

【作者】 胡鹏

【导师】 米寿顺;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文上篇描述了汉魏西晋婚恋诗的整体特征及各时代的创作情况;下篇描述了汉魏西晋婚恋诗所呈现出来的各项审美因素:如爱情、如佳人、如审美兴象。 上篇:汉魏西晋婚恋诗创作的概貌 一、汉魏西晋婚恋诗的总体特征。 (一)悲音与思曲 该时期的诗歌多为怨辞、悲辞,情调主悲,其原因有三:艺术上受汉代悲音美的影响;内容表现为妇女对自由爱情、幸福婚姻的向往与这种愿望的实际上难以实现之间的悲剧冲突;作家本身无多少欢乐情事可写。 该时期的诗歌在内容上多为夫妇之间的思曲,而少男女欢恋之歌,其原因有二:自然条件的限制与宗法礼教的束缚;士子离家游宦的社会现实。 (二)模拟的品格 该时期的诗歌在艺术形式上以模拟为主要特征。自东汉末至魏、西晋,文人的婚恋诗创作多具有模拟的品格,这与当时的文学创作环境有莫大的关系。文事的兴盛与文人的会聚使文人以学诗和逞才为目的创作了大量拟作的婚恋诗。 在模拟的同时,各时代的婚恋诗创作亦各有其创新。 二、汉魏西晋时期各阶段的婚恋诗创作 两汉婚恋诗提供了后世摹拟的范本,魏和西晋都是对范本的模拟期。魏和西晋都主要以汉乐府、《古诗十九首》为摹拟对象,所不同的是西晋还以魏代的婚恋诗为摹拟对象。 (一)两汉婚恋诗 两汉婚恋诗的突出成就是为后世提供了摹拟的范本。汉乐府推出了以罗敷为代表的美女佳人;《古诗十九首》则对夫妇的相思之情作了全景式的描绘。 此外,西汉前期出现了恋情诗创作一个小高潮。 (二)魏婚恋诗 这一时期婚恋诗创作的成就体现在曹丕和曹植身上。曹丕对风月、弦歌的特殊爱好终于有了成果,他熔铸古诗中的旧有的手段开创出新的意境,《燕歌行》成为传世的名篇。曹植则将婚恋诗改造为“政治失恋诗”,以待嫁之女托喻渴求入仕之士,以弃妇比逐臣。 (三)西晋婚恋诗 这一时期最主要的成就是出现了反映真情实感的婚恋诗,即潘岳的以“悼亡”为主题的一系列写给妻子杨氏的诗歌,把爱恋与死别所造成的深 切的痛伤呈露在读者面前,歌以当哭。 这一时期的婚恋诗在情态上较为压抑,曹植婚恋诗中忧惧的心态弥漫 在诗歌当中,并加以深化Z傅玄的一系列婚恋诗可解读为对女性卑弱依附 地位的的诗化描述。 在艺术上,陆机、陆云刻意描绘弦歌场面,呈现出雕琢化的倾向。0 下篇:汉魏西晋婚恋诗所呈现的艺术审美世界 一、汉魏西晋婚恋诗中的爱情 爱情是婚恋诗创作的缘由,虽然大多数的婚恋诗是拟情之作,但以男女 之情为表现对象的婚恋诗必须以爱情为依托,所以我们有必要探讨一下彼 时代人心中情慷的特征。 彼时代的爱情可分为两种类型:一是以汉武帝为代表的“唯美的恋情\ 二是以秦嘉、徐淑夫妇为代表的“琴瑟合鸣”式的爱情。 作为“唯美的恋惰\ 其原因是出于对“绝代佳人”的追求,对女性的 外在美关注较多Z 作为“琴瑟合鸣”式的爱情,因其发生在婚姻关系成立 以后,其爱情的原因在于夫妇之间的“共鸣\对女性的内在品质关注的较 多。 二、魏西晋婚恋诗中的女性美 汉代确立了“有艳淑女”的审美观Z“有艳淑女”的民间品格表现为美 貌、美德,并以生产劳动为背景。 魏、西晋文人以卯 上桑》为范本,加诸多种手段对美女进行大肆的如 描摹,以馨芳,以弦歌,以唇红齿白的对比。作为创新,则体现出了对个 体人格美的追求。 三、汉魏西晋婚恋诗中的审美兴象 模拟往往是学诗的初步,在模拟的过程中,范本中有效的艺术手段往 往被继承下来,化作学诗者自己的艺术才能。《古诗十九首》是后人摹拟的 范本,它以“婉转附物,。沼怅切情”为特征,“情”是难以捕捉的,“物” 却便于照搬照用,《古诗十九首》中兴象多为后人所借用。 纵观汉魏西晋婚恋诗,“弦歌、风月、兰华”三种兴象最为频繁,它们 被诗人所选用是有其心理原因的。在婚恋诗创作中,这三种兴象的运用在 不同时代诗人手中呈现出不同的特点。

