

Observation of Biological Characters and Studies on Factors to Influence Yield and Diosgenin Content of Undergroud Stem in Dioscrea Zingiberensis C.H.Wright

【作者】 彭辉

【导师】 盛孝邦;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究分三个部分:第一部分引种不同地区野生盾叶薯蓣,对其生长发育规律、种子发芽特性、性别表现及叶型等生物学特性作观察;第二部分研究了若干影响皂素提取的因素,提出了较优的皂素提取模式;第三部分初步研究了若干因素与盾叶薯蓣根状茎产量和皂素含量的关系。获得以下主要结果: 1.生物学特性 ①不同地区的盾叶薯蓣出苗和开花有先后,生育期基本一致。 ②种子繁殖植株第一年不开花,无生殖生长过程,其生育期较块茎繁殖植株长了近一个月。 ③温度是影响种子发芽的主要因素之一,在有光照情况下,较适发芽温度为20℃;种子寿命较短,贮存16个月的种子发芽率仅为24%。 ④盾叶薯蓣群体性别比例为雄:雌:雌雄同株=579:404:17;花叶型与绿叶型植株比例约为3:1。 2.影响薯蓣皂素提取的因素 在常压、内温95℃~98℃条件下,较适酸浓度为2N,较适酸解时间为5h。 3.影响盾叶薯蓣根状茎产量和皂素含量的若干因素 ①不同单株根状茎产量和皂素含量不同。盾叶薯蓣块茎繁殖一年,单株产量变幅为16.5g~372.6g,平均113.7g;皂素含量变幅为0.55%~4.53%,平均2.05%;两指标有正态分布趋势,单株产量主要集中在50g~150g之间,皂素含量主要集中在1.25%~2.50%之间。 ②不同地区盾叶薯蓣根状茎产量和皂素含量不同。湖南石门县的材料产量表现较好,湖南沅陵县的材料皂素含量较高,湖北竹山材料的根状茎产量和皂素含量均较低。 ③不同生长年限盾叶薯蓣根状茎产量和皂素含量不同。同一单株内,根茎增长量第二年大于第一年,皂素含量随着根茎生长年限的增加而上升,皂素的产出量第二年大于第一年;不同单株间,随着生长年限的增加,根茎产量增加,皂素含量有下降趋势,皂素的产出量增多。 ④不同生育时期根状茎产量和皂素含量不同。根茎产量从枯萎期、花期到苗期呈递增趋势,皂素含量则相反。枯萎倒苗后期的单位面积皂素产量较高,为较佳收获期。 ⑤不同方式繁殖盾叶薯颓根状茎产量和皂素含量不同。块茎繁殖植株根状茎产量 和皂素含量均高于种子繁殖植株;种根茎和次生根茎的皂素含量之间呈显著性 正相关:种子繁殖植株后代分离较为严重。 ③含水量高皂素含量也高,两者呈显著性相关。 ①雄株皂素含量略高于雌株。 ③花叶型植株皂素含量略高于绿叶型植株。 ③营养生长期过长不利于根茎的增氏和皂素的合成。 徊 地上部的茎、叶、果也含有少量皂素。[I+片皂素含量较高,果荚次之,地上茎 较低:地下茎皂素含量高的植株,地上部各器官的皂素含量也高

【Abstract】 The study is consisted of three major parts. The first part included planting wild Dioscrea zingiberensis C. H. Wright and observing its biological characters, such as the growing regular pattern, the germination character of seeds, the sex ratio and the leaf type. The second part studied the effect of different factors to influence extracting diosgenin and draw out the fairly hydrolysis pattern. The third part studied factors to influence yield and diosgenin content of underground stem in plants. The major results are as follows:1. Biological characters of plants.1) The emergence stage and the bloom stage of materials from different regions were different, but their growth duration showed no difference.2) Plants in seed propagation ciidn’ t bloom and had no reproductive growth period. Their growth duration was about a month longer than that of plants in stem propagation.3) The temperature was one of the major factors which effected germination of Dioscrea zingiberensis^. H. Wright seeds. The fairly temperature was 20"C. The seed life was short and germination rate of seeds stored for sixteen months was only 24%.4) The ratio of male plants to female plants and androgynous plants was about 579 : 404 ; 17. The ratio of plants in colour leaf to that in green leaf was about 3: 1.2. The factors to influence extracting diosgenin.Under the conditions of temperature 95癈~98癈 and the normal atmospheric pressure, the fairly concentration of acidity was 2N and the fairly hydrolysis time was 5h.3. The factors to influence yield and diosgenin content of underground stem in plants.1) The yield and diosgenin content of underground stem were different in different plants. Yield of single plant ranged from 16. 5g to 372.6g, and the average was 113.7g. Diosgenin content ranged from 0.55% to 4.53%, and the average was 2.05%. Both showed the trend of homoceral distribution. Most plants yields from 50g to 150g and their diosgenin contents from 1.25 % to 2.50%.2) The yield and diosgenin content of underground stem were different in plants from different regions. In four species, the yield of material from ShiMen county of Hunan was higher than thai of the others. As for diosgenin content, YuanLingcounty of Hunan was higher than the others.3) The yield and diosgenin content of underground stem were different with different age. In one plant, fresh weight of biomass in the second year was higher than that in the first year. With the increase of underground stem age, the diosgenin content increased. And the diosgenin yield in the second year was higher than that in the first year. In different plants, with the increase of underground stem age, the yield increased, and the diosgenin content descended, but the diosgenin yield increased.4) The yield and diosgenin content of underground stem were dif ferent at di fferent growing periods. As for the yield of underground stem, withering period was the highest and emergency period was the lowest. As for diosgenin content, emergecncy period was the highest and withering period was the lowest. The fairly harvesting time was at late withering period of plants.5) The yield and diosgenin content of underground stem were different in different propagation patterns. Both of plants in the stem propagation pattern were higher than that of plants in the seed propagation pattern. The correlation between diosgenin content of seed stems and secondary stems was notably positive. As for the seed propagation, plants separated seriously.6) In underground stem, with the increase of water content, diosgenin content increased.7) The diosgenin content of male plants was slightly higher than that of female plants.8) The diosgenin content of plants in colour leaf was slightly higher than that of plants in green leaf.9) Long vegetative growth duration influenced yield formation and diosgenin increase of underground stem10) Stems, leaves and fruits of plants contained a little diosgenin. The diosgenin content in leaves was higher than that of the oth

  • 【分类号】S632.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】240

