

Comparative Studies of the Suitable Energy Levels of Three Types Yellow Broilers

【作者】 井文倩

【导师】 李同树;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题采用3(能量水平)×3(类型)试验设计,试验鸡选用安卡黄鸡(快长型)、广西三黄鸡(慢速优质肉鸡)和安广杂交鸡(安卡黄鸡♂×广西黄鸡♀,为中速型肉鸡),将三类型黄羽肉鸡饲养全程先后分为前、中、后三试验期,每个试验期为4周,试验结束后将全部试验鸡淘汰,重新组群准备下一期试验。每期试验将540只三类型黄羽肉鸡分为9个实验组,各含1个重复组,共计18个试验鸡组,每小组30只试验鸡。各类黄羽肉鸡每期分别饲喂低、中、高三种能量水平日粮。全部试验期为12周,三期试验分别测定了0-4周龄(前期)、5-8周龄(中期)、9-12周龄(后期)试验鸡的增重、耗料比、屠宰后胴体质量、鸡肉品质和血液生化等多项指标。主要试验研究结果如下: 试验一(前期)结果表明:(1)日增重、耗料比 广西黄鸡日增重水平间差异不显著(P〉0.05),耗料比水平间差异显著(P〈0.05),中能量水平组最低,为2.02;安广杂交鸡日增重、耗料比水平间差异显著(P〈0.05),日增重中能量水平最高,为14.6937/天;耗料比高能量水平最低,为2.41。安卡黄鸡日增重、耗料比水平间均差异显著(P〈0.05),中能量水平日增重最高,耗料比最低,分别为23.34克╱天、1.88。(2)血液生化指标 能量水平对TG、LDL、BS影响显著(P〈0.05),且随能量水平的升高TC、TG、LDL、VLDL浓度均随之降低,BS浓度随之升高。 试验二(中期)结果表明:(1)日增重、耗料比 日粮能量水平显著影响试验鸡的日增重和耗料比(P〈0.05)。随日粮能量水平的升高,广西黄鸡日增重增高,耗料比降低,高能量水平下日增重、耗料比分别为21.83克╱天、2.38;安广杂交鸡的日增重在中能量水平时最高,但与中、高能量水平间差异不显著,依次为30.28克/天、30.04克╱天;耗料比各组饲喂高能量水平时最低为2.56,而中能量水平最高;安卡黄鸡日增重、耗料比均随日粮能量水平的升高而升高,分别依次为38.68克/天、39.60克/天、41.01克/天和2.43、2.70、2.75。(2)屠宰性能 日粮能量水平显著影响屠宰重各项指标(P〈0.05),仅对广西黄鸡的屠体率、半净膛率、安广杂交鸡的半净膛率、皮脂率和安卡黄鸡的全净膛率、皮脂厚、皮脂率、肌间脂宽有显著影响(P〈0.05),其它指标影响不显著(P〉0.05)。广西黄鸡屠体率在低能量水平下最高,胸肌率、腿肌率在高能量水平下最高,依次为89.71%、13.49%、21.91%;安广杂交鸡屠体率在中能量水平下最高,胸肌率、腿肌率在高能量水平下最高,依次为89.18%、13.34%、21.20%;安卡黄鸡屠体率在中能量水平下最高,胸肌率、腿肌率在低能量水平下最高,依次为91.65%、15.57%和23.41%。(3)脂肪酸组成 日粮能量对鸡肉脂肪酸影响不一,其中亚油酸、亚麻油酸及必需脂肪酸含量均随日粮能量升高而显著升高(P〈0.05),其中不饱和脂肪酸也有此趋势(P〉0.05)。(4)血液生化指标 各项血液生化指标水平间差异均不显著(P〉0.05),随日粮能量升高TC、TG、HDL、LDL、VLDL浓度也升高,但BS浓度降低。 试验三(后期)结果表明:(1)日增重、耗料比 安卡黄鸡10周龄日增重在能量水平间差异不显著(P〉0.05),但随能量水平的升高而降低,耗料比高能水平时显著高于低、中能量水平(P〈0.05),在低能量水平下,日增重和耗料比分别为36.63克╱天和3.30。12周龄广西黄鸡日增重、耗料比水平间差异显著(P〈0.05),日增重在中能量水 井文情:三类型黄羽肉鸡日粮能量水平的比较研究平时日增重最高,为28厂IAi天,耗料比最低,为2.29 随日粮能量水平的升高,安广杂交鸡日增重显著陶氏(Pwt005),耗料比显著升高(Prto刀引,在低能量水平下,日增重和耗料比分别为32.14 Al天和3刀7。(2)屠宰性能 广西黄鸡、安广杂交鸡屠宰性能各项指标水平间差异均不显著(P>0.05),安卡黄鸡全净膛率、胸肌率、腿肌率水平间差异显著(Pwto.05)。广西黄鸡屠体率、胸肌率在高ggt水平下最高,腿肌率在中能量水平下最高,依次为gi.78%、15.74%和20.sl%:安广杂交鸡屠体率、胸肌率在低能量水平下最高,腿肌率在中能量水平下最高,依次为90.56%、15.37%和22厂3%;安卡黄鸡屠体率、胸肌率在高能量水平下最高,腿肌率在中能量水平下最高,依次为94.12%、18.77%和25二0%。(3)BBM酸组成 日粮能量水平对鸡肉脂肪酸含量影响不一。亚油酸、亚麻油酸、不饱和脂肪酸、必需脂肪酸含量均为高能量水平显著高于低affi水平(Pwto刀5)。(4)肌昔酸含量 能量水平对肌昔酸含量影响不显著(P>0刀5),但广西黄鸡肌苔酸含量略高于安广杂交鸡和安卡黄鸡。(5)血液生化指标 各项血液生化指标均受能量水平的显著影响(Prto刀5),各项血脂指标浓度均随gffe水平的升高而降低,血糖浓度随能量升高而升高。 综合以上研究结果显示,三类型的黄羽肉鸡全期机体发育与增重模式存在差异,对高、中、低日粮能量水平反应也不同,应根据黄羽肉鸡具体类型特点,确定不同的能量需要量。由广西慢速黄鸡全期试验结果证明,要提高地方型黄鸡日增重,陶氏耗料比,同样也需要较高的日粮能量水平。从本课题试验结果分析,以?

