

Research on Remote Controlled High-voltage Expulsion Fuses

【作者】 高巍

【导师】 汪友华;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 电工理论与新技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 高压熔断器俗称高压保险丝,是在电网中人为设置的一种最薄弱的发热元件,是一种当电力系统发生过载或短路故障时,电路或电气设备的保护元件。本课题所涉及的是户外类型的10Kv跌落式高压熔断器。 跌落式高压熔断器又称喷射式熔断器,正常运行时串联在电力线路中,熔丝处于拉紧状态,活动关节被锁紧。当线路发生故障时,故障电流使熔丝熔断,活动关节被释放,熔管迅速跌落,将电路切断。 跌落式高压熔断器的应用极为广泛,不仅能保护电气装置,在一定条件下还能直接用高压绝缘钩棒来操作熔管的分合,以断开和接通空载的架空线路、小容量空载变压器和小负荷电流。 因为是高压作业,操作人员在进行熔管的分合时,必须配戴好劳保用品,如绝缘手套、护目镜、绝缘靴,同时保证有他人在旁监护时,方可手持电压等级相匹配的合格的高压绝缘钩棒进行操作。雨天操作时,还需在绝缘钩棒上另外加装适量的防雨罩。 由于该类型熔断器的对地安全距离至少为4.5米,且其上部静触点的弹簧压力亦很大,因此人工操作熔管的分合不仅具有相当的难度,且操作过程中的不安全因素甚多。但直至目前,除了线路故障时熔管自行跌落的情况,其余情况下熔管的分断以及所有情况下熔管的合闸均为纯人工操作。因此,一套安全可靠、操作简便、动作灵敏准确的熔管分合操作机构自然而然地成为熔断器操作人员的莫大心愿,这也正是研制本实验装置的初衷所在。 本实验装置主要由四部分构成,即密码无线遥控、电动机拖动熔管合闸、电磁铁推斥熔管分断、单相干式变压器供电。对于操作机构的要求是:保证熔管动作准确、迅速、安全可靠。

【Abstract】 A high-voltage fuse is a circuit element put there artificially and designed to melt itself when the fault current exceeds some limit, thereby the circuit could be cut off and the electrical equipment could be protected. What is referred to in this thesis is a sort of outdoor high-voltage fuse, named high-voltage explosion fuse.When running normally, a high-voltage explosion fuse is in series with the electrical circuit, the fuse wire is strained and the active joint is locked. When circuitry malfunction happens, the current is so strong that the fuse wire melts and breaks, and the active joint is released, as a result, the fuse tube falls and the electrical circuit is shut off.Application of high-voltage explosion fuses is very abroad. In addition to protecting the electrical equipment by melting itself, disjunction or close of its tube can also be manipulated by a high-voltage insulative stick under some circumstance, for example, to switch on or off no-load overhead transmission line, no-load transformer and little burden current.Because of high-voltage, only after equipping himself with labor insurance things, including insulative gloves, blinkers and insulative shoes, can the operator handle the fuse by a qualified high-voltage insulative stick. Besides, there must be another person protecting him at his side. Due to the great pressure from the spring of upper static interface, it is obvious that there are not only many difficulties, but also many insecure factors in artificial operation, especially when it is raining.Up to now, with the exception of self-falling when fault happens, all disjunction and close of the high-voltage explosion fuse are manipulated manually. Therefore, a set of operating devices of the fuse tube, which works safely and reliably, and can be operated easily, has been the operator’s cherished desire for a long time. Our original intention of researching the operating devices is also coming from what has been said above.The experiment set we are researching on is composed of four sections, namely remote control through coded radio, tube close driven by a electromotor, tube disjunction pushed by a electromagnet and power supplied by a single-phase dry-type transformer.

  • 【分类号】TM563
  • 【下载频次】181

