

Cold Resistance Characteristics of Tea Clonal Seedlings

【作者】 宋绪忠

【导师】 孙明高;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林培育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 茶树苗期抗寒性评价是山东茶树栽培区进行茶树引种的技术关键。本文以8个茶树无性系的1—2年生苗为材料,综合运用主成分分析、回归分析,聚类分析、通径分析等方法对茶树苗期的生长、形态、解剖、生理、生化等特性与抗寒性的关系进行了系统的研究。初步得出以下结论: 通过对8个无性系茶苗越冬成活率调查发现,茶树的抗寒能力在品种间存在较大的差异,这种差异在无防寒保护的条件下更为明显。 对电解质外渗率的初步分析显示:茶树电解质外渗率处理温度的降低呈现慢—快—慢的增加趋势,Lt50具有特殊生理意义,可以用于抗寒性评价。对不同无性系该过程的LOGISTIC曲线模拟发现抗寒性强的品种M值较小,R、LN(K/Y-1)较大;对电解质外渗率随低温处理时间的变化进行的时间序列分类分析表明电解质外渗率随处理时间延长先持续增加后相对稳定,-10℃处理4h的电解质外渗率可以较好地比较品种的抗寒性。 对MDA的初步分析显示:低温处理后MDA含量可以用于抗寒性评价,-10℃处理4h叶片MDA含量在0.20左右的品种抗寒性强,含量高于0.28的品种抗寒性相对较弱。 对保护酶类的初步分析显示:低温处理后SOD酶活性与CAT酶活性的降低与抗寒性密切相关。-10℃处理2d后叶片SOD活性较高,在278个酶活性单位左右,CAT活性降低较少,在18.4左右的品种抗寒性强。 对可溶性糖含量的初步分析表明:低温处理后茶树叶片可溶性糖含量的增加量是与茶树抗寒性相关性较强的理化指标,-5℃处理5d,可溶性糖含量增加0.846左右的品种抗寒性强,只增加0.357左右的品种抗寒性相对较弱。 对叶片颜色及叶绿素含量的初步分析显示:叶片颜色浅、叶绿素a/b比值小是品种抗寒性强的特征。SPADR在42.0,叶绿素a/b 2.51的品种抗寒性强,SPADR52.9左右,叶绿素a/b在2.55左右的品种抗寒性较弱。 对生长量的初步分析显示:生枝生长指标与抗寒性相关不强,不宜作为抗寒性指标。 对叶片形状的初步分析显示:叶片形状与抗寒性相关密切。其中,叶片后1/4处的宽度可以用于抗寒性评价,抗寒品种较宽2.49cm,不抗寒品种较窄1.84cm左右。综合运用多个叶形指标评价效果更好,抗寒性品种的叶形参数是:叶长7.71cm、叶宽3.05cm、叶片后1/4处宽2.48cm、叶尖2mm处宽1.01cm、叶基2mm处宽1.03cm;不抗寒品种的叶形参数是:叶长5.37cm、叶宽2.15cm、叶片后1/4处宽1.55cm、叶尖2mm处宽0.80cm、叶基2mm处宽0.70cm。 宋绪忠:茶树无性系苗期抗寒特性研究 对叶片解剖结构的初步分析显示:茶树的抗寒性不但受栅栏组织的层数、长度及栅/海比的影响,而且受叶片表皮细胞的影响。多指标综合评价抗寒性结果可靠。 对气孔的初步分析显示:茶树叶片的气孔性状与抗寒性相关密切。气孔宽度与气孔密度是评价品种抗寒性的最有效指标。气孔宽度与抗寒性有正相关关系,气孔越宽则品种越抗寒。抗寒品种的气孔特征是:气孔宽度较大,在2*77左右,气孔密度较小,在28.59个。不抗寒品种的气孔特征是:气孔宽度较小,在2.39左右,气孔密度较大,在 34.sl个。 对叶片水分初步分祈显示:柬缚水/自由水对抗寒性影响较大。但逐步回归分析认为叶片鲜重、组织木含量、束缚水含量是对抗寒性影响最大的指标。 对茶树叶片内含物及原种产地概况的分析认为:茶树叶片的有效成分含量特别是茶多酚的含量对抗寒性影响较大;与其它植物抗寒性研究结论不同经度位置与抗寒性相关性强,纬度对抗寒性影响较小。抗寒种源的特征是:经度在117.50度以西,茶多酚含量在27.0%左右:不抗寒种源的特征是:茶多酚含量小于18.85%,经度在 119.60度以东。 对初步分析证明与抗寒性有关的31个指标的综合分析认为:可以通过主成分分析或逐步回归分析的方法将减少指标个数而对信息含量没有很大的影响。以此建立的抗寒性多指标综合评价模型预测精度极高。 对泰安材料的抗寒力分析认为:泰安茶树材料的抗寒性很强,抗寒类型与安徽品种金寨1号相同。 文章最后结合山东茶区自然环境的特点,对山东茶园实现抗寒良种化进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 Evaluation of cold resistance of tea seedlings is a critical technique in tea introduction to Shandong tea area. Materials in this test are 1-2-year old tea seedlings of 8 clones. Correlation of growth, morphological, physical and biochemical characters with cold resistance is systematically studied by main component analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis and path analysis. Primary conclusions are as follows:Field survival investigation of 8 tea clones reveals difference of cold resistance among clones, which appears more significant under conditions of no cold protecting measures.Analysis of electrolytic leakage indicates electrolytic leakage of tea blades possesses a low-fast-low change in response to stable decrease of low temperature. This process is simulated by LOGISTIC equation, whose M is little while R and LN(K/Y-1) is large in high resistant clones. Lt50 is approved to have special physical importance and can be used in cold evaluation. Change of electrolytic leakage in response to cold treating period is analyzed by time interval analysis. Results