

The Evaluation of Urban Land Intensive Use and Potential in Jinan City

【作者】 张波

【导师】 郑新奇;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 城市土地是城市社会和经济发展的基础,其利用水平的高低会给城市带来不同的经济、社会和环境效益。目前,我国土地资源日趋紧张,而大部分城市土地集约利用水平低下,造成了土地的浪费和效益的降低。为了提高城市土地的集约利用水平,实现城市土地的可持续利用,本文在汲取国内外先进的相关理论、研究方法和实际调查的基础之上,采用地理信息系统作为主要技术支撑,以济南市为例,在理论和实践上对城市集约利用潜力评价作了尝试性的探讨。 理论方面,探讨了国内外关于城市土地利用的研究现状及存在问题,提出了城市土地集约利用潜力评价的概念和内涵,指出了评价应遵循的原则以及实现途径,分析了影响城市土地集约利用的因素,系统地总结出评价指标体系和评价标准,并结合济南市的实际情况,对建成区内城市土地集约利用现状、潜力大小、集约利用趋势作了简单的探讨。 实践方面,首次评价了济南市城区土地的集约利用状况,并选取典型指标计算了低度利用区面积、经济效益和土地资产的潜力。在功能区设置方面采取先评价再划分再调整的模糊方法,划分为居住、商业、工业和其它四类功能区,主要对前三类功能区评价。利用专家咨询、统计分析等方法,筛选出一系列的评价指标,三类功能区从中选取各自相应的评价指标,共三套,每一指标经特尔菲法计算后赋予不同权重。参照国家标准、行业内部规定以及济南市和国内外同等发展水平城市的实际情况,制定评价标准。采取区域分值法和极限法划分出济南市城区各类用地的低度利用区、适度利用区、集约利用区、过度利用区四个潜力级。设定期望容积率与现状用地容积率相比较,代入所推导出的计算公式,计算出各类用地低度利用区的面积潜力,结合单位面积商品房售价计算出居住功能区低度利用区经济效益潜力,同时用居住区片基准地价计算土地资产潜力:结合商业单位面积平均利税计算商业低度利用区经济效益潜力,商业区片基准地价计算土地资产潜力:结合工业单位面积平均利税计算工业低度利用区经济效益潜力,工业区片基准地价计算土地资产潜力。在评价结果图上划分出扇形单元和环形单元,生成统计频率图,对评价结果中土地集约利用分布、土地利用结构合理性、土地集约利用规律作出分析。 作为应用之一,根据功能区评价结果,从城市土地后备资源总量、城市人口与用地增长弹性、投入与用地增长弹性、产出与用地增长弹性四个方面简单分析了城市总体土地集约利用趋势。此外,对计算机辅助评价特别是地理信息系统在城区土地集约利用潜力评价中的应用作了有益的探索。 最后,简要总结了论文的主要结论,包括理论的突破、技术的创新、应用前景等,提出了本研究中存在的不足及有待于进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Urban land is the foundation of urban social and economical development. The different degree of urban land use brings about different economical, social and environmental benefits to urban areas. Now, the land resource of our country becomes tenser day by day. The low level of urban land use has caused waste and the reduction of land benefit . To raise the intensivism and realize the sustainable use of urban land, this paper adopts geography information system as major technology to discuss the evaluation of urban land intensive use and potential. All of them are based on drawing the foundation of domestic and international advanced related theories, research technique and actual inquiry. Jinan city is the case of this study.On theoretical aspect, the domestic and international research status quo and existent problem about urban land use have been discussed. The connotation and concept of urban land intensive use are given. Then the factors that affect urban land use have been analysed. After summarizing evaluating indexes and standards systematically and combining the actual condition of Jinan city, we make simple discuss on the present situation, potential size and intensive use tendency of urban land in districts of Jinan city.On practice aspect, the status quo of urban land intensive use in Jinan city has been evaluated for the first time. The potential of area, economic benefits and land asset in low degree use areas are also calculated. A vague method has been adopted when dividing function districts. In this way, evaluation is the first step. The second step is to divide function districts which are residential, commercial, industrial and other function districts. The third step is to adjust confines. The evaluation is mainly about former three districts. A series of evaluating indexes are filtered using expert consulted method and statistical analysis method. Evaluating standards are also established according to national standards and actual conditions of Jinan city as well as domestic and international cities which are on equal developmental level. Every index has different weight. Four potential levels which are low, proper, intensive and exorbitant use areas are achieved with regional mark and limit methods. After comparing setted anticipant volume rate with current one, the two volume rates are pushed into the2derived formula then the potential of low used districts is calculated. The economic benefit potential can be calculated combining merchandise room price and land asset potential in the same progress with standard land price. This model is used in calculation of commercial and industrial potential. Statistical frequency graphs on appraisement result have been generated with fan-shaped units and annular units. Based on these pictures, there are some analysises of land use distribution, structure and regularity.As one of the applications, the intensive use tendency of overall urban land is simply analysed with appraisement results and calculated potential size in this paper. This analysis comprises city land reserve resource amount, city population and land use increase elasticity, input and land use increase elasticity, output and land use increase elasticity. Besides, the assistant evaluation with computer especially geography information system is helpfully explored.At the end of this thesis, there is a brief summing up of this study’ s major contents which includes the breakthrough of theory, innovation of technology and application prospect. Some deficiencies and questions that require further study are put forward.

  • 【分类号】F293.2
  • 【被引频次】116
  • 【下载频次】1218