【Abstract】 Ank yellow broilers(quick-grow type), guangxi yellow chicks(slow-grow type) and anguang crossbred chicks (middle-grow type) were subjected to experiment with two factors at three levels of dietary energy and broilers type at 3 stages. Daily gain(DG), feed conversion rate(FCR), carcass quality and blood biochemical parameters were tested and analyzed at each test stage.Experiment 1: The results indicated that: (1) To guangxi yellow broilers, the difference of DG is not significant between energy levels(P>0.05), and FCR is significant between energy levels(P<0.05), witch is lowest in the middle energy level which is 2.02.;to the crossbred yellow broilers, DG and FCR are all significant between energy levels(P<0.05),and DG is highest in the middle energy level, FCR in the high energy level, 2.41, is higher significantly than in the low energy level; to Ank yellow broilers, DG and FCR are all highest in the middle energy level which reach to 22.34g/day and 1.88; (2) The energy level affect significantly the density of TG, LDL and BS(P<0.05), and with the increase of the energy level the density of TC. TG. LDL, VLDL decrease while the density of BS increase.Experiment 2: The results indicated that :(1) Dietary energy level effect significantly DG and FCR of this three type yellow broilers(P<0.05).To guangxi yellow broilers, with the increase of the energy level DG and FCR increase while DG is 21.83g/day and FCR is 2.38 in high energy level; to the crossbred yellow broilers,DG is highest in the middle energy level which is not significant between the middle and the high energy level, and FCR is highest in the high energy level, while DG is 30.28g/day and FCR is 2.56 ;to Ank yellow broilers, with the increase of the energy level DG increase while FCR decrease. (2) Dietary erengy level effect significantly CR and HER of guangxi, HER and SFR of the crossbred, andTER, SFD, SFR and IFW of anka(P<0.05).(3) With the increase of the energy level the density of TC, TG, LDL, VLDL decrease(P>0.05) while the density of BS increase. (P>0.05).Experiment 3: The results indicated that: (1) To Ank yellow broilers of 10 weeks old, DG is not difficult significantly between three energy levels(P>0.05), and FCR in the high energy level is higher significantly than the low and the middle energy leve(P>0.05)l, and DGis 36.63g/day in the low energy level .while FCR is 3.30. To guangxi yellow broilers of 12 weeks old, DG and FCR are diffirent significantly between erengy levels(P < 0.05),while DG (28.70g/day)and FCR(2.29) in the middle energy level are highest. To the crossbred broilers, with the increase of the energy level DG increase (P<0.05)and FCR decrease(P<0.05), and DG is 32.14g/day in the low energy level while FCR is 3.07. (2) Dietary erengy level do noteffect significantly slaughter permance of guangxi and the croosbred, while do affect significanty TER,BR and LMR of anka. To Guangxi yellow broilers, carcass rate and pectoral muscle rate are highest in the high energy level while leg muscle rate is highest in the medium energy level ,as follows 91.78%, 15.74% and 20.81%. To Ank-Guangxi yellow broilers, carcass rate and pectoral muscle rate are highest in the low energy level while leg muscle rate is highest in the medium energy level ,as follows 90.56%, 15.37% and 22.73%. To Ank yellow broilers, carcass rate and pectoral muscle rate are highest in the high energy level while leg muscle rate is highest in the medium energy level ,as follows 94.12%, 18.77% and 25.20%. (3) The contents of linoleic acid, linoleic acid, UFA and EFA .are all higher significantly in high erengy level than in low erengy level(P<0.05),.(4) The energy level affect significantly the blood biochemical traits(P<0.05), while with the increase of the energy level the density of TC, TG, LDL, VLDL decrease while the density of BS increase-Results of present study indicated that when daily gain and feed conversion rate as the measure index, in the starting period (0-4 weeks), the suitable dietary energy level of Guangxi yellow broilers, the crossbred bro

  • 【分类号】S831
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】395

