

Studies on the Changes of the Pincipal Component and the Post-harvest Physio-biochemicals of Kudzu (P.thomsonii Benth)

【作者】 秦丹

【导师】 谭兴和;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 食品科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以2年生人工栽培的粉葛[P.thomsonii Benth]为试验样品,对葛根采后的主要成分(淀粉、总异黄酮、水分、粗纤维)含量的变化规律进行了研究,通过测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)在采后的活性变化,对葛根采后生理生化变化及衰老规律进行了探讨。结果表明:葛根采后的淀粉、总异黄酮、水分含量均有不同程度的降低,其中淀粉含量下降得最明显,经过140天自然放置后,含量由39.1%降为6.5%。SOD、CAT活性在贮藏过程中先升后降,PPO和POD的活性在整个放置过程中呈现持续升高的趋势。以埋藏方式进行贮藏的葛根,其淀粉含量降低较少,各种酶活性的变化明显滞后于自然放置的葛根。说明埋藏能有效地降低葛根采后生理代谢的强度,延缓了衰老的进程。对所测数据进行主成分分析后发现:POD、SOD、CAT的活性变化能较好反映葛根采后变化规律。其中以POD活性的变化作为反映葛根衰老的参数最为合适。 本项研究中还试用了富马酸二甲酯、甲基脱布津、脱氢醋酸钠三种防腐剂对抑制葛根采后霉变进行了初步研究。并且比较了自然放置和埋藏两种不同存放条件对霉变的影响。结果表明:在所用三种防腐剂中,以甲基脱布津的防霉效果最好。埋藏的葛根其霉变率远低于自然放置的葛根。

【Abstract】 In this study, two-year-old Kudzu (y? thomsonii Benth) was uesed as the materials in investigation on the changes of physio-biochemical indexes, such as starch , isof lavones , water, cellulose, superoxide dismutase(SOD) , catalase(CAT) , peroxidase(POD), polyphenol oxidaes(PPO). Results showed that the content of starch , isof lavones and water decreased during storage. The reduction of starch is the largest one, the content of starch has reducted from 38. 3 percent to 6. 5 percent after being stored 140 days. SOD> CAT activity rosed firstly and then descended. PPO> POD -activity has been rosing through the storage. The reduction of starch has became slightly by embedding storage. The changes of activity of all enzymes have been postponed during the embedding storage. It is proved that embedding treatment can lower the level of metabolism and postpone the senescence of Kudzu. After analyzing the pincipal components, we find that the activities of SODs CAT and POD are mostly related to the changes of physio-biochemical indexes of the post-harvest Kudzu.The changes of POD activity are more appropriate in describing the senescence of Kudzu.In this test,Dimethyl fumarate, Metyl topsin and Sodium dehydrogene acetate were used in the antiseptic treatment during the storage. A contrast on the effects of mildew was taken between embedding storage and non-treat ?storage .The experiment indicated that Metyl topsin was the best preservative in the Kudzu storage. Metyl topsim treatment combine embedding storage would get the best result in the storge and keeping fresh of Kudzu.

【关键词】 葛根采后生理防霉处理
【Key words】 KudzuPost-harvest physiologyAntiseptic treatment
  • 【分类号】TS255
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】305

