

Studies on the Mechanism and Choice of the Chinese Herbal Medicine to Prevent Sub Clinical Mastitis of Milk Cows

【作者】 程青芳

【导师】 李呈敏;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 为了探讨治疗奶牛隐性乳房炎的中药方剂中各类药物的作用效果而进行了药物的分组试验。试验采用CMT(Califomia Mastitis Test)法进{亍隐性乳房炎的诊断,选择体重在550Kg左右,2—4胎次,处于泌乳中期,无肉眼可见临床症状及乳汁变化,经CMT检测为阳性的隐性乳房炎患牛48头,分为6组,每组8头,第Ⅰ组为活血化瘀药物组,由桃仁、红花组成,每日50S/头;第Ⅱ组为通经活络药物组,由王不留行、丝瓜络组成,每日100g/头;第Ⅲ组为清热解毒药物组,由蒲公英组成,每日90g/头;第Ⅳ组为补益药物组,由黄芪、淫羊藿组成,每日90g/头;第Ⅴ组为以上药物组成的复方组,每日120g/头。拌于饲料中,每日用药1次,连续7d。第Ⅵ组为阳性对照组,不采用任何治疗方法。分别于试验0d、7d、14d、28d、60d取乳样进行CMT检测和细菌培养,并进行泌乳量统计,并对试验结果进行了统计分析。结果发现,第Ⅰ组(活血化瘀组)、第Ⅱ组(通经活络组)在试验期间CMT阳性率、细菌培养和奶产量各项指标与试验前相比无统计学差异,说明用桃仁、红花或王不留行、丝瓜络治疗奶牛隐性乳房炎,临床效果不明显。第Ⅲ组(蒲公英组)CMT阳性率与对照组也无显著差异。第Ⅳ组(黄芪、淫羊藿组)第7d、14dCMT诊断结果与对照组相比无显著差异(P>0.05);第28d乳样CMT检测,与对照组相比差异显著(P<0.05),到第60d这种差异的显著性消失。第Ⅴ组(复方药物组)第14dCMT检测与对照组即有显著差异(P<0.05),28d差异极显著(P<0.01),第60d这种差异的显著性依然存在(P<0.05)。乳样分别经肉汤培养后进行琼脂培养,发现主要为两种细菌——葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌。药物处理后的菌检结果表明,只有第Ⅴ组(复方药物组)能减少奶样中的细菌数,第14d的细菌转阴率与对照组相比有显著差异(P<0.05)。提高产奶量方面,第Ⅲ组(蒲公英组)、第Ⅳ组(黄芪、淫羊藿组)在用药后28d产奶量有很大提高,第Ⅴ组(复方药物组)在用药后14d即可提高产奶量,与试验前相比差异显著(P<0.05),第28d产奶量有极显著提高(P<0.01),第60d的产奶量依然与试验前有显著差异(P<0.05)。说明由桃仁、红花、王不留行、丝瓜络、蒲公英、黄芪、淫羊藿组成的复方药物在奶牛隐性乳房炎的治疗中疗效最好,它不仅能降低奶牛l洛性乳房炎的①1性率,减少感染的细凶数,还可提高奶产‘量,而且其良时的结果维持时间山较其它组K。随后对第111、W、V组约物进行了体外抑菌作甲的检测和免疫学的研究。抑凶试验中模拟牛体内环境,用脱脂牛州代替肉汤,用试验前分离的葡萄球菌和人肠杆菌的肉汤培养物进行接种,结果发现三组药物对葡萄球菌和大肠扦菌的亘接抑杀作用都不强。兔疫学试验选用昆明种健康小鼠分别检测二纠药物对免疫器官——胸腺和脾脏重量的影响以及对腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬鸡红细胞功能的影响,结果发现,二组到物均能不同柞度地仇高小鼠胸腺和脾脏的重量,但只有第厂纠(&蔑、淫羊蕾)能显著提高小鼠的脾指数(W0.05):蒲公英组、黄蔑和淫羊蕾组以及复合 0药物组均能不同程度地提高巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,吞噬百分数与对照组相比差异均极显著 (P<0刀1),吞噬指数只有第*组(蒲公英组)与对照组相比有显著差异(P<O.05)。体外抑菌试验和免疫学试验的结果说明蒲公英组、黄民和淫羊董组、以及蒲公英、黄民、淫羊蕾、桃仁、红花、王不留行、丝瓜络组成的复方药物组,它们并不是通过对细菌的直接抑杀作用,而是通过提高机体免疫功能而发挥作用的。一系列的试验可得出以下结果:葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌是本次试验的病原菌:由桃仁、红花、王不留行、丝瓜络、蒲公英、黄瓦淫羊霍组成的复方药物治疗奶牛隐性乳房炎疗效较好;其作用机理可能是通过提高机体的兔疫功能而发挥作用的。

