefore, drawing on other countries’ experience to protect the interests of Chinese consumers we must reform the system of Representative Action.

【关键词】 群体诉讼模式经济分析重构
【Key words】 Group ActionsModelsEconomic AnalysisReconstruction
  • 【分类号】D915.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】217

