

【作者】 王恒

【导师】 朱晓进;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 叶灵凤是二十世纪二三十年代活跃于中国文坛的早期海派作家。他的小说创作为时仅十二三年,且作品不多,因一度被归为“才子+流氓”类作家而被评论者们过早定性,乃至忽视。八十年代中期以后,评论叶灵凤的文章逐渐增多,但评论者们对其作品仍然是褒贬不一。 事实上,叶灵凤的小说创作是十分有特点的。其小说的母题虽然固定不变,即始终框定在情爱领域,但他的创作手法却变化多端,并且他的创作经历也虽短暂却富于变化——他先是创造社的小伙计,创造社转型后他或为早期的海派作家,其间,他一方面用现代主义手法创作新感觉类型的小说,一方面为报刊写作通俗连载长篇小说。然而抗战后,他却并没有沿着海派文学的道路继续发展下去。 因此,本文想将叶灵凤的小说创作放进整个二三十年代的文学环境中去,了解他文学道路选择的原因,总结其小说创作的得失和历史的经验教训,还其以文学生中正确的位置。从中也揭示出二三十年代中国小说发展的某种倾向,并进而分析这种倾向形成的根源和基本走向。 本文将从以下几方面进行研究 一,用比较的方法弄清叶灵凤与三位早期创造社的元老们在风格相近,起点相似的情况下,为何选择了不同的创作道路及他们选择的必然性。 二,通过分析叶灵凤的生活经历和当时的文坛动向,了解其前期小说创作的特点,及形成这些特点的原因。 三,了解叶灵凤后期小说走向的原因。通过与三位新感觉派的主要作家进行比较,正视叶灵凤后期小说的得失,并分析他之后不再沿着海派文学道路发展的主客观原因。 本文得出的结论是:叶灵凤是一位在不变的创作主题中不断探求新的写作方式的,孜孜不倦的海派作家。他的小说创作有得有失,可以为我们研究海派文学的发展打开一个小小的窗口,也能为当今的现代主义文学创作提供一些有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Between 1920s and 1930s, Ye ling-feng, as one of the earliest Haipai writers, is an active member in Chinese literary world. His novelistic writing only lasted 12 or 13 years and his works are not too many. Because Ye ling-feng was once classified one of those "gifted scholar+hoodlum", he has not been paid enough attention for a period of time. After the medium-term of 1980s, there are more and more comments on Ye ling-feng’s writings, but they don’t have some certain praise.In fact, Ye ling-feng’s novelistic writing is very characteristic. Although their themes that fasten on affection field are changeless, his writing methods are diversified and his writing experience isshort but complex------at first , he is a young fellow of theChuang-zao organization. After it changed its direction, Ye ling-feng became one of the earliest Haipai writers. In this period, he wrote New-sense style novels by modernistic methods, at the same time, he also wrote popular common serialize novels for the press. After the war, Ye ling-feng stopped his novelistic writing.So this study will put Ye ling-feng’s novels into the whole literary circumstance of 1920s and 1930s, in order to find out the reason of Ye ling-feng’s literary choice. We will also summarize his novelistic writing’s gain and loss, its historical experience. From this study, we can open out some tendency of Chinese literary development between 1920s and 1930s. We will also analyze thistendency’s source and its probably trend.Some ways to research:First, we will use the comparative way to make clear why Ye ling-feng and other three senior writers of Chuang-zao organization chose different ways of writing and their inevitability, although their styles were similitude and their starting points were near at the first period of time.Second, we will study the characters of Ye ling-feng’s novels in the early days of his novelistic writing, and the reasons that formed these characters through these ways of analyzing Ye ling-feng’s life experience and the literary world pulse of that time.Third, we will study the reason of how Ye ling-feng’s novels developed in that way at its later period. We will compare Ye ling-feng’s novels with three main writers of New-sense genre to look squarely at his novels’ gain and loss, to find the subjective and objective reasons why he didn’t continue his novelistic writing along Haipai’s way.This study draws a conclusion: Ye ling-feng is a diligent Haipai writer who was seeking after new writing methods continually in invariable novels themes. Although there are success and failure in his writings, they can give us an open window to study Haipai’s development, and they can also give the modernistic writing some good uses for reference.

【关键词】 情爱小说浪漫主义现代主义
【Key words】 affection novelsromanticismmodernism
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】256