【Abstract】 In order to investigate the effect of each constituents of the Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions in preventing the sub-clinical mastitis, we carried out a series of experiments using separate herbs of the conventional prescriptions in Black-White milking cows with CMT method. 48 milking cows of the same body weight , fetal sequence and the same duration of milking period were allocated to six groups ,which consisting of 8 cows. We had different management on every group. The Chinese herbal medicine in the 1st group were Semen Persicae and Flos Chatham, which had quickening the blood flow and removing stasis effects; The herbs used in the 2nd group were Semen Vicariate and Retrieves Fluffier Fructose, which can free the channels and quicken the network vessels. The 3rd group used Herbal Taraxaci, which had clearing internal heat and resolving toxin effect. Those in the 4th group were Radix Astragals and Herbal Epimedii, which had tonic (and boosting) effect. The 5* group was treated with a fine preparation of all the above medicinal herbs; Every group used medicines once a day during the term of 7days. The 6* group was kept as control group, without any medicine treatment. Milk samples were collected in every group on day 0, day 7,day 14,day 28,and day 60 for the CMT test , bacteria isolation and recording daily milk production. The results indicate that the positive rate of CMT, the number of bacteria and the milk production in the 1st, 2nd and control groups were not significantly different which showed Semen Persicae and Floss Chatham, Semen Vicariate and Retrieves Fluffier Fructose had no clinical effects on sub clinical mastitis. The positive rate of CMT in the 3rd group had no significant difference in statistics (p>0.05); The positive rate of CMT in the 4th group and control group had no significant difference (p>0.05) on day 14, but had significant difference (p<0.05) on day 28, but the significant difference was disappeared on day 60 .The positive rate of CMT36in the 5th group and control group had significant difference (p<0.05)on day 14, and had most significant difference (p<0.01) on day 28. Two kinds of bacteria桽taphylococcus and E.coli were isolated from the milk. The bacteria were used in this test. The number of bacteria in the 5th group was lower than that in the control group, and the difference was significant on day 14 (p<0.05). The milk production in the 3rd and 4th groups improved greatly 28 days post-management. The production in the 5th group improved mostly 14 days post-management, the difference was significant between the two groups (p<0.05). Above all, the medicine in the 5th group was the best method to treat sub clinical mastitis. We had the test of exoteric inhibited bacteria and some immunological tests in the 3rd, 4th and 5* groups. In the inhibited bacteria test, we set up the environment just like that within the body of the cow, and inoculate Staphylococcus and E.coli into defatted milk instead of meat soup. The results showed that the direct effect of the three groups were not strong. In immmunlogical test, we used Kun-Ming mice as experiment animals and used the medicine of the three groups separately for the mouse to survey the weight of thymus, spleen and the function of macrophages to engulf the chicken red blood cells. The result showed that the medicine in the three groups would increase the weight of thymus and spleen, and improve the function of macrophages to engulf the chicken red blood cells. The medicine in the 4th group would improve the index of spleen significantly (p<0.05) and that in the 3rd group would improve the function of macrophages to engulf the chicken red blood cells significantly.

  • 【分类号】S858.23;S853.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】393

