

【作者】 孙传伟

【导师】 卢洪武;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着微电子技术、计算机技术、软件技术、网络技术的高度发展及其在电子测量技术与仪器上的应用,新的测量理论、新的测试方法、新的测试领域以及新的仪器结构不断的出现,在许多方面已经冲破仪器的概念,电子测量仪器的功能和作用发生了质的变化。在这种背景下,八十年代末美国研制成功了虚拟仪器。虚拟仪器的出现彻底打破了传统仪器只能由厂家定义,用户无法改变的模式;随着计算机技术与网络技术的飞速发展,虚拟仪器技术也发展到远程虚拟仪器阶段。 虚拟仪器是以具备控制、处理分析能力的软件取代相应功能的电子线路,充分利用计算机的软硬件资源,用计算机完成传统仪器的部分乃至全部功能的软仪器;是传统仪器功能与外形的模块化和软件化。远程虚拟仪器是虚拟仪器在网络领域的拓展。远程虚拟仪器能从与Internet/Intranet相连的远端获得动态数据或将控制信号传送到远端,使在本地PC机上监控远端成为可能。远程虚拟仪器技术是虚拟仪器技术与网络技术的结合,将虚拟仪器的应用范围拓展到整个Internet/Intranet网上,使信号采集、传输和处理一体化;一方面可以使许多昂贵的硬件资源得以共享,充分利用现有的实验室资源;另一方面还有利于远程教育实验教学的开展,从而解决远程教育实验教学难以解决的问题。VI技术和面向Internet的Web技术二者有机结合产生了基于Web远程虚拟仪器技术;具体的讲,基于Web远程虚拟仪器就是把仪器的前面板移植到Web页面上,通过Web服务器实现相关的测试需求。如何实现基于Web远程虚拟仪器正是本文讨论的重点。 本论文系统地论述了国内外远程虚拟仪器的发展现状,远程虚拟仪器系统的概念、特点、构成;还对目前较为常用的远程虚拟仪器系统进行了详细的论述,并且做了全面的比较,其中主要涉及到PC总线数据采集系统、GPIB仪器控制系统、VXI仪器系统。论文中还对几种开发远程虚拟仪器的软件技术以及几种网络计算模式进行了分析和比较;主要探讨了ActiveX技术、Datasocket服务器技术、Web服务器技术以及Java技术;详细的论述了计算机计算模式的发展历程,对B/S以及CIS模式的优缺点进行了全面的论述,并最终确定选用B/S的计算模式。论文中还对开发工具的选择进行了分析,确定了采用美国NI公司的LabVIEW软件开发平台以及Naciminento软件公司的山东师范大学硕士学位论文 摘要AppletVIEW。详细的论述了LanVIEW开发平台的特点,系统的介绍了由AppletvIEW生成的应用程序的组成及具体的通信原理。 通过对实现远程虚拟仪器的关键技术的研究,探讨国内外在远程虚拟仪器方面的研究成果,提出了一种基于Web的远程虚拟仪器系统的实现方案:系统涉及到本地虚拟仪器的实现和基于Web功能的实现。本地虚拟仪器的实现采用了NI公司的LabVIEW,并结合实例对LabVIEW的程序开发过程进行了详细的论述;主要论述了用LabVffiW开发虚拟仪器的步骤以及具体的虚拟示波器和虚拟信号发生器的开发过程。基于Wl功能采用了AppletVIEW实现,该部分重点论述了实现基于Web远程虚拟仪器的三种方式,以及本地和远程仪器间通信的过程;三种实现方式分别为:使用AppletVIEWAnPlication Adamer VI、在 LabVIEW VI中运用* Adapter以及在 LabVIEW程序中连接 APPIPtVIEW 子 VI。确定选用“在 L8bVIEW程序中连接 APPIPtVIEW 子 VI”的方法来实现本课题实例的基于Web的功能,还重点阐述了远程虚拟示波器以及远程虚拟信号发生器的实现过程。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development and application in electronic measurement technology and instruments of micro-electronics technology, computer technology, software technology and network technology, new measurement theory, new measurement method, new measurement fields and new instrument architecture continually come forth and the function and effect of electronic instruments have given birth to quality change and resulted in the conception of instrument broken in many aspects. Virtual instrument had been developed in United State at the end of 1980. Virtual Instrument completely changes the style of traditional instrument construction, which is defined by manufacturers. With the rapid development of computer and network technology, Virtual Instrument successfully runs to the remote Virtual Instrument Stage.The Virtual Instrument is the soft instrument, which instead of corresponding electronic circuitry using special software, makes full use of computer hardware resource to accomplish part or entire function of traditional instruments and makes the software as kernel, which has the function of control, processing and analysis. The VI is the modularization and softwarization. The remote virtual instrument is a network expansion of virtual instrument. Remote virtual instruments enable dynamic data acquired from a remote location and control signals sent to a process running at a remote location, which is connected by a LAN /or Internet, to be monitored and /or controlled from a local PC. Remote virtual instrument technology and network technology are combined to form remote virtual instrument technology .The remote virtual instrument technology extended the Vl’s application area to whole Internet /Intranet and made the signal acquire, transfer and process become a whole unit. We can share many expensive hardware resource to make the best of existing laboratory resource and facilitate remote experiment instruction carry out to resolve the experiment instruction of remote education The marriage of VI technology and Webtechnology , which is facing Internet, produces newly VI technology------the remoteVirtual Instrument technology based on the Web. Specifically, the remote virtual instrument transplants the instruments’ front panel to web page and implements corresponding measurement demand through web server. This thesis focuses on the implementation method of remote Virtual Instrument based on the web.The thesis discussed the development status of remote virtual instrument in our country and others, the concept, characteristic and composing of remote virtual instrument. The thesis also expounded remote virtual instrument system in common use at present and made a all-sided comparison of them The virtual instrument system mainly involved PC bus acquisition system ,GBIP instrument control system and VXI instrument system The analysis and comparison of several Vl’s developing software technology and network computing modes were made. ActiveX technology, Data socket server technology, Web Server technology and Java technology were mainly probed into The computing mode’s development process was discussed in detail. This thesis also give all -around discussion of advantage and disadvantage of BIS and CIS mode and select B/S mode at last The developing tools’ selection was also analyzed and we selected Nl’s LabVIEW and Nacimiento software company’s AppletVIEW . This thesis also gave expatiate on the LabVIEW’s character, the LabVIEW program’s component and AppletVIEWs application program’s component and communication process of local instrument and remote instrument.By studying on the key corresponding technologies and going through the achievements made by developed country, this thesis presents an implementation scheme of remote Virtual Instrument over the Web, which concerned the implementation of local instruments and network communication based on the Web. The implementation of local instrumentation adopted Nl’s LabVIEW and this thesis discussed the LabVIEW program development process at length with the e

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】447