【Abstract】 This article consists of two parts.The first part mainly describes the whole feature of love poems in Han Wei Xijin Dynasty,and relates writing thing of every eras;the second part mainly discusses every taste factors,such as love beautiful woman and taste images.The first: the general picture of love poems in Han Wei XijinPart one :the general feature of love poems in Han Wei Xijin1 sorrow and missingThe poems of this period are mainly complain sad,there are three reasons:affected by sad poems of Han Dynasty in art;tragedy conflict between longing for free love happy marriage of women and in fact this hope can’t be realized;writers themselves hadn’t many glad things to write.The poems’ content of this period are mainly missing song between couples,and none of joy song between man and woman,which has two reasons:confine of natural conditions and patriarchal clan system; the social reality of scholars leaving home for becoming officials .2 the character of imitatingThe main feature of the poems of this period is imitative in art form.From the end of Donghan to Wei Xijin Dynasty, Iterators’ love poems writing usually has the character of imitating,which relates temporal literature writing circumstance very much.The thrive of writing and the party of literators make them write many imitative love poems for learning poetry and showing off their talent.At the same time,the love poems of every eras have innovation.Part two:the love poems writing in every era.The love poems writing of Han Wei Xijin can be looked a simulative process.Xihan and Donghan are the period of model for painting,Wei and Xijin are both simulation period to the model for painting.Wei and Xijin both imitated Han yuefu <nineteen ancient poems>,and Xijin imitated the love poems of Wei Dynasty.1 the love poems of Xihan and DonghanThe achievement of this period love poems is providing imitated model for painting.Han yuefu described such beauty as Luofu;<nineteen ancient poems> described miss between couple fully .Furtherrnore,prophase of Xihan appeared a small climax of love poems writing.2 the love poems of Wei DynastyThe achievement of this period love poems embodies Caopi and Caozhi.Caopi was interested in wind and moon spring song very much,which had fruit in the end,he opened new artistic conception with old measures in ancient poems,and <Yan ge xing> became famous works.Caozhi changed love poems as "politics losing love poems", which used women waiting for marry to explain those who thirst to be official,and used discarded wives as driven-out official.3 the love poems of Xijin DynastyThe main achievement of this period is love poems which reflect true feelings,namely Panyue wrote a series of poems to his wife Yangshi whose topic is mourning her and submit deep-felt sorrow caused by love and death before readers.The love poems of this period are rather oppressed in emotion state,apprehensive intention is full of Caozhi’s love poems,and deepen;Fuxuan’s series of love poems can be unscrambled as describing in poem to humble women.Artistically,Luji luyun painstakingly described spring song scene,which present carved incline.The second:the artistic taste world in love poems of Han Wei Xijin Dynasty .Part onerlove in the love poems of Han Wei Xijin Dynasty.Love is the reason of love poems.Although most love poems are imitating feelings,the love poems which took the feeling between man and woman as the object must take love as support,so we need discuss the feeling feature of that times.The love of that times can be divided into two kinds :the first kind isHanwudi’s love;the second kind is Qinjia and Xushu’s love.Hanwudi’s love is the chase to peerless beautiful woman,which attends the outer beauty of woman much;because Qinjia and Xushu’s love happened after the marriage relation coming into existence,the reason of which is "sympathize" of the couple,and it attends the internal quality of woman much.Part twotthe beauty of women in the love poems of Wei, Xijin

  • 【分类号】I207.22
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