

Alphonse Vagnoni, S.J.’s Activities and Influence upon Culture at the Late Ming Dynasty in China

【作者】 骆安生

【导师】 林金水;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 明清之际来华的西方传教士曾在沟通中西方文化交流方面起过重要的中介和先驱作用。高一志(原名王丰肃,西名ALPHONSE VAGNONI,1568—1640)是在明末中西文化交流史上占有一定地位的意大利籍耶稣会士,是当时少有的几个能够真正深入中国城乡传教的耶稣会士之一,在南京、山西、澳门等地传教三十七年之久。以其毕生精力投入传教和中西文化交流,用中文写下二十几部著作,是早期来华传教士中文著述最多的人物之一。但是,中外学术界对其研究甚少,几乎处于一个被遗忘的角落。本文选择高一志作为研究对象,利用现存有关高一志的中外文献资料,系统地研究其家事、入华前后情况、在南京传教情况、山西绛州传教情况。通过其著述、同时代有关人士的评价及有关资料,研究其在明末输入西学方面的作用和贡献。通过其与明末中国士民的交游情况的考述,探讨其在贯彻利玛窦“适应策略”在传教方面所起的重要作用。通过分析研究,从理论上进行初步探讨,对高一志这位过去不大为人们所重视,而实际上为中西文化交流作出较大贡献的人物的历史地位给予较为客观的评价。从中西文化交流的一个侧面,使我们加深对十七世纪中西关系史的理解。

【Abstract】 Western missionaries who came to China during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties have played an intermediary and pioneering role in the cultural exchanges of the East and the West 高一志(ALPHONSE VAGNONI, formerly named 王丰肃 , 1568-1640), an Italian Jesuit, has played a certain role in the history of Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. As one of the few Jesuits who really found their way into China, he carried out his missionary work in Nanjing, Shanxi, Macao for 37 years. He devoted all his life to missionary work and Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. With the publication of a score of Chinese books, he justified his role as one of the polygraphs among the early missionaries to China. However, Alphonse Vagnoni has long escaped the attention of researchers in Christianity Studies. The present thesis, taking Alphonse Vagnoni as a case for study and utilizing both Chinese texts and texts in Western languages, attempts to carry out a systematic research on his genealogy, life before and after his entering into China, missionary work in both Nanjing and Jiangzhou, Shanxi. Through his works and the comments of his contemporaries, we obtain a clear picture of his role in and contributions to the introduction of western learning into China in the late Ming Dynasty. The survey of his social networking with scholar officials at that time also secures us an insight into Alphonse Vagnoni’s painstaking effort in implementing the "Adjustment Strategy" formulated by Metteo Ricci in China. To sum up, through theoretical analysis, we justify the historical role of Alphonse Vagnoni: obscure as he is in Christianity Studies, he has in fact made a great contribution to Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. With this, we can also have a more comprehensive picture of the history of Sino-foreign relations of the seventeenth century.

  • 【分类号】K248.3;B979.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】401

