

A Study on the Characteristics and Influential Factors of FIG Men’s Code of Points’ Development

【作者】 黄衍存

【导师】 陈俊钦; 张涵劲; 朱昌义;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 评分规则是体操比赛的大法,对技术的发展起重要的导向作用。评分规则变化频繁,幅度大,国内外学者对其做了大量的研究。本文采用文献资料法、调查法、统计法和逻辑法,对1968—2001年男子体操评分规则进行了系统研究,主要探讨了体操评分规则演变的特征和影响因素。研究结果表明:评分规则的演变可分为规则的产生和初步发展阶段(1949~1955),规则的内容逐步充实阶段(1956~1971)和规则的结构基本稳定阶段(1972~至今)3个阶段。规则的演变表现出5个特征:(1)难度要求逐步提高,(2)评分的客观性和准确性不断提高,(3)对编排多样化要求的提高,(4)追求难美的高度统一,(5)对运动员和教练员的行为要求严格。通过广泛的问卷调查,并应用帕累托分析法,得出规则演变的7个主要影响因素,即技术发展的驱动、评分公正准确的要求、激烈竞争的驱动、裁判员可操作性的要求、推广体操运动的需要、场地器材的改进和商业化与媒体的要求。

【Abstract】 The Code of Points, as the rule of gymnastics contests, plays a guiding role in the development of skills. Due to its variation and wide range, scholars at home and abroad have done much research on it. Based on documents, surveys, statistics and logic, this thesis made a systematic study on the Code of Points between 1968 and 2001 from its development characteristics and influential factors. The research result is that the development of the code of points can be classified into three stages: (1) the initial stage (1949~1955), (2) the content substantiating stage (1956~1971) and (3) the stage with structure basically stabilized (1972~ ).This very development has the following five characters: (T) the gradual enhancement of difficulty , (2) the gradual achievement of scoring objectivity and accuracy , (3) the pursuit of the unity of difficulty and beauty , (D the gradual enhancement of the combination’s varieties, and ﹖he strict requirements of actions of athletes and coaches .With the questionnaire survey and application of Pareto Analysis, this article concluded that seven main influential factors of the FIG men’s Code of Points’ development: those are the development of skills, the demand of scoring fairness and accuracy, fierce competition, the requirement of controllability of referees, the spread of gymnastics, the improvement of arenas and equipment, and the demand of commercialization and media.

  • 【分类号】G832
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】366