indicate that electrolytic leakage becomes comparatively stable after a continue increase. Electrolytic leakage of tea leaves treated in -10’C for 4 hours can be used in resistance evaluation.Analysis of MDA indicates MDA content of tea blades after 4 hour treatment in -10 癈 condition can be used in resistance evaluation. Clones, with MDA content less than 0.2, are approved to have high resistance while clones with MDA content lager than 0.28 are less resistant.Analysis of protective enzyme indicates SOD activity and decrease of CAT activity are closely related with cold resistance. High resistant clones have comparatively high SOD activity (around 278 units) and less decrease in CAT activity (around 18.4 units) after 2 days treatment in -10癈 condition.Analysis of soluble sugar indicates: enrichment of soluble sugar in tea leaves is a physi-biochemical index closely related with cold resistance of tea tree. Clones whose soluble sugar enriched by 0.846 after 5~day treatment in -10C condition are high resistant ones. Low resistant clones enrich merely about 0. 357.Analysis of tea leaf color and chlorophyll a/b indicates light-colored tea blades and little ratio of chlorophyll a/b is characteristics of high resistance. Clones with SPADR 42.0 and chlorophyll a/b 2.51 are high resistant ones. Clones with SPADR 52.9 and chlorophyll a/b 2.55 are low resistant ones.Analysis of growth indicates growth indexes of tea sprouts are insignificantly related with cold resistance. Thus grow indexes are not suitable as evaluation indexes.Analysis shapes of tea leaves indicates shape of tea leaf is closely related with cold resistance. Width at back quarter of blade can be used in cold resistance evaluation, clones with a width of 2. 49cm are high resistant ones while clones whose width is around 1.49 cm are low resistant. The result from integrated evaluation with versatile indexes is better.Analysis of anatomical structure of tea blade indicates: cold resistance of tea tree is not only affected by the layers and length of palisade tissue but also affected by epidermic cells. Hence result of integrated evaluation with versatile indexes may be more credible.Analysis of stomata indicates character of stcmata in tea leaves is closely related with cold resistance. Density and width of stomata are the most efficient indexes in resistance evaluation. Width of stomata is positively related with cold resistance, the wider the stomata is, the higher resistant the clone is. High resistant clones possess wider stomata (2.77 urn) and more rarely distributed stomata (28.59 per eyesight). Low resistant clones have thinner stomata (2.39 jim) and densely distributed storaata (34.81 per eyesight).Analysis of water indicates ratio of binding water to free water in tea leaves affects cold resistance. But, fresh weight, tissue water content and binding water content are indexes that affect resistance most.Analysis of inner substance of tea lea

  • 【分类号】S571.1
  • 【被引频次】31
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