

On Chinese Modernization

【作者】 王正中

【导师】 陈章龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国人的现代化问题也是一项急待解决的重大问题。对于中国人的现代化理论建构,西方人的现代化理论和近代中国的现代化思想存在着需要批判、借鉴和继承的东西;从马克思到毛泽东,特别是从邓小平到江泽民的人的发展思想则是直接的理论依据。中国人的现代化存在于复杂的关系之中,着眼于中国当前代现代化实践必须要理清和解决两个层面上的四个关系:即文化层面上,与中国传统文化的关系和与西方文化的关系;物的层面上,与社会现代化的关系和与社会主义市场经济的关系。在构建具有中国特色社会主义的人的现代化理论框架上,首先要反映中国的文化制度和生产力等国情特征;其次,确定中国人的现代化长远目标和现阶段目标,初步廊出中国人的现代化人格指征;最后,设计出一条具有中国特色社会主义的人的现代化道路,并在宏观和微观的两个层面上找出应宗取的推进手段。

【Abstract】 It is also a fatal issure to be solved in a urgeat to modernize the Chinesepeople in China. On this issue, both the theory by the modern western andthe current Chinese theorist have some elements to be accepted, judgedand confirmed. Those thearies by the leaders from Mary, Mao Zedont, DengXiaoping to Jiang Zeming are the theory baxic for this issue, This modernizationissue is under a consideration of some complexity of relationships. Under aconsideration of the current practice, four factors must be classified in twoclasses, these factors are: in culture classes(1) the relationships with thetraditional Chinese culture; (2)the relationships with the western culture;in physics classes(1)the relationships with the social modernization;(2) therelationships with the market modernization. When constructing the theory frame,concerns on the following factors must be paid. First, the Chinese conditions ofculture, systems and productivity must be showed out; secondly, the currenttarget and a foture target on this issue must be printed out ,the expectedpersonality must be deseribed out; lastly, a routine on the issue must bedesigned out on the basic of Chinese specialty, and the promoting method onthis issue must be given out in both macrocosm and microcosm phases.

  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】460

