

【作者】 王益文

【导师】 张文新;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 攻击行为是儿童中普遍存在的一种社会行为,是儿童个性社会性发展的重要内容。攻击行为影响儿童人格和品德的形成,是个体社会化成败的重要指标。长期以来,儿童攻击行为一直是心理学特别是发展心理学的重要课题和研究热点。本论文由两项研究组成,研究一是《3~4岁儿童攻击行为的多方法测评研究》,研究二是《3~4岁儿童攻击行为与“心理理论”的关系》。 儿童攻击行为测评的科学性、有效性和准确性直接决定着该领域研究的水平和质量,对测评方法的研究和评价从而成为该领域研究的基础和前提条件。儿童攻击行为的测评方法主要有问卷法、量表法、观察法、社会测量法、访谈法等。国内外已有的研究多采用单一方法测评儿童的攻击行为,常常导致研究方法的效度不高。研究一以整群抽样法选取177名3-4岁幼儿园小班儿童为被试,同时运用自然观察法、母亲评定法、教师评定法和同伴提名法,多方法多角度地评定儿童的攻击行为,采用潜变量测量模型检验儿童攻击行为的多方法测评与实测数据拟合情况,得出如下主要结论: (1)自然观察、教师评定、母亲测量和同伴提名具有较高的信度; (2)四种测评方法均具有较高的效标关联效度,同伴提名和教师评定的效标关联效度高于自然观察和母亲测量; (3)四种测评方法的测评模型与实测数据拟合良好,表明多方法测评是更为准确有效的攻击行为测评工具。 儿童攻击行为的认知机制是该领域研究中的深层问题。道奇的社会信息加工模型是解释儿童攻击行为认知机制的著名理论,但某些攻击行为如间接攻击的实施客观上要求儿童具备相对较高的认知和操纵他人心理的能力,这是道奇的“认知缺陷假说”所无法解释的。儿童攻击行为的认知机制可能与攻击行为的类型相联系,属于身体、动作攻击型与以实施间接攻击为主的儿童的认知能力可能存在差异。因此,需要结合攻击行为的类型对攻击性儿童的认知特点进行研究。我们把这一观点称为攻击行为认知机制的“类型特殊性”假说。 “心理理论”是指个体对他人和自己心理状态及其与他人行为的关系的一种常识性认知。研究二参照道奇的标准从研究一的被试中选取93名幼儿园小班儿童为被试,以自然观察法为儿童攻击行为的测评指标,采用“意外转移”和“欺 骗外表”两种测验任务,从“心理理论”的角度探讨儿童攻击行为的认知机制。 研究得出如下主要结论: (1)攻击儿童与无攻击行为儿童的心理理论能力不存在显著差异: *)间接攻击儿童的心理理论能力显著高于身体攻击和无攻击行为儿童,其 他儿童之间不存在显著差异; *)各组儿童对自己心理的认知能力不存在显著差异; 本论文的创新之处在于运用潜变量测量模型进行多方法多角度的测量分析, 评定儿童攻击行为测评方法的信度和效度,建立评估儿童攻击行为的最忧方法和 科学指标:通过现场实验证明,攻击儿童与无攻击行为儿童的心理理论能力不存 在显著差异,至少是某些攻击几童(如间接攻击儿童)并不存在认知缺陷。

【Abstract】 Aggression is a type of social behavior of relatively high prevalence among children. It is an aspect of children’s personality and social development. Aggression is closely associated with the formation of children’s personality and morality, and normally considered as an important index of individuals’ socialization. The development of children’s aggressive behavior is one of the most important research areas in developmental psychology. This dissertation is consist of two studies. Study one focused on the multi-method assessment of children’s aggressive behavior between 3 to 4 years old. and study two explored the relationship of children’s aggressive behavior to their theory-of-mind.Effective and accurate assessment of children’s aggressive behavior determines directly level and quality of the research in the area. Therefore, the study and evaluation of methods for assessing children’s aggressive behavior constitutes one of the most fundamental tasks for the research in this area. The main methods of measuring children’s aggressive behavior include questionnaire, scale, observation, nomination, interview and so on. Most previous studies used solar method to measure children’s aggressive behaviors, and often led to low validity of the result, and at times lead to difficulties in testifying the results from one another. In the first study, a panel of measures including natural observation, mother assessment, teacher assessment and peer nomination were employed in a sample of 177 3-4 years old children from three urban kindergartens. The validity and reliabilities of each method was evaluated for each measure. The main findings of study one were as follows:1. Natural observation, mother assessment, teacher assess and peer nomination each had comparatively high reliability. 2. Each of the four measures also had comparatively high criterion validity. 3. The theoretical multiple-method model using four measures was very well fitted to data, which proved to be a more accurate and effective measuring tool of aggression.The cognitive mechanism of children’s aggressive behavior is a deep-seated issue for research. Dodge proposed the social information processing model to interpret the cognitive process under children’s aggressive behavior. However, theconducting of certain type of aggressive behavior such as indirect aggression does require comparatively high cognitive ability to understand and manipulate others’ mind on the part of the aggressor, which can’t be explained by Dodge’s cognitive deficiency hypothesis. We believe that the cognitive process under children’s aggressive behavior may be relates to the types of aggressive behavior. The cognitive ability of those children categorized as indirect-aggression group may be different from that of the physical-aggressive children. So the cognitive feature of aggressive children must be examined according to the specific types of aggressive behavior. We would rather call this viewpoint type-specific hypothesis of cognitive mechanism of aggressive behavior.Theory-of-mind refers a naive cognition that individuals understand others’ mental state and that of their own as well as the relationship of others’ behavior to their mind. In the second study, the ’unexpected transfer’ and ’deceptive appearance’ test tasks were employed in a sample of 93 children selected from the first study, in an effort to explore the cognitive mechanism of children’s aggressive behavior in terms of the ability of theory-of-mind. The results showed that, overall, no significant difference in the ability of theory-of-mind existed between aggressive and non-aggressive children. Indirect-aggressive children had a higher level of ability of theory-of-mind than those physical-aggressive children and non-aggressive children, but the latter two groups did not differ significantly. All the three groups of children had similar abilities of understanding their own mind.This study developed a multi-method model for measuring children’s aggressive behavior and evaluated its reliabilities a

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】1507

