

Studies on the Insect Community Numerical Characteristics, Niche and the Natural Enemies Conservation in Peach Orchards

【作者】 张安盛

【导师】 冯建国; 李照会;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 2001~2002年,对济南市历堀区桃园昆虫群落、主要天敌对桃蚜、桃粉蚜的捕食功能和桃园常用农药对主要害虫天敌的杀伤力进行了研究,主要内容和结论如下: 1.基本查明了桃园昆虫种类。2001年在济南市历城区桃园共调查到物种63种,其中害虫29种,天敌34种。在害虫中主要为食叶害虫,而蛀果和枝干害虫较少。 2.研究摸清了桃园昆虫群落的物种组成、各类群的相对多度。桃园昆虫群落中害虫以桃一点斑叶蝉、桃潜叶蛾、桃粉蚜、桃蚜、山楂叶螨、朝鲜球坚蚧数量最多,天敌则以瓢虫、草蛉、蜘蛛类发生量较大。 3.研究分析了桃粉蚜、桃蚜、朝鲜球坚蚧及其主要天敌的种群动态及影响因子。 4.根据物种丰富度、多样性、生态优势度、均匀度等群落特征指数分析了桃园昆虫群落结构数量特征。桃园昆虫群落结构的特点是:昆虫群落生态优势度高,植食性害虫的优势度特别突出,群落多样性和均匀度在大部分时间较低,反映了桃园昆虫群落结构的不合理性。影响桃园昆虫群落多样性的因子有:(1)桃园及其周围环境的植被;(2)某些害虫的生活习性;(3)杀虫剂(尤其是广谱性杀虫剂)的使用;(4)特殊的气象条件。 5.研究探明了4月上旬~7月上旬桃园主要害虫及天敌的空间和时间生态位。研究看出: 主要害虫及天敌的一维空间生态位在时间序列上是动态的,生态位宽度随时间的推移不断扩张或收缩。在害虫及天敌的主要发生期,害虫和天敌的生态位重叠较大,即天敌与害虫在空间上具同域性。 害虫和天敌的时间生态位宽度较空间生态位宽度相对较小,而且物种间生态位宽度变化大,说明害虫及天敌在时间序列上的发生具不均匀性,且有一定的阶段性。许多天敌和害虫的时间生态位重叠较大,表明天敌和害虫的发生具同步性。天敌和害虫在空间上的同域性和时间上的同步性说明了天敌对害虫控制作用较明显。 水平和垂直空间生态位研究表明,物种生态位宽度都很大,物种在东、南、西、北4个方位上利用资源的能力无明显差异,在上、中、下3个方位上利用资源的能力上亦无明显差异. 6.研究分析了桃一点斑叶蝉、桃粉蚜、桃蚜的空间分布型。结果表明桃一点斑叶蝉、桃粉蚜、桃蚜均呈聚集型的负二项分布。分析提出了对这3种 张安盛:桃圆巨虫群落戮月特征、生态位研究及其天敌保护喇佣初探害虫的适宜的取样调查方法。 7.研究明确了桃园主要捕食性天敌异色瓢虫、七星瓢虫、大草岭对桃蚜或桃粉蚜的捕食功能和寻找效应。结果表明异色囚虫、七星瓢虫、大草岭对桃蚜或桃粉蚜具有较强的捕食能力. 8.明确了桃园常用农药对主要害虫天敌的杀伤力。试验表明昆虫生长谓节剂类农药对草怜成虫最安全,毗虫琳和莫比郎对草岭、瓢虫成虫相对比较安全,常用化学杀螨剂对草岭成虫影响不大,有机磷类农药对草蚌成虫致死力最强,农抗类杀虫剂、菊酯类农药对草蛀成虫的毒性亦很大。 9.对桃园害虫天敌保护利用的主要策略和措施进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 The investigation of insect community was conducted from 2001 to 2002 in the peach orchards of Licheng District in Jinan, Shandong province. The predacious function of major natural enemies to Myzus persicae and Hyalopterus amygdali and the effect of the pesticides used in peach orchard on the major natural enemies were studied in Laboratory. The main conclusions are as follows:1. The insect species were examined in the peach orchards. In 2001, there were sixty-three species in the peach orchards, which included thirty species of insect pests and thirty-three species of natural enemies. The phyllophagous insects were dominant in the insect community, and the other phytophagous insects were rare.2.The species composition in the insect community and the relative abundance of each group were studied in the peach orchards. The insect pests such as Erythroneura sudra, Lyonetia clerkella, Hyalopterus amygdali, Myzus persicae, Tetranychus viennensis and Didesmococcus koreanus were main species. The main natural enemies were Ladybird beetles, lacewings and spiders.3.The population dynamics of the major insect pests, such as Hyalopterus amygdali, Myzus persicae and Didesmococcus koreanus, and their natural enemies were investigated.4.The numerical characteristics of insect community in the peach orchards, such as ecological dominance, species richness, community diversity and evenness were analysiszed. The structure characteristics of the insect community in the peach orchards were as follows: (1) the ecological dominance of insect community maintained higher level on the whole. (2) the dominants of phytophagous insects were highest. (3) the community diversity and evenness were lower generally in most part of the growing season. These characteristics indicated that the insect community structure was unstable and unreasonable in77the peach orchards. The main factors influencing community diversity were vegetation community around the peach orchard, behavior of insect pests, application of insecticides and climatic condition.5.The spatial and temporal niches of the major insect pests and natural enemies in the peach orchards were studied. The result indicated:The one-dimensional spatial niche of the pests and natural enemies in a temporal sequence from April to July were dynamic. Their niche breadths varied with the lapse of time. The niche overlaps of some pests and natural enemies were high, which showed that the natural enemies had close sympatry in space with pests.The temporal niche breadths of the pests and natural enemies varied in sizes, which indicated the occurences of them existed unevenness in the temporal sequence. The niche overlaps of some pests and their natural enemies were high, which showed that the natural enemies had close synchrony with the pests. The sympatry in space and the synchrony in time indicated that these natural enemies had high efficiency to control their preys.Both horizontal and vertical spatial niches breadths of the pests and natural enemies were also quite high. There were no remarkable differences of resource-utilizing in different direction.6.The spatial distributions of the major insect pests such as Empoascanara sudra, Hyalopterus amygdali and Myzus persicae were studied. The result indicated that their spatial distribution fitted negative binomial distribution and belonged to the aggregated pattern. And the feasible research methods about those three pests were worked out.7. Studied on the predatory functional responses and searching efficiency of major natural enemies (Harmonia axyridis, Coccinella septempunctata.Chrysopa septem punctatd) to the Hyalopterus amygdali and Myzus persicae showed that these natural enemies had high efficiency to control aphids.8. The effect of the pesticides used in the peach orchard on the major natural enemies was studied. As a result, the insect growth regulators were secure for Ladybird beetles and lacewings, but the other pestisides such as organophosphorous and synthetic pyrethroid

  • 【分类号】S186
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】373

