

【作者】 王宏波

【导师】 张留芳;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 图书出版资本经营就是将图书出版单位所拥有的各种社会资源,各种生产要素,通过兼并、重组、参股、控股、转让、租赁等途径,进行优化配置,实现最大限度的增值。图书出版资本经营具有资源整合的双对象性、受非经济性因素影响大、追求双重目的且文化作为第一目的性、经营上与核心业务的难以剥离性等特点。 中国图书出版资本现状与特点是:来源上投资主体单一,布局上部门化、单位化、地域化,使用上闲置和浪费并存,总量上弱小与不足,从而使资本的流动性、逐利性受到限制,难以形成规模效应。图书出版是“朝阳产业”,由于艳羡着图书出版的高额利润,出版系统外资本想方设法谋求进入出版领域,同时,中国图书出版业面临着WTO、信息技术、社会主义市场经济体制和知识经济时代人们需求的变化等诸方面的机遇和挑战。在当今世界上,作为政治的传媒首先必须是经济的,因为没有足够的经济实力和科技实力,就没有足够的舆论影响力。因此,在中国图书出版领域很有进行资本经营的必要,因为资本经营具有资产重组、融资、体制培育等功能,能将中国出版业做大、做强、做活。本论文从观念认识、实施步骤、方式方法、风险规避等方面对如何进行图书出版资本经营作了些许探讨。

【Abstract】 The very aim of capital-management in publication business is to optimize the various resources and means of production possessed by the publishers in order to maximize the increment of capital through merging, re-organizing, stock-sharing, stock-holding, stock-transferring, and leasing. This management of funds is characterized by the double objectives of the organizing of the resources* on the one hand, it is greatly influenced by the economic factors, but takes promoting and enriching knowledge as its priority on the other, which leads to its inseparability from its kernel business.The present position and character of the capital in publication circles in China is the following: the investors are too identical; its distributions are confined to several government departments, work units, and regions; the utilizing of it co-exists with the wasting of it; and it is weak and inadequate in its total amount. All these defects result in the general restriction on its circulation and appreciation, and consequently exclude its accomplishment of scale. The business of publication is now a very promising industry in our country. Because of the attraction of its super profit, the funds outside the publication circle are managing to enter this territory. Meanwhile, the very industry is now facing the chances as well as challenges from our country’s entering WTO, from IT technologies, and from the increasing various needs of people in the era of knowledge and socialist market economy. In the present world, as a medium for politics, the publication business is primarily based on economic drive, because if there is no sufficient economic, scientific, and technological support, there will be no intended impact on the public opinions. 1 here fore, it is essential that the capital management be carried out in the publication circles. Because of its functions of capital organizing and circulating and system cultivation, the very industry will inevitably be expanded, strengthened, and optimized. How to implement capital management in publication industry ? The thesis approachs the subject from concept and understanding, steps, means, avoiding risk, etc

  • 【分类号】G231
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】189

