

A Reforming Research on Volleyball General Course of Physical Education Major in Chinese Universities and Colleges

【作者】 黄子宜

【导师】 黄汉升; 陈铁成;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 采用调查法、文献资料法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法,并参考我国部分体育院系排球普修课程教学大纲,对我国普通高校体育教育专业排球普修课程的改革进程、现状特点、发展趋向及对策进行了研究。研究结果表明:排球普修课程从课程目标、课程设置、教学内容、教学方法手段、考核与评价及教材体系等方面还存在不同程度的不合理现象;教学目标设置开始从单纯传授运动技术向知识传授、技能掌握和能力发展相结合转变,重视学生全面素质的发展;普修课程通常在低年级开设,教学时数普遍减少,较多院系只安排一个学期进行普修教学;普修教学内容选择呈现出相对集中和精简化的趋势,突出了内容的基础性和典型性;现代化教学方法手段的应用率偏低,寻求优化教法、创新辅助教具的力度加大;大多数院系的排球普修考评体系包括理论、技术与技能三部分,但技能考试环节存在较大分歧;师资队伍的规模、执教水平、职后进修情况及教学对象排球基础、各院系教学条件等因素对普修教学效果均会产生不同的影响作用;中小学体育健康教育改革及素质教育改革的推行给高校普修教学带来较大的冲击,现实的供需矛盾使普修教学开始加强对本科生综合素质能力的重视与培养,并利用现代社会各种便捷的反馈信息转变旧有的教学观念与教学模式,以借鉴先进的技术手段来促进普修教学的改革。本文旨在为面向21世纪的我国普通高校体育教育专业排球普修课程改革提供理论与实践上的指导。

【Abstract】 By adopting investigation, documentation, logical analysis, mathematical statistics and refering to volleyball general course’s teaching programs of some universities and colleges, this thesis make a research on the reforming progress, the present situation, the developing tendency and the countermeasures of volleyball general elective course of physical education major in Chinese universities and colleges . The results shows:In various degrees , there are still some irrational phenomena in volleyball general course such as the purpose of the course, the course offered, the contents of the course, the teaching methods and measures, the examination and evaluation of the course and the teaching material. The teaching target is changing from totally skill teaching to the combination of knowledge learning, technical ability mastering and capability development . Attentions are paid to the all-round developments of undergraduates’ quality. The course is usually offered in low grade and the teaching period are universally decreased . Many institutes and departments only plan a term for the course teaching . The contents of the course tent to be relatively concentrated and simplified, highlighting its basic and typical characteristic. The modern teaching methods and measures are not widely applied , so more and more efforts are made to advance methods and innovated supplementary teaching aids . In many institutes and departments, three parts composed the examination and assessment system which consists of theory , skill and the technical abilities , but there are also great divergence about the third parts of the system . Besides , the effects of the course teaching are impacted by the scale, teaching level and vocational training of the staff ; the basis of volleyballknowledges and skills of the undergraduates and each universities and colleges’ different teaching conditions , etc . On the other hand, the reform of the healthy physical education that practiced in the primary and middle schools and the quality education have had great impact on the teaching of the course . The practical contradictions between the need and demand have made it urgent to the multiple qualities and capbilities of each undergraduates ; to use all sorts of convenient feedbacks of modern society to change the existing teaching concepts and models ; and to adopt all advanced technical mediums for reference to promote the reformation of the course . This paper is to provide theoretical and practical guides for reforming volleyball general course of physical education major in our universities and colleges in the 21st century .

  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1172

