

【作者】 张晟

【导师】 刘卓;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济时代的来临,世界各国都把教育尤其是科学教育放在了重要的地位,分别制定了各自新的教育增长规划。教师作为教育事业的主体力量,将在国家的发展和社会的进步中起着重要的作用。知识经济的发展,要求各国愈来愈注重教育,越来越注重教师的作用。世界如此,我国也是如此。因此,建设一支德才兼备的教师队伍,是我国实现这一伟大历史任务的基础。其中,教师的职业道德是教师素质的重要的、基础的组成部分,教师职业道德建设在教师队伍建设中具有首要和基础的作用,是未来教育发展的关键,未来教育的质量主要看教师的道德素质水平。体育教师作为教师群体中的一员,由于其担任课程的性质和工作环境与其他任课教师的差异,需要更高的职业道德素质。体育教师的职业道德素质状况也将对我国经济建设和社会的发展起着重要作用。因此,加强体育教师的职业道德也就成为促进素质教育发展,深化教育改革的重点之一。 在以往的研究中,从内容上来看,对体育教师职业道德的研究多是在教师职业道德规范的理解和加强师德的途径方面的研究,定性分析的成分多,定量表述的少,这在一定程度上影响了研究的理论性和实践性。本研究采用问卷调查的方法收集数据,然后利用方差分析、相关分析等方法来研究不同经济地区教师的职业道德现状及其成分,以期对全省高中体育教师职业道德的状况有所了解,并为提高体育教师职业道德水平提供较为可信的参考依据。 本文根据2000年山东省各地市人均国民生产总值,把17地市分成高、中、低三个不同的经济地区。利用分层随机抽样的方法从高、中、低三个层次抽出济南、泰安、德州三个地区,然后再从济南市49所高中、泰安的35所高中、德州的30所高中中分别随机分别抽出两所高中(分重点和非重点)的体育教师、学生为研究对象,依此来了解山东省体育教师的道德现状。在收集材料中采用了(1)文献资料法(2)问卷法问卷分两部分:学生问卷和教师问卷,学生问卷代表教师的道德行为、教师问卷代表教师的道德认知。从8个维度对教师的职业道德进行考察。(3)实地调查法(4)数理统计法在对所得数据资料处理中采用SP5510.0软件进行数据处理。 结果显示:(1)不同经济发展地区的道德水平不一致,经济不发达地区的道德水平要高于经济中等地区的发展水平,中等经济发展的道德水平要高于经济发达地区。(2)在对体育教师职业道德的八个维度进行比较时,总体趋势也是如此。(3)在对八个维度比较时,依法执教、尊重家长三个地区没区别,在廉洁从教这一维度,经济中等发展水平最高,经济不发达地区次之,最后是经济发达地区。(4)体育教师职业道德的各个方面中,尊重家长的水平最低。(5)学生的年龄、年级、所在学校等因素对体育教师职业道德的评价没有显著性影响(6)教师问卷和学生问卷的比较结果显示,两者的相关性不高。(7)不同经济发达地区体育教师的职业道德的认知水平不存在差异。(8)体育教师的学历、性别、年龄、教龄、教师的收入等因素对体育教师的道德认知的影响不显著。文章就调查结果进行分析推测了形成这种结果的原因。(1)经济的影响(2)社会的道德对体育教师职业道德的影响(3)体育教师职业观的影响。(4)社会对体育教师工作认同率的影响。并为提高体育教师职业道德提出了相应的对策(1)提高体育教师的地位(2)加强职业道德理论学习(3)建立体育教师职业道德评价监督机制(4)体育教师要加强提高自身职业道德的自觉性

【Abstract】 With coming of economy times, every country in the world regards education especially science education as important. They respectively make new education increasing plans . As main part in education, teachers will play an important role in development of the nation and advance of the society. The more developed knowledge economy is, the more every country emphasizes education and teachers. So is the world, so our country. So the teacher team equipped with virtue and talent is the base to realize the important and historic mission of our country. Vocational morality, which is the important part of teachers’ quality, is the key of education development in the future. The future education quality mainly relies on teachers’ morality quality. As one of teachers, the P. E. teacher need better vocational morality quality because of their course and different circumstances. Their vocational morality quality also plays an important role in development of the nation. So it is one of the essentials that advance development of quality education and education reform to reinforce P. E. teachers’ vocational morality.In the past research, the content of P. E. teachers vocational morality was done mainly in the understanding of criterion and the road of strengthening . The research was concentrated on the qualitative analysis, but the quantitative analysis was less. This trend hindered its theory and practice. The questionnaire is applied in the paper to collect data. At the same time, some analysis methods are used, for example, Bivariate Collection, One-way Anova and so on, to analyze the present situation of P. E. teachers vocational morality and its composition and to know the existed state of the affairs. From this, we can get some more reliable foundation.In light of the per GDP of Shandong Province in 2000 year, the 17 districts and cities are divided into developed, middle developed and developing economy areas. According to the hierarchical random sampling method, we select three areas which are Jinan, Taian and Dezhou. In order to know the morality present situation, then some teachers and students were chosen among the 49 the senior middle schools in Jinan, 35 ones in Taian and 30 ones in Dezhou as research objects. In the paper, some research methods are applied (1) the documentary method (2) the inquire paper method: the inquire papers are divided into two parts, Students’ and teachers’ . The students’ represents teachers’ moral behavior and the teachers’ represents their moral recognization. Eight aspects of P. E. teachers’ vocational morality were investigated in the paper. (3) the inquisition method (4) the statistics methods all data are used in SPSS10. 0 statistical software.The results show that: (1) There is different moral level in different economy areas. The moral level in economy developing areas is higher than middle developedareas. And middle developed areas are higher than developed areas. (2) The whole tendency of eight aspects of P. E. teachers’ vocational morality also likes that. (3) Comparing eight aspects of P. E. teacher vocational morality show that: Teaching lawful, Respecting paterfamilias are no difference in three areas. In the Probity teaching aspect, the level of middle developed area is the first, the developing area is second, the developed one is the last. (4) In eight aspects of P. E. teacher vocational morality, the level of Respecting paterfamilias is the lowest. (5) Some factors of students, which include the age, grade and school are no distinct influence to P. E. teacher vocational morality. (6) Comparing teachers’ papers with students’ , there is little correlation between them. (7)Teachers’ moral recognition of three areas are no distinct difference. (8) Some factors of teachers, which include the age, grade and income and so on, are no distinct influence to P.E. teacher vocational morality. The paper analyses the results and infers the causes: (1) Effect of economy. (2) Effect of the society morality to the teachers’ vocational morality. (3) Effect of vocati

【关键词】 体育教师职业道德经济地区
【Key words】 P.E teachervocational moralityeconomy area
  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】431

