

Finite Element Analysis of Seepage Flow in Earth Dams

【作者】 杜二霞

【导师】 孙建恒;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 土坝是一种古老的水工建筑物,也是世界上建成的坝型最高的水工结构,它具有对地质条件的要求低,造价低廉的特点,因而,越来越多的人从事土坝的研究。在土坝的研究中,土坝的安全一直是人们追逐的热点,而威胁土坝安全的又主要是严重渗流造成的破坏,所以,土坝的渗流问题愈来愈引起社会的关注。在我国,一些修建于五、六十年代的水利工程,在当时经济、技术条件溃乏的条件下,都是边勘察、边设计、边施工的工程。经过多年的运行,其中许多已跨入“病库”之列,因此有必要对其进行重新检测、评估。本文正是基于以上原因展开的对土坝渗流的分析。本文采用有限元的方法对均质土坝二维稳定和非稳定渗流进行了分析,并编制了二维稳定和非稳定渗流情况下计算各渗流要素的有限元分析程序,利用该程序对文献中用其他方法分析的均质土坝的渗流重新进行了计算分析,比较了本计算结果与文献结果的异同,由此佐证了本文编制的有限元渗流分析程序的正确性。黄壁庄水库是建于五十年代末、六十年代初的河北省重点水利工程,多年的运行中出现了不少问题。在本文的实例分析部分选择了该工程的主坝部分为分析对象。用所编制的程序计算了主坝桩号0+850截面汛前和汛后最高水位的稳定渗流的情况和假定水位骤降速度的情况下非稳定渗流的渗流自由面的分布情况。由此得出结论,用有限元的方法分析均质土坝的渗流、评估已建的水工建筑物,具有方便、快捷的优点,同时所得结果的可信度高,是一种可行的方案,最后,提出了一些关于土坝评估方面的建议和有待解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Earth dam is an old hydraulic construction. It is also the highest type of dams in the world. Earth dam has the advantages of lower requirement to terrain conditions and less cost. More and more scientists are engaged in researching it. The security of earth dams is always the hot top and the serious seepage is the most important influence factor in all factors resulting in the earth dam destruction. In our country, many hydraulic structures constructed in 1950’s or 1960’s were constructed in scarcity of technology and economy. All sorts of problems have appeared in working of many years. It is necessary to estimate and study them once more. The analysis of seepage through earth dams is evolved by the reason of above. In this paper, the finite element method is adopted to analyze the 2-D steady and unsteady seepage of earth dams and the program about it is built. There are many examples studied with other methods in documents. In this paper, the same examples are calculated in the program developed by writer .To compared the result of this paper and the documents’ ,the veracity of the program is proved. In the end, the main dam of Huangbi-Zhuang reservoir is analyzed with the program built in this paper and some reasonable conclusions are drawn about it. There are also some availability suggestions proposed to estimating and inspecting the earth dams and the problems that to be further studied are presented.

  • 【分类号】TV641.22
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】670

