

【作者】 刘晓静

【导师】 刘晶波; 卢乐珍;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 冲突行为是幼儿与同伴之间频繁发生的一种社会互动形式.长久以来,我们一般只看到了冲突在表面上显现出的消极特征,而忽视了去挖掘冲突中蕴涵的深层次的心理发展价值。实质上,冲突对儿童的社会化具有独特的价值。 研究者对一所幼儿园幼儿与同伴间的冲突进行了现场观察,用“白描”的方式记录冲突行为案例,并将搜集到的案例用定量描述和定性研究相结合的方式进行分析。研究揭示了幼儿同伴冲突行为的显著特征和发展趋势,并根据原始资料提炼出同伴冲突行为的几种类型。在此基础上对教师如何处理幼儿之间的冲突提出一些尝试性的建议。 研究者认为:幼儿同伴冲突行为是幼儿与同伴之间进行的一种相互对立的行为过程。冲突行为与攻击行为有很大的区别,攻击行为只是冲突过程中可能出现的一种行为,冲突指涉的范围要比攻击大得多。 幼儿之间的冲突绝大部分发生在自由游戏活动时间。一个完整的冲突事件包括起因、策略和结果。冲突的起因主要有两种:由物(物理情境)导向的冲突,由人(社会情境)导向的冲突。根据幼儿的社会认知发展水平,将他们在冲突过程中使用的策略分为三种:冲动—动作型策略、单向—控制型策略、双向—互惠型策略。幼儿之间冲突的结果分为:积极结果、中性结果、消极结果。

【Abstract】 Conflict is one of the social interactions that occure frequently between children. For a long time,we only saw the shadowy pictures of the nature of children’s conflicts, and failed to reveal the value of conflict for children’s social development. In fact, conflicts owe particular value for the socialization of children.The author conducted a natural observation in a kindergarten and documented the conflict episodes narratively, by combining qualitative andqualitative methods together, The author analysised the developmental tendency and distinct characters of children’s conflicts, and summarized the types of conflicts between children. On the basis of this,The author gave some tentative advice for teachers on how to deal with children’s conflicts.The author thinks that conflicts between children is a state of mutual resistants which occur between young children and their compeers, conflict is differentiated from aggression greatly. Aggressive behavior is only one of many types of behaviors that may occur in conflict, conflict contains a much larger scope than aggression.Children’s conflicts appear in the free play mostly. An entire conflict episode comprises cause, strategy and outcome. Two basic types of causes are: object-oriented conflict and person-oriented conflict. According to children’s social-congitive levels,the author proposes three developmental levels of strategies: impulsive-physical strategy, unilateral-coercive strategy and bilateral-reciprocal strategy. The outcomes contain positive outcome, neutral outcome and negative outcome.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】73
  • 【下载频次】4580

